An all time classic game. Such incredible style, beautiful music and fluid gameplay. It's funny reading reviews talking about how short the game is. From a strict start to end credits perspective, sure, but I've been returning to this game for decades. It's just a fun thing to pick up and play on a weekend without having to make a 10+ hour commitment of your time. And, man, that Japanese box art. I want that art on my wall!
I don't know. There's a lot of multiplatform stuff on this list (Tony Hawk, Burnout, RE4, which in particular was definitely superior on GameCube). Sure, they're good — the sixth generation is pretty easily the best ever, in my opinion — but you could easily create just as compelling of a list of PS2-exclusive games (and I'm not counting later HD rereleases — just saying avoid games that were multiplatform at the time).
The delays are huge, but I HAVE eventually received everything I've ordered from LRG. I cannot say that for some other limited run companies. Also the quality of what I've received has been fine. I love my Shenmue III Collector's Edition. However, I'm still pulling back from these limited run companies.
I'll probably get it eventually. The price for the first one dropped like a rock fast. I just view House of the Dead 2 as basically perfect, so I don't really need this. Give me a port of Scarlet Dawn instead!
For all the years and years of hype that have built around this game (and I definitely have hype), if a translation does materialize, I hope I actually like the game! I am loving how many Dreamcast games have been getting localized recently. I still need to dive into Rent-A-Hero. I got a little ways into it with guides in the past. I would also love to see Roommania get a translation. Always curious about that one. It seems exceedingly "Dreamcast-era Sega."
I have tons of memories playing multiplayer back in my elementary through high school days, either with friends or siblings. Hours playing WWF wrestling games on Genesis and Dinosaurs for Hire and lots of others. It is funny to me that nowadays, split screen is kind of a retro feature when games include it, and people are like, hey, that's neat. It was just standard from the 16 bit era probably all the way up until PS3. Now I see my nephews playing the same game together, but they're on two different Switches, connected online. I'm sure that's fun enough, but it's not the same.
Of course, I haven't played couch multiplayer in quite a number of years. You grow up, get married, and then it becomes a solo thing. My wife plays games, but her tastes are very specific and single player (Pokemon, Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, Two Point Hospital, etc.). BUT I have a two-year-old son now, and my wife is due with another boy in June, so I suspect split screen gaming will return to my gaming life in the next few years. Looking forward to it!
I'm fortunate for the amount of space my wife allows my collection to take up in our house as it is. So as cool as these are, no thanks. But I will say if I ever had a chance to purchase either a House of the Dead or Ocean Hunter cabinet... I would find room.
Gotta say I'm souring on these limited run companies. Definitely pulling back from them in a BIG way going forward. I currently have two games just sitting in limbo. One I'll likely never get at this point, and the other... who knows. Maybe some day! Orders have taken so long in the past that I literally forgot about them. I had moved, and it got sent to a house I no longer even owned! Just not worth it anymore.
Ishin and Kenzan both have excellent detailed translation/walkthroughs on GameFAQs, and that's how I made it through both games. Even the side quests are well translated. It's nice to be able to play the OG version of Ishin in a less tedious way, but I'd honestly say I prefer Kenzan, which is still lacking any English version.
Edit: Just noticed the mention of a Kenzan patch coming. Hope so! More people need to play that game.
I played Bubble Ghost on Game Boy on a 100-in-1 type cart I bought off eBay. At the time, I didn't really understand that I was buying an unlicensed multicart. I just thought it was magic. How do all those games fit on one cart?? Of course, there were duplicates, but it still had a lot. Bubble Ghost was one of my most played games on that cart. The graphics are very pleasing on the GameBoy version, and it plays well.
Ps2 would have been my guess. Add another couple minutes to ps3 and ps4 because it seemed like I always had to update either the console or the game before they would start. I guess one of the benefits of those consoles being on the way out (or long gone in ps3's case).
I would personally cut it off at 2002, since that would cover all of the sixth generation game consoles and not just the Dreamcast. I'm sure most people consider PS2 and GameCube retro nowadays. I'd assume everyone here is included in that 14 percent. I know I am. I spent the money for a PS5 (mostly for 4K Blu-Ray/media capabilities), and the only game I've felt compelled to complete on it is Astrobot.
Yeah, I fell for this one and kickstarted. I mean, they do have some track record with Pier Solar, and I got that game. Oh well. I liked the idea of a new Game Gear game. Was not fully aware of the trouble with Genesis carts at the time.
