I don't really care about any of this at all. But they countersued him for a sum that perfectly matched his high scores? Were they taking this case seriously at all?
These are pretty much what's on Piko's Evercade carts, so once I get my Polymega, it's not a big loss. But what a strange deal to strike. These were advertised as being included games with the units. Unless I missed it, I never saw any note about them being time-limited. It's not what I bought the Polymega for, but that feels like false advertising (again, unless I missed an asterisk somewhere).
With as many great games as Saturn has, it's amazing to me it couldn't achieve at least GameCube/OG Xbox levels of success — as in, probably enough to break even but not much else. I remember, as a kid, I really thought Saturn had no games. That's a failure in marketing. I was a Genesis kid, and they lost me. I regret it now, but at the same time, their Saturn output skewed towards a little bit older demographic than I was at the time (six years old in 1994). I would realize my fatal mistake after picking up a Dreamcast in either 2001 or 2002 and remembering that Sega, at least at the time, simply made the best games. I picked up a Saturn soon after. Thankfully, that meant I was able to pick up a lot of these title before their prices started going stratospheric, though I'm still actively collecting for the Saturn and Dreamcast now.
It was obviously a bad idea to release an add-on that could potentially take sales away from your brand new console. Obviously that did not happen because 32x failed very quickly. Saturn had other problems.
That being, said, there is fun to be had on the 32X. Kolibri is a personal favorite of mine. Hummingbird shmups are not easy to come by!
I would put the Renovation and Jaleco carts towards the top. Can't decide if I like EDF for SNES or arcade better. For some reason, I suck less at the SNES version. Such a great game!
This is the last Xbox console I've felt the need to purchase, owing largely to the fact that this is the last console they made an attempt to woo the Japanese market.
Wow! An entire game hidden behind a password. I wonder if it has any adjustments versus the original release of Clockwork Knight.
I like these games. Like others have mentioned, they may not have been the right games for that time period. If it wasn't full 3D, the gaming press would call it "not next gen." And, indeed, 3D is what gamers were after. Also this game in particular was maybe a bit too cute for edgy 90s gamers. But, nowadays, go back to the 3D games released in 1994 and 1995, and I bet you'll find this plays a lot better than most of those games. haha.
A very underappreciated console in modern times. It's just a major pain to play in its original form. Retron 5 with Master System/GG adapter is the way, imo, if you want to play real carts. It even let me apply the translation patch to Sylvan Tale.
As for the list, happy to see Tail's Adventure and Sylvan Tale. Tail's Adventure is massively underrated. And Sylvan Tale, if it featured a different main character (particularly one that wears green), would probably be considered a classic among early handheld games.
Awesome! Don't care what anyone else says. Death Crimson OX is fun. I haven't spent as much time with Death Crimson 2, though the gameplay looks very, very similar, but it does have a large amount of text for a light gun game. Probably not super essential to understand the story, but the translated menus will be nice. Looking forward to it!
My personal picks would be Ridge Racer V and Ridge Racer on the PSP. While they might not have the most content, they are the ones that I experienced at console launch and really got blown away by the graphics, and obviously they play great, particularly PSP.
I will note that the best thing about R: Racing Evolution is that the GameCube version came with a second disc containing Pac-Man Versus, one of the best party games ever.
I love looking through old magazines from the 90s-early 2000s era of video games. They are amazing time capsules, and it's really interesting to see how games rated back in the day. It's also nice because I was born in 1988, so my reading ability wasn't so good in the first few years of the 90s, so I missed out on a lot of those magazines. It was just pictures to me at the time! haha.
IMO, The greatest console ever released, and nothing has come close since. The Dreamcast had so much personality, and you can tell that Sega put everything into this thing. They did not play it safe. They released any crazy concept their devs proposed (I mean, Segagaga, an RPG about the financial troubles of your own company). Also shout out to Capcom, who definitely contributed to making the Dreamcast the legend that it is. RE: Code Veronica is still the peak of the Resident Evil series for me.
@dmcc0 Yeah, I have the physical GBA cart ordered, too. I will get over it, but I think it's not the best form to make the game available elsewhere before the backers who made it possible get their copies. But I'm glad to hear it's a good game!
