Comments 12

Re: Sega's Western CEO Isn't Interested In Saturn And Dreamcast Mini Consoles


Hasn't stopped them churning out their 16 bit mini consoles. They're not a retro company sure but their hardware is. It's really a shame they aren't open to exposing more people to the Saturn and Dreamcast because they never got their day in the sun. The libraries were fantastic. They just use the brands to exploit for merch now. Considering they're relaunching JSR and Crazy Taxi it would make sense to me, plus buying for these consoles is a huge cost. I want SA2.

Re: Anniversary: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Is 15 Today


@Rioichi He's right though. It's a completely unique experience and a brilliantly coded game. I went to a talk with the father of Banjo Gregg Mayles and he said it's some of the best code ever written at Rare. I get that it's different and you don't have to like it, but hating on it doesn't make you a bigger fan or make the originals better.