If this does read fast, that would be great. I have a FreeMcBoot (or whatever it's called) memory card, and loading ISOs from the USB 1.1 ports off of a memory stick makes FMVs stutter a lot. The gameplay is generally okay though.
There are few genres that would translate worse into a non-touchscreen feature phone mobile version than light gun games... but still pretty cool. The graphics are actually pretty impressive.
@GeneJacket Hmm.. For some reason, I thought there was a PC version. Would love to play that game in 4K, but that makes it unlikely. Not really interested in one of Capcom's remakes either. They would remove the tank controls and make it an action game.
The memory cards weren't great, but the problem was lack of games. Despite what people say, PSP has a tremendous library, TWO GTA games, several mascot platformers, PS1 backwards compatibility (which having them portably was still a pretty novel thing at the time), etc. Sony put in the work. I reject the argument that Sony can't support two platforms when Nintendo did for years. They gave up on it when it wasn't an instant hit. They did the same but even faster with the PSVR2. Fortunately for the Vita, it was a modest success in Japan, which saved it from being completely irrelevant. Third parties brought a lot of interesting titles to the Vita. Yomawari stands out as one of my favorite series. Cutevival Horror.
@Leahi84 I was a supporter of the failed Kickstarter, and honestly, it had issues. I believe there was a stretch goal where in the game would become some sort of multiplayer online-type game. People, including myself, were actually hoping it did NOT hit that goal because we wanted a thoughtfully produced single player experience like Ecco.
Anyway, I agree that this could be simply trademark maintenance, but I would love if it were more. I think the 3D remake does not get enough credit for being a really good 3D adaptation of the 2D games. However, I suspect a new game would lean more into 2D, which is cool. Love this series. My dog is even named Ecco.
@Serpenterror I don't agree it would have failed. It probably would have been a best selling Dreamcast game. However, it almost certainly would have gotten the RE4 treatment and almost immediately gotten ported to PS2 where it would have sold far more.
Wow. What could have been. Not to knock on Sega CD because it is great, but I do wonder about if they had waited a year or so and released a Sega CD with specs more similar to 32X. Perhaps things would have gone differently.
@MegaManFan @KitsuneNight Maaan, this story is just so wild. How anyone thought Sega wouldn't step in is crazy. This thing is a PR catastrophe in the making.
I definitely do think that Sega has focused on the Japanese market since leaving the console space. They HAD to have a more diverse library when they were a console manufacturer, although, back then, the entire gaming industry was more Japan-centric (and better for it, in my opinion, but that's just me). I really don't care if they "reinvent" themselves. I enjoy the Yakuza games. I enjoy their Sonic games, some more than others (Frontiers was actually really great). But I'm honestly fine with playing retro games with the occasional modern game thrown in. Really hoping the new Jet Set Radio is good because that is a game I want more of.
@KitsuneNight Oh, no. I don't find variant hunting fun. I have one copy, and that's fine. I was fortunate to start collecting for Saturn in the mid 2000s, when prices were much more reasonable. Got a lot (though not all) of the whale titles back then simply because I wanted to play them. Getting Magic Knight for $80 still makes me laugh when I look at prices now.
@Wartogh They have stated in the past that a Saturn or Dreamcast Mini would cost more component-wise, and that was one reason they would wait on those until components got cheaper. However, I would argue that the PlayStation Classic failed because the game lineup was poor. They initially announced only part of the lineup and included all the big names. People were excited. Then the rest of the lineup turned out to be meh. No Crash, no Silent Hill, etc. The unique thing about the Saturn is that so few of its big titles actually ever got ported to other consoles. Not saying it would sell like the Genesis Mini, but I do think it would sell.
@KitsuneNight haha, I know. I picked up Panzer Dragoon for PS2 when I visited Japan. And if I ever hope to have a complete US Saturn game collection, I will have to cough up a small fortune for Sega Ages on Saturn. :/
@slider1983 They should. Hopefully they follow through on this, but we'll see. From my personal experience, Alone in the Dark The New Nightmare is a game I own from GOG which was no longer compatible with modern PCs. Apparently (have not had a chance to try) it has been updated and works now.
@KitsuneNight Indeed. Forever was kind of a failure from the start. We promise we're going to support the consoles you WANT, but for now, just these same Genesis games running worse than a free emulator. Ages, indeed, was quality work, but it was Switch only, which is the kiss of death for long term support. We know how abysmal Nintendo's track record is on supporting digital stores. Still waiting for them to do it right.