How about you make Grandia IV instead, you cowards! Game Arts has been surviving on rereleases of their classic titles for years. Sad to see. It doesn't even look like they're releasing Japan-only trash mobile games.
@WoottWinds Fishing Resort! I love that game. It's so chill, and the motion controls work quite well. Yuji Naka put out some cool stuff on Wii, with Fishing Resort, Let's Tap (that theme song!), Rodea the Sky Soldier. Ivy the Kiwi is all right, but it's better on the DS with touch controls IMO.
This list is heavy on the first party, but it is a good list. The Wii is not my favorite console, but I do still go back to it. It's also special for being the first console I bought with my own money after becoming an "adult."
Currently playing through Fatal Frame 4 on it with the translation patch. Also a shout out to Elebits. The game doesn't deserve on this list, but it is one of my favorites on the system. The controls can be frustrating, but it is a game like no other.
I like the size and form factor. The triggers look a little uncomfortable, but otherwise, it looks good. I doubt many games in Evercade's library have heavy trigger usage anyway. This is a good replacement for the OG Evercade, leaving the EXP as a premium version. I honestly wonder if this will negatively impact sales of the EXP. I'm in for the Taito version.
I really love this game, but I could never get into its sequels. I just recently revisited Warrior Within, and they really lost the magic.
I actually did enjoy the 2008 reboot Prince of Persia. It prioritized the best part of the game, the platforming, and deprioritized the worst, the combat (though there is still combat, and it's.. okay.). It's also a testament to why modern gaming has become so stale, when a game that sells 2.5 million is considered a "dead end."
@Poodlestargenerica Yes, that would make it a lot easier to emulate. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be full speed on my Retroid Pocket 2s. Kind of surprising since the graphics are fairly basic. Probably going to end up playing it on real hardware.
I appreciate the dev's hard work on this. I've been following its progress on their Twitter, and they even edited signs to include English letters along with the original Japanese text. Very thorough work!
@-wc- Switch plus Steam Deck is a legit setup to cover modern gaming. I don't do a ton of modern gaming, but that almost completely covers you. I honestly can't think of a single Xbox Series or PS5 exclusive that I'm missing, especially since Sony has started PC releases.
@smoreon If you are a fan of Shenmue, Shenmue III is worth your time. I would compare it to the first Shenmue where, arguably, not a whole lot happened plot-wise, as it was just the first chapter in the story (while Shenmue II contained a few chapters). Shenmue III had a couple chapters, but it really felt like it was fleshing out the story for Shenmue IV, which will be more action packed, like Shenmue II. Whether that was the best idea... Well, I love Shenmue, so I ate up every second. The ending was kind of a letdown, but it did get me excited for IV, if that ever happens. -_-
The Sega Genesis is my most nostalgic console by far. It is where my gaming story began, and it is the reason I've been passionate about gaming — and Sega games in particular — my whole life. I go through this list, and I realize how many stone cold classics there are. The list almost makes itself, and it could be twice as long easily!
Edit: Case in point, this list needs more Ecco the Dolphin. But it's still a great list!
I have very little experience with Castlevania. I've tried a couple of the games, but that's about it. After getting the PC Engine/TurboGrafx Mini, however, I played and completed this game. It's very good and held up to the hype I heard for years.
@Porco Frankly, outside of very old consoles like SNES/Genesis, the free emulators are all a pain in the neck to get running. Especially things like Saturn and N64. This is a plug and play emulation option, and it allows you to install your entire collection to the device. I have very, very expensive Saturn games that my one year old will eventually want to play. I will feel much better having him load it on the Polymega than grabbing my copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga. I know that's a very niche use case, but it's a selling point for me. It also plays some very obscure consoles, like the TurboGrafx CD and Neo Geo CD, which is nice.
Now, if there's a market large enough to sustain this very expensive retro console (now $799 for the full set)... well, I just hope I get my preorder.
I love the Sega CD, and I hate when it gets lumped together with the 32X as a "failure." It was a niche product at the time. While CDs would eventually become mainstream, they were pretty bleeding edge at the time. I wanted one badly, but when you're relying on birthdays and Christmases to get these big items, it just never happened back then.
