This is most certainly on my radar! I have been keeping an eye on this since I first heard about it. Will make a great addition to my classic gaming collection. I'm old school so I've played the majority of these when they first released. Ah, the memories of standing in an arcade with a crowd of people looking on. Young ones these days will never know that feeling... I sorely miss the arcades of yesteryear...
Comments 4
Re: Hardware Review: Capcom Home Arcade Is The Most Ludicrous Micro-Console Yet, And We're In Love
I’ll stick with my Arcade1Up collection but it is tempting.
Re: Atari's Attempt To Relaunch The VCS Has Just Hit Another Brick Wall
Did Nintendo buy Atari? I wasn’t sure since this is supposedly a Nintendo site... 😑
Re: Hardware Review: The Terraonion Mega SD Is A Truly Next-Gen Flash Cartridge
$258 USD?!! Yeah uh no. They can keep it. Good luck selling that thing....
Re: Hardware Review: Does The SNK Neo Geo Mini Outclass Nintendo's Classic Editions?
This is most certainly on my radar! I have been keeping an eye on this since I first heard about it. Will make a great addition to my classic gaming collection. I'm old school so I've played the majority of these when they first released. Ah, the memories of standing in an arcade with a crowd of people looking on. Young ones these days will never know that feeling... I sorely miss the arcades of yesteryear...