@RejectedAng3L @KitsuneNight Agreed. I prefer to own things versus a subscription service, but whatever form it takes, it should be persistent. They keep rebooting their retro line and then just rereleasing with fanfare the same games. GOG just recommitted to their "Good Old Games" campaign and promised to keep the games supported and running well in perpetuity. Time will tell if they do, but that's the kind of thing Sega should be doing with their legacy title (and, yes, branch out beyond the same 20 or so Genesis games).
I'm not sure it's even up to him since he's CEO of America and Europe. Just say no comment or no plans at this time. Saying you're not a retro company when you bank so much money from your back catalog is just silly. You can be retro and make new things. Ask Nintendo. Ask Capcom. Oh, and ask Sega.
Like others have said, licensing is very complicated and confusing. The part that I don't understand is how he didn't know about the song's use in many games. If you look at the wiki for Crush 40, they have been continuing to work with Sega on many projects since 2001, so how did he not know until a fan pointed it out? But it sounds like Paramount thinks he has some rights to the song. Hope things can get worked out.
@KitsuneNight Indeed. The Saturn doesn't look that big in photos, but, yeah, I realized how huge it was when I finally got one — especially compared to the Dreamcast. Of course, as you said, other consoles still outdo it quite a lot in terms of size. I had to specifically make sure the TV stand I was thinking about purchasing could fit the insanely huge (and hideous) beast that is the PS5 (and I even have the "slim" one).
I used to make a yearly pilgrimage to an arcade that had this cabinet and would play the full way through it. It's definitely a lost classic and would have felt at home in the Dreamcast's catalogue of arcade games. Always thought it was unfortunate that this and the Sega Jurassic Park arcade shooters (and the list goes on..) got stuck in arcades. It's great emulators exists, but having an official, easy way to play is welcome.
I want to be excited about these, especially for Onimusha, but we'll see. I worry that it will be another Souls-like, which is not my thing. Sonic Racing is always solid though. Kind of expected Dino Crisis before a new Onimusha.
Eh, it's fine. I am definitely a Zombie when it comes to Nintendo games because they keep closing their digital stores. I've gotten more selective about the games I want physical copies of, and I almost exclusively buy digital games when they're on sale.
It's kind of like the PS2. From a hardware perspective, it probably should have failed. It was hard to develop for, and the GameCube and Xbox were more powerful. But that's where the audience was, so devs got familiar with it and tools got better over time. Late releases look much better than the launch games. I'm sure the same would have been true for Saturn (and Dreamcast), but there just wasn't that much time for multiple generations of games on either platform. I always look at Burning Rangers as an example of what could have been. That game is fully 3D with transparency and impressive (for the time) lighting, etc.
Well, when they were originally going to use that messed up sonic design for the first movie, he probably didn't want credit for that nightmare. But yeah, it would be nice if they acknowledged him.
I love the Saturn. I really think it got a raw deal. Pretty obviously a better piece of hardware than the N64 (There are great games on the N64, no doubt. But people like to say that the Saturn didn't give gamers of the time what they wanted, while the N64 used CARTRIDGES). Marketing and in particular localization choices were just so bad. It's like a completely different console in Japan (where -surprise- it did quite well).
But even what we got in America was so unique, and unlike other famous console failure the Wii U, most of those unique games are still exclusive, which is simultaneously a shame and makes Saturn a more special console to collect for.
One thing I have always been impressed by is how comparatively good the Dreamcast looks upscaled compared to all the other sixth generation consoles. VGA mode is just amazing.
As for this feature, this is a very deep cut, but it's cool. haha.
Comments 233
Re: Anniversary: Panzer Dragoon Turns 30 Today
An all time classic game. Such incredible style, beautiful music and fluid gameplay. It's funny reading reviews talking about how short the game is. From a strict start to end credits perspective, sure, but I've been returning to this game for decades. It's just a fun thing to pick up and play on a weekend without having to make a 10+ hour commitment of your time. And, man, that Japanese box art. I want that art on my wall!
Re: Best PS2 Games Of All Time - PlayStation 2 Titles You Need To Play
I don't know. There's a lot of multiplatform stuff on this list (Tony Hawk, Burnout, RE4, which in particular was definitely superior on GameCube). Sure, they're good — the sixth generation is pretty easily the best ever, in my opinion — but you could easily create just as compelling of a list of PS2-exclusive games (and I'm not counting later HD rereleases — just saying avoid games that were multiplatform at the time).