I would disagree with a couple inclusions on this list, like Monkeys Island and Night Trap. Those were significant at the time, but I would not really recommend those to people trying the platform now. But otherwise, great list! The Sega CD is underrated, in my opinion. It just sucks how expensive some of these games have become today.
It's just the opening area of MGS, which is a fairly small area. Surely the Saturn could pull that off just fine. The rest, who knows. Looking at the Shenmue prototype for Saturn (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foZUcPQAMvg), I'd say it probably could. Later games on platforms always look better as the tools improve and devs become more used to the hardware, but Saturn development really got cut short by the Dreamcast launch in 1998. It's still one of my favorite consoles regardless!
As for this video being legit, unless he allows others to try it, I'm skeptical.
I played a decent amount of this game but never finished it for some reason. I enjoyed what I played, and I hope to revisit it eventually. I remember the talk about Silicon Knights being the next big studio after this game came out, but that didn't really pan out.
@XiaoShao I agree! I was thrilled when they announced the Lynx carts because that's a console I never experienced. And sure, emulation can give you access to everything, but owning an officially licensed version somehow makes it feel more worth my time.
And the Jaguar should be experienced by more people. Almost all of its polygon-based games are bad but in a formative years of 3D, "we have no idea what we're doing" kind of way that makes them interesting. And some of them are genuinely fun.
@samuelvictor Yeah, my brother went all-in on the Jaguar and bought the CD as well. I want to say it actually came with Myst and Blue Lightning. He also had a game called Vid Grid, I think, where music videos were divided into squares and scrambled and you had to move them around to make the video display correctly. Less a game and more showing off the fact it could play full motion video, but, admittedly, I was impressed! He also had a Highlander game that was maybe just a demo... It was really bad, and I don't know if it ever released the full game.
As far as I know, his Jag CD still works. You need to place a book on it to keep the drive door closed, but not the biggest deal.
@XiaoShao Would love to see this, but you know the best game for the system (Aliens vs Predator) would not be included. But would love to see Tempest 2000 and Ruiner Pinball, etc. My brother was one of the few people who bought the system at (or near) launch, so I do have some fond memories.
This is the only Silent Hill I've completed, so I can't compare it to the main entries, though I know it's very different. This game left a huge impact on me when I played it over a decade ago, I guess. The helplessness in "combat" and listening to voices through the Wii remote, the way the environment reacted to your choices... it was really great. As with many games that really embraced the Wii's gimmicks, I wonder how it holds up today. I will return to it eventually. I seriously loved this game.
Really enjoyed Moon, and this is clearly following that art style. Definite buy for me. I hope the physical is available day one. I hate having to choose between buying twice or waiting for a physical to be listed for preorder and then receive it almost a year after the game releases. Annoying.
A fair list. I was a big GameCube fan back in the day, picking that as my "preferred" console for multi-platform games (until they started skipping the GC versions once its popularity waned). That controller is still one of my favorite. The button layout was smart, and they should have stuck with it, IMO.
I would personally disagree that Skies of Arcadia Legends is the best way to play that game, though it's complicated. They reduced the number of random encounters, which is a big plus. The Dreamcast version was a bit excessive. But to my ear, they destroyed the music on GC. The Dreamcast game came on two GD-ROMs (each with 1.2 GB), but the GameCube game was on a single 1.5 GB mini DVD. Something's gotta give, and I've never been able to tolerate the downgraded audio. I always end up picking the DC version.
I appreciate the hard work translating this. I did enjoy Hotel Dusk, so I'll have to check it out. Kind of surprised this didn't release in the US, since Sega loved their FMV games.
Greatest console of all time! This is a good list, but of course, it doesn't even scratch the surface. Despite its short life, Dreamcast has an amazing library. So much creativity. Though they did a much better job than with the Saturn of bringing the best games to the West, it's still worth exploring the Japan-only library, which is of course much larger. Tokyo Bus Guide — one of the most simultaneously relaxing and insanely frustrating games I've ever played. Lack of Love — if that game came out once indie games became popular, it would be a cult classic. So many shmups! I could go on and on and on.
It's a mix. I play games on my Retroid, particularly translation-patched games. Plus the machine translation feature on RetroArch is just incredible. However, there is never a substitute for real hardware, so I do play the OG consoles quite a lot, either on a CRT or with upscaling HDMI cables.
