Comments 13

Re: Hardware Review: SNK Neo Geo Arcade Stick Pro - Better Than The Capcom Home Arcade?


> Capcom Home Arcade [...] has [...] a more agreeable selection of games.

Wholeheartedly disagree. The main issue I see with Capcom's arcade and what keeps me from even thinking of getting one is that IMO it has almost no games a Capcom fan would actually want to play regularly, and the ones that you would have been released elsewhere already. While this SNK arcade has pretty much all SNK games you'd want in a nice package.

The real question is just whether whether you prefer SNK over Capcom.

Re: Feature: 25 Years Ago, Nintendo Took On The Might Of Street Fighter With Killer Instinct


I regularly play KI1 on my Xbox regularly. In hindsight it's a really flawed and simplistic fighting game, but I still love it, I spent way too much time playing it in my teen years. KI2 had some cool additions, but IMO didn't feel the same. I hate the new one though, I want to like it, but can't stand playing it. The characters look awful and there's way too many effects going on.