Re: The Relaxing Hot Air Balloon Sim 'Kaze No Notam' Has Got An English Fan Patch
This is the first time I'm seeing this game, but OF COURSE it was made by Artdink! Amazing!
Re: Interview: "We’ve Certainly Made Mistakes" - Limited Run's Boss On Winning Back The Trust Of The Community
The delays are huge, but I HAVE eventually received everything I've ordered from LRG. I cannot say that for some other limited run companies. Also the quality of what I've received has been fine. I love my Shenmue III Collector's Edition. However, I'm still pulling back from these limited run companies.
Re: Forever Entertainment's House Of The Dead 2: Remake Now Has A Steam Demo
I'll probably get it eventually. The price for the first one dropped like a rock fast. I just view House of the Dead 2 as basically perfect, so I don't really need this. Give me a port of Scarlet Dawn instead!
Re: English Translation Of Cult Dreamcast RPG SEGAGAGA Is Making Steady Progress
For all the years and years of hype that have built around this game (and I definitely have hype), if a translation does materialize, I hope I actually like the game! I am loving how many Dreamcast games have been getting localized recently. I still need to dive into Rent-A-Hero. I got a little ways into it with guides in the past. I would also love to see Roommania get a translation. Always curious about that one. It seems exceedingly "Dreamcast-era Sega."
Re: Please, Please, Please Treasure Your Offline Multiplayer Buddy
I have tons of memories playing multiplayer back in my elementary through high school days, either with friends or siblings. Hours playing WWF wrestling games on Genesis and Dinosaurs for Hire and lots of others. It is funny to me that nowadays, split screen is kind of a retro feature when games include it, and people are like, hey, that's neat. It was just standard from the 16 bit era probably all the way up until PS3. Now I see my nephews playing the same game together, but they're on two different Switches, connected online. I'm sure that's fun enough, but it's not the same.
Of course, I haven't played couch multiplayer in quite a number of years. You grow up, get married, and then it becomes a solo thing. My wife plays games, but her tastes are very specific and single player (Pokemon, Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, Two Point Hospital, etc.). BUT I have a two-year-old son now, and my wife is due with another boy in June, so I suspect split screen gaming will return to my gaming life in the next few years. Looking forward to it!
Re: "Untouched" Fighting Vipers Cabs Discovered In Warehouse 30 Years On, But With A Catch
I'm fortunate for the amount of space my wife allows my collection to take up in our house as it is. So as cool as these are, no thanks. But I will say if I ever had a chance to purchase either a House of the Dead or Ocean Hunter cabinet... I would find room.
Re: "This Cartridge Is A Tiny Time Bomb" - Limited Run Accused Of Selling Carts Which Can Damage Your NES
Gotta say I'm souring on these limited run companies. Definitely pulling back from them in a BIG way going forward. I currently have two games just sitting in limbo. One I'll likely never get at this point, and the other... who knows. Maybe some day! Orders have taken so long in the past that I literally forgot about them. I had moved, and it got sent to a house I no longer even owned! Just not worth it anymore.
Re: The PS3 Version Of 'Like A Dragon: Ishin!' Is Now Playable In English
Ishin and Kenzan both have excellent detailed translation/walkthroughs on GameFAQs, and that's how I made it through both games. Even the side quests are well translated. It's nice to be able to play the OG version of Ishin in a less tedious way, but I'd honestly say I prefer Kenzan, which is still lacking any English version.
Edit: Just noticed the mention of a Kenzan patch coming. Hope so! More people need to play that game.
Re: Did You Know That Dreamcast Has A Hidden Menu System?
The game can also add a puyo themed background image to the menu, which no other game did for some reason.
Re: Tiger-Heli And Drift Out Join The Polymega Collection
How about they work on getting me my light gun instead?
Re: 'Bubble Ghost Remake' Floats Onto Nintendo Switch & Steam This March
I played Bubble Ghost on Game Boy on a 100-in-1 type cart I bought off eBay. At the time, I didn't really understand that I was buying an unlicensed multicart. I just thought it was magic. How do all those games fit on one cart?? Of course, there were duplicates, but it still had a lot. Bubble Ghost was one of my most played games on that cart. The graphics are very pleasing on the GameBoy version, and it plays well.