This announcement came out of nowhere, but I'm very pleased it did. Mine arrived a few days ago. I do really wish 8BitDo would differentiate the wireless adapters somehow. I have a million of them, and they all look the same!
I wish I had picked up one of these when I visited Japan. I will own one some day! Honestly, the naming convention of early Japan-only Sega hardware confused me until I took the time to research it. SG-1000, SC-3000, Mark III. What a mess.
I love that Sega does this, especially these new home ports like this and Motor Raid. It would be nice if they were easier to access outside of the game, but I'll take what I can get!
There's no question that these are good games, and I played and enjoyed several of them. But it really is the weakest of Nintendo's handheld consoles, in my opinion. Considering it came out almost 10 years after the original Game Boy, it was a really minor update.
I remember the first time I saw a PSP. I was a senior in high school, and my one classmate had it and whichever Spiderman game released at launch. Not sure if that was a good game, but I was legitimately blown away. Add to that the pretty weak launch lineup for DS (Super Mario 64 DS — a game that was designed for analog on a console without an analog stick), and I thought Nintendo was finished. Didn't turn out that way, but the PSP didn't do half bad!
I had a lot of fun with the PSP. It has probably my favorite version of Ridge Racer on it. My original PSP did have some stuck pixels that I tried very hard to unstick but never could. But still, very ahead of its time. The homebrew scene was really fun, too. Still have a lot of games to return to on it. There have been some great translations released for it in the past couple years, so I've been enjoying that (The Yakuza spinoff games, Disaster Report 3...)
I have a soft spot for the OG Xbox (not really a fan off any of its follow-ups). So many Sega titles got shifted over to Xbox after the cancellation of the Dreamcast that it was almost a Dreamcast 2 — at least initially. Sega started spreading their properties around as the generation dragged along. But there are still games that require me to always have a working OG Xbox around, Shenmue II, JSRF, Orta, Outrun, etc. Plus there are a lot of other exclusives. It's an interesting platform and, probably because it's fairly unpopular nowadays, still pretty cheap to collect for!
Recreating WiiConnect24 is very cool, just like the efforts to get Dreamcast games back online. As others have said, it is tough to recreate the experience of the remote and sensor bar. I know it can be done, but it's a lot of work. I just recently reconnected my Wii to a CRT and have been really enjoying it. Mario Galaxy 2 still looks and feels great.
Interesting list with some deep cuts on it. I still need to play so many of these. Including Sticker Star is an interesting choice. The internet seems to hate that game, but I did enjoy it.
Comments 233
Re: Twin Galaxies Restores Billy Mitchell's Donkey Kong Scores To "Historical Database"
I don't really care about any of this at all. But they countersued him for a sum that perfectly matched his high scores? Were they taking this case seriously at all?
Re: Polymega's Latest Update Removes Some Pre-Installed Games
These are pretty much what's on Piko's Evercade carts, so once I get my Polymega, it's not a big loss. But what a strange deal to strike. These were advertised as being included games with the units. Unless I missed it, I never saw any note about them being time-limited. It's not what I bought the Polymega for, but that feels like false advertising (again, unless I missed an asterisk somewhere).
Re: Best Sega Saturn Games Of All Time
With as many great games as Saturn has, it's amazing to me it couldn't achieve at least GameCube/OG Xbox levels of success — as in, probably enough to break even but not much else. I remember, as a kid, I really thought Saturn had no games. That's a failure in marketing. I was a Genesis kid, and they lost me. I regret it now, but at the same time, their Saturn output skewed towards a little bit older demographic than I was at the time (six years old in 1994). I would realize my fatal mistake after picking up a Dreamcast in either 2001 or 2002 and remembering that Sega, at least at the time, simply made the best games. I picked up a Saturn soon after. Thankfully, that meant I was able to pick up a lot of these title before their prices started going stratospheric, though I'm still actively collecting for the Saturn and Dreamcast now.
Re: Best Sega 32X Games Of All Time
It was obviously a bad idea to release an add-on that could potentially take sales away from your brand new console. Obviously that did not happen because 32x failed very quickly. Saturn had other problems.
