Comments 34

Re: 8BitDo & Genki Collaborate On SNES-Inspired Genki PocketPro Controller


Having the button script for the multiple bluetooth connections engraved in the shell is pretty neat. I feel it wasn't there in past 8bitdo controllers.

@JonathanChapman I 100% get why, but as it is basically an 8bitdo controller that's already in production + some addition, I feel this particular project is more an advance order for a limited release (and possibly a way to use their past kickstarters as a leverage to their customer base) than a true kickstarter project.

Re: Miyoo Mini Flip Takes Inspiration From The Nintendo GBA SP


@-wc- There's such a big market for miyoo upgrades that you'll find specialty buttons in no time on the net, even playstation shapes buttons.

@Thomystic It's a button for going back to the menu and also special features, it's also present in the past miyoo mini models. But calling it a miyoo button is even better than "Menu"!