Re: Which PlayStation Boots Fastest? (Here's A Hint: It's Not PS5)
Ps2 would have been my guess. Add another couple minutes to ps3 and ps4 because it seemed like I always had to update either the console or the game before they would start. I guess one of the benefits of those consoles being on the way out (or long gone in ps3's case).
Re: 14 Percent Of North Americans Still Play Gaming Systems Released Before 2000
I would personally cut it off at 2002, since that would cover all of the sixth generation game consoles and not just the Dreamcast. I'm sure most people consider PS2 and GameCube retro nowadays. I'd assume everyone here is included in that 14 percent. I know I am. I spent the money for a PS5 (mostly for 4K Blu-Ray/media capabilities), and the only game I've felt compelled to complete on it is Astrobot.
Re: WaterMelon Insists Its Terminally Delayed Brawler Paprium Isn't Dead
Yeah, I fell for this one and kickstarted. I mean, they do have some track record with Pier Solar, and I got that game. Oh well. I liked the idea of a new Game Gear game. Was not fully aware of the trouble with Genesis carts at the time.
Re: You Can Now Run Your Entire PS2 Library From This $50 Memory Card
If this does read fast, that would be great. I have a FreeMcBoot (or whatever it's called) memory card, and loading ISOs from the USB 1.1 ports off of a memory stick makes FMVs stutter a lot. The gameplay is generally okay though.
Re: A Trial Version Of House of The Dead's Mobile Port Has Just Been Preserved
There are few genres that would translate worse into a non-touchscreen feature phone mobile version than light gun games... but still pretty cool. The graphics are actually pretty impressive.
Re: Dino Crisis And Its Sequel Dino Crisis 2 Are Now Available On GOG
@GeneJacket Hmm.. For some reason, I thought there was a PC version. Would love to play that game in 4K, but that makes it unlikely. Not really interested in one of Capcom's remakes either. They would remove the tank controls and make it an action game.
Re: Dino Crisis And Its Sequel Dino Crisis 2 Are Now Available On GOG
Absolutely love the first Dino Crisis. Never played the second since it get away from the survival horror gameplay, but maybe I should give it a try.
Please, GOG, do Code: Veronica next! Always wanted to try the PC version.
Re: SuperSega Refunds Are Still Missing As Creator "Cheats Death"
He's right. Sega has done stuff like this before:
Re: Dino Crisis Spiritual Successor Code Violet Will Be Console Exclusive To Avoid "Vulgar" PC Modding
If this is what the devs spend their time thinking about and making business decisions based on, it does not inspire confidence in their game.
Re: Shuhei Yoshida Explains Why The PS Vita Flopped
The memory cards weren't great, but the problem was lack of games. Despite what people say, PSP has a tremendous library, TWO GTA games, several mascot platformers, PS1 backwards compatibility (which having them portably was still a pretty novel thing at the time), etc. Sony put in the work. I reject the argument that Sony can't support two platforms when Nintendo did for years. They gave up on it when it wasn't an instant hit. They did the same but even faster with the PSVR2. Fortunately for the Vita, it was a modest success in Japan, which saved it from being completely irrelevant. Third parties brought a lot of interesting titles to the Vita. Yomawari stands out as one of my favorite series. Cutevival Horror.
Re: Sega Appears To Be Reviving Ecco The Dolphin After 25 Years
@Leahi84 I was a supporter of the failed Kickstarter, and honestly, it had issues. I believe there was a stretch goal where in the game would become some sort of multiplayer online-type game. People, including myself, were actually hoping it did NOT hit that goal because we wanted a thoughtfully produced single player experience like Ecco.
Anyway, I agree that this could be simply trademark maintenance, but I would love if it were more. I think the 3D remake does not get enough credit for being a really good 3D adaptation of the 2D games. However, I suspect a new game would lean more into 2D, which is cool. Love this series. My dog is even named Ecco.
Re: The Making Of: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2's Surprisingly Stellar GBA Port
Was blown away by this game, though I didn't own it. I had Dave Mira BMX for gba, which followed a similar design.
Re: Blaze Announces Price Increase For New & Existing Evercade Carts
@PopetheRev28 Indeed. Prices on Amazon are often over retail.
Re: After What Feels Like A Lifetime, Amazon Is Cancelling Mighty No. 9 3DS And Vita Pre-Orders
Well, kudos to the people that kept their Amazon pre-order for that long without cancelling. It was obviously never happening.