That being, said, there is fun to be had on the 32X. Kolibri is a personal favorite of mine. Hummingbird shmups are not easy to come by!
Re: Best Evercade Games, Ranked By You
I would put the Renovation and Jaleco carts towards the top. Can't decide if I like EDF for SNES or arcade better. For some reason, I suck less at the SNES version. Such a great game!
Re: Best Xbox 360 Games Of All Time
This is the last Xbox console I've felt the need to purchase, owing largely to the fact that this is the last console they made an attempt to woo the Japanese market.
Re: Clockwork Knight 2 Has Been Hiding This Amazing Secret For Almost 30 Years
Wow! An entire game hidden behind a password. I wonder if it has any adjustments versus the original release of Clockwork Knight.
I like these games. Like others have mentioned, they may not have been the right games for that time period. If it wasn't full 3D, the gaming press would call it "not next gen." And, indeed, 3D is what gamers were after. Also this game in particular was maybe a bit too cute for edgy 90s gamers. But, nowadays, go back to the 3D games released in 1994 and 1995, and I bet you'll find this plays a lot better than most of those games. haha.
Re: Best Sega Game Gear Games Of All Time
A very underappreciated console in modern times. It's just a major pain to play in its original form. Retron 5 with Master System/GG adapter is the way, imo, if you want to play real carts. It even let me apply the translation patch to Sylvan Tale.
As for the list, happy to see Tail's Adventure and Sylvan Tale. Tail's Adventure is massively underrated. And Sylvan Tale, if it featured a different main character (particularly one that wears green), would probably be considered a classic among early handheld games.
Re: Dreamcast Lightgun Game 'Death Crimson 2' Getting English Fan Translation
Awesome! Don't care what anyone else says. Death Crimson OX is fun. I haven't spent as much time with Death Crimson 2, though the gameplay looks very, very similar, but it does have a large amount of text for a light gun game. Probably not super essential to understand the story, but the translated menus will be nice. Looking forward to it!
Re: Review: Renovation Collection 1 - A 'Double-A' Selection Of Sega For Evercade
One of my favorite Evercade carts. I was a Genesis kid, but I didn't have any of these growing up.
Re: Best Ridge Racer Games, Ranked By You
My personal picks would be Ridge Racer V and Ridge Racer on the PSP. While they might not have the most content, they are the ones that I experienced at console launch and really got blown away by the graphics, and obviously they play great, particularly PSP.
I will note that the best thing about R: Racing Evolution is that the GameCube version came with a second disc containing Pac-Man Versus, one of the best party games ever.
Re: Iconic Issues: EDGE #1, October 1993
I love looking through old magazines from the 90s-early 2000s era of video games. They are amazing time capsules, and it's really interesting to see how games rated back in the day. It's also nice because I was born in 1988, so my reading ability wasn't so good in the first few years of the 90s, so I missed out on a lot of those magazines. It was just pictures to me at the time! haha.
Re: Dreamcast, Sega's Final Console, Turns 25 Today
IMO, The greatest console ever released, and nothing has come close since. The Dreamcast had so much personality, and you can tell that Sega put everything into this thing. They did not play it safe. They released any crazy concept their devs proposed (I mean, Segagaga, an RPG about the financial troubles of your own company). Also shout out to Capcom, who definitely contributed to making the Dreamcast the legend that it is. RE: Code Veronica is still the peak of the Resident Evil series for me.
Re: Review: Goodboy Galaxy / Witch n' Wiz - A Must-Have For Your Evercade
@dmcc0 Yeah, I have the physical GBA cart ordered, too. I will get over it, but I think it's not the best form to make the game available elsewhere before the backers who made it possible get their copies. But I'm glad to hear it's a good game!
Re: Classic Game Arts RPG 'Grandia' Coming To PS4 / PS5 On November 21st
How about you make Grandia IV instead, you cowards! Game Arts has been surviving on rereleases of their classic titles for years. Sad to see. It doesn't even look like they're releasing Japan-only trash mobile games.
Re: Best Wii Games Of All Time
@WoottWinds Fishing Resort! I love that game. It's so chill, and the motion controls work quite well. Yuji Naka put out some cool stuff on Wii, with Fishing Resort, Let's Tap (that theme song!), Rodea the Sky Soldier. Ivy the Kiwi is all right, but it's better on the DS with touch controls IMO.