Re: You Can Play The Dreamcast GTA III Port Right Now
@Serpenterror I don't agree it would have failed. It probably would have been a best selling Dreamcast game. However, it almost certainly would have gotten the RE4 treatment and almost immediately gotten ported to PS2 where it would have sold far more.
Re: It's A Christmas Miracle, SuperSega Now Claims Sega Is Totally OK With Its FPGA Console
@axelhander Dreamcast 2 confirmed.
Re: It's A Christmas Miracle, SuperSega Now Claims Sega Is Totally OK With Its FPGA Console
So I guess no refunds then...? Merry Christmas!
Re: Fan-Made Classic 'Sonic Robo Blast 2' Comes To Sega 32X
Wow. What could have been. Not to knock on Sega CD because it is great, but I do wonder about if they had waited a year or so and released a Sega CD with specs more similar to 32X. Perhaps things would have gone differently.
Re: SuperSega Boss Puts His Beloved Lamborghini Up For Sale After All Pre-Orders Are Refunded
@MegaManFan @KitsuneNight Maaan, this story is just so wild. How anyone thought Sega wouldn't step in is crazy. This thing is a PR catastrophe in the making.
Re: SuperSega Boss Puts His Beloved Lamborghini Up For Sale After All Pre-Orders Are Refunded
Wasn't the preorder only two dollars? I thought that was mentioned in one of these articles in the past.
Re: Sega Has Been "Losing Confidence" But Its New Boss Wants To "Make It Really Shiny Again"
I definitely do think that Sega has focused on the Japanese market since leaving the console space. They HAD to have a more diverse library when they were a console manufacturer, although, back then, the entire gaming industry was more Japan-centric (and better for it, in my opinion, but that's just me). I really don't care if they "reinvent" themselves. I enjoy the Yakuza games. I enjoy their Sonic games, some more than others (Frontiers was actually really great). But I'm honestly fine with playing retro games with the occasional modern game thrown in. Really hoping the new Jet Set Radio is good because that is a game I want more of.
Re: Sega's Western CEO Isn't Interested In Saturn And Dreamcast Mini Consoles
@KitsuneNight Oh, no. I don't find variant hunting fun. I have one copy, and that's fine. I was fortunate to start collecting for Saturn in the mid 2000s, when prices were much more reasonable. Got a lot (though not all) of the whale titles back then simply because I wanted to play them. Getting Magic Knight for $80 still makes me laugh when I look at prices now.
Re: Sega's Western CEO Isn't Interested In Saturn And Dreamcast Mini Consoles
@Wartogh They have stated in the past that a Saturn or Dreamcast Mini would cost more component-wise, and that was one reason they would wait on those until components got cheaper. However, I would argue that the PlayStation Classic failed because the game lineup was poor. They initially announced only part of the lineup and included all the big names. People were excited. Then the rest of the lineup turned out to be meh. No Crash, no Silent Hill, etc. The unique thing about the Saturn is that so few of its big titles actually ever got ported to other consoles. Not saying it would sell like the Genesis Mini, but I do think it would sell.
Re: Sega's Western CEO Isn't Interested In Saturn And Dreamcast Mini Consoles
@KitsuneNight haha, I know. I picked up Panzer Dragoon for PS2 when I visited Japan. And if I ever hope to have a complete US Saturn game collection, I will have to cough up a small fortune for Sega Ages on Saturn. :/
Re: Sega's Western CEO Isn't Interested In Saturn And Dreamcast Mini Consoles
@slider1983 They should. Hopefully they follow through on this, but we'll see. From my personal experience, Alone in the Dark The New Nightmare is a game I own from GOG which was no longer compatible with modern PCs. Apparently (have not had a chance to try) it has been updated and works now.
Re: Sega's Western CEO Isn't Interested In Saturn And Dreamcast Mini Consoles
@KitsuneNight Indeed. Forever was kind of a failure from the start. We promise we're going to support the consoles you WANT, but for now, just these same Genesis games running worse than a free emulator. Ages, indeed, was quality work, but it was Switch only, which is the kiss of death for long term support. We know how abysmal Nintendo's track record is on supporting digital stores. Still waiting for them to do it right.
Re: Sega's Western CEO Isn't Interested In Saturn And Dreamcast Mini Consoles
@RejectedAng3L @KitsuneNight Agreed. I prefer to own things versus a subscription service, but whatever form it takes, it should be persistent. They keep rebooting their retro line and then just rereleasing with fanfare the same games. GOG just recommitted to their "Good Old Games" campaign and promised to keep the games supported and running well in perpetuity. Time will tell if they do, but that's the kind of thing Sega should be doing with their legacy title (and, yes, branch out beyond the same 20 or so Genesis games).
Re: Sega's Western CEO Isn't Interested In Saturn And Dreamcast Mini Consoles
I'm not sure it's even up to him since he's CEO of America and Europe. Just say no comment or no plans at this time. Saying you're not a retro company when you bank so much money from your back catalog is just silly. You can be retro and make new things. Ask Nintendo. Ask Capcom. Oh, and ask Sega.
Re: Crush 40 Singer Suing Sega Over Ownership Of Sonic Adventure 2's 'Live & Learn'
Like others have said, licensing is very complicated and confusing. The part that I don't understand is how he didn't know about the song's use in many games. If you look at the wiki for Crush 40, they have been continuing to work with Sega on many projects since 2001, so how did he not know until a fan pointed it out? But it sounds like Paramount thinks he has some rights to the song. Hope things can get worked out.
Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think
@KitsuneNight Indeed. The Saturn doesn't look that big in photos, but, yeah, I realized how huge it was when I finally got one — especially compared to the Dreamcast. Of course, as you said, other consoles still outdo it quite a lot in terms of size. I had to specifically make sure the TV stand I was thinking about purchasing could fit the insanely huge (and hideous) beast that is the PS5 (and I even have the "slim" one).
Re: Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii Will Mark The Home Debut Of This Sega Light Gun Coin-Op
I used to make a yearly pilgrimage to an arcade that had this cabinet and would play the full way through it. It's definitely a lost classic and would have felt at home in the Dreamcast's catalogue of arcade games. Always thought it was unfortunate that this and the Sega Jurassic Park arcade shooters (and the list goes on..) got stuck in arcades. It's great emulators exists, but having an official, easy way to play is welcome.
Re: Round Up: Virtua Fighter, Onimusha, Okami, Ninja Gaiden... The Game Awards 2024 Was A Good Night For Classic Gaming Fans
I want to be excited about these, especially for Onimusha, but we'll see. I worry that it will be another Souls-like, which is not my thing. Sonic Racing is always solid though. Kind of expected Dino Crisis before a new Onimusha.
Re: "Only Zombies Buy Physical Games" Says Digital Code Retailer CDKeys
Eh, it's fine. I am definitely a Zombie when it comes to Nintendo games because they keep closing their digital stores. I've gotten more selective about the games I want physical copies of, and I almost exclusively buy digital games when they're on sale.
Re: Saturn Was "More Powerful Than PlayStation" Claims Argonaut Founder
It's kind of like the PS2. From a hardware perspective, it probably should have failed. It was hard to develop for, and the GameCube and Xbox were more powerful. But that's where the audience was, so devs got familiar with it and tools got better over time. Late releases look much better than the launch games. I'm sure the same would have been true for Saturn (and Dreamcast), but there just wasn't that much time for multiple generations of games on either platform. I always look at Burning Rangers as an example of what could have been. That game is fully 3D with transparency and impressive (for the time) lighting, etc.
Re: Talking Point: With Sonic's Movie Series Set To Cross A Billion Dollars At The Box Office, It's A Shame His Creator Doesn't Get Credit
Well, when they were originally going to use that messed up sonic design for the first movie, he probably didn't want credit for that nightmare. But yeah, it would be nice if they acknowledged him.
Re: Anniversary: Sega Saturn, The Most Successful Console "Flop" Of All Time, Turns 30 Today
I love the Saturn. I really think it got a raw deal. Pretty obviously a better piece of hardware than the N64 (There are great games on the N64, no doubt. But people like to say that the Saturn didn't give gamers of the time what they wanted, while the N64 used CARTRIDGES). Marketing and in particular localization choices were just so bad. It's like a completely different console in Japan (where -surprise- it did quite well).
But even what we got in America was so unique, and unlike other famous console failure the Wii U, most of those unique games are still exclusive, which is simultaneously a shame and makes Saturn a more special console to collect for.
Re: Dreamcast Is Still Offering Up "Wild" Tech Secrets, 25 Years On
One thing I have always been impressed by is how comparatively good the Dreamcast looks upscaled compared to all the other sixth generation consoles. VGA mode is just amazing.
As for this feature, this is a very deep cut, but it's cool. haha.