Re: Best Wii Games Of All Time
This list is heavy on the first party, but it is a good list. The Wii is not my favorite console, but I do still go back to it. It's also special for being the first console I bought with my own money after becoming an "adult."
Currently playing through Fatal Frame 4 on it with the translation patch. Also a shout out to Elebits. The game doesn't deserve on this list, but it is one of my favorites on the system. The controls can be frustrating, but it is a game like no other.
Re: Review: Hyper Mega Tech Super Pocket - A Wonderful Game Boy-Style Retro Gift
I like the size and form factor. The triggers look a little uncomfortable, but otherwise, it looks good. I doubt many games in Evercade's library have heavy trigger usage anyway. This is a good replacement for the OG Evercade, leaving the EXP as a premium version. I honestly wonder if this will negatively impact sales of the EXP. I'm in for the Taito version.
Re: Anniversary: Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time Is 20 Today
I really love this game, but I could never get into its sequels. I just recently revisited Warrior Within, and they really lost the magic.
I actually did enjoy the 2008 reboot Prince of Persia. It prioritized the best part of the game, the platforming, and deprioritized the worst, the combat (though there is still combat, and it's.. okay.). It's also a testament to why modern gaming has become so stale, when a game that sells 2.5 million is considered a "dead end."
Re: The Long-Awaited English Fan Patch For Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 Is Out Now
@Poodlestargenerica Yes, that would make it a lot easier to emulate. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be full speed on my Retroid Pocket 2s. Kind of surprising since the graphics are fairly basic. Probably going to end up playing it on real hardware.
I appreciate the dev's hard work on this. I've been following its progress on their Twitter, and they even edited signs to include English letters along with the original Japanese text. Very thorough work!
Re: Yu Suzuki Would Love To Make A Yakuza 0-Style Shenmue Prequel
@-wc- Switch plus Steam Deck is a legit setup to cover modern gaming. I don't do a ton of modern gaming, but that almost completely covers you. I honestly can't think of a single Xbox Series or PS5 exclusive that I'm missing, especially since Sony has started PC releases.
Re: Yu Suzuki Would Love To Make A Yakuza 0-Style Shenmue Prequel
@smoreon If you are a fan of Shenmue, Shenmue III is worth your time. I would compare it to the first Shenmue where, arguably, not a whole lot happened plot-wise, as it was just the first chapter in the story (while Shenmue II contained a few chapters). Shenmue III had a couple chapters, but it really felt like it was fleshing out the story for Shenmue IV, which will be more action packed, like Shenmue II. Whether that was the best idea... Well, I love Shenmue, so I ate up every second. The ending was kind of a letdown, but it did get me excited for IV, if that ever happens. -_-
Re: Best Sega Genesis / Mega Drive Games Of All Time
The Sega Genesis is my most nostalgic console by far. It is where my gaming story began, and it is the reason I've been passionate about gaming — and Sega games in particular — my whole life. I go through this list, and I realize how many stone cold classics there are. The list almost makes itself, and it could be twice as long easily!
Edit: Case in point, this list needs more Ecco the Dolphin. But it's still a great list!
Re: Anniversary: Castlevania Classic Dracula X: Rondo Of Blood Is 30 Today
I have very little experience with Castlevania. I've tried a couple of the games, but that's about it. After getting the PC Engine/TurboGrafx Mini, however, I played and completed this game. It's very good and held up to the hype I heard for years.
Re: All Outstanding Polymega Pre-Orders Will Ship This Year, Says Playmaji
@Porco Frankly, outside of very old consoles like SNES/Genesis, the free emulators are all a pain in the neck to get running. Especially things like Saturn and N64. This is a plug and play emulation option, and it allows you to install your entire collection to the device. I have very, very expensive Saturn games that my one year old will eventually want to play. I will feel much better having him load it on the Polymega than grabbing my copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga. I know that's a very niche use case, but it's a selling point for me. It also plays some very obscure consoles, like the TurboGrafx CD and Neo Geo CD, which is nice.
Now, if there's a market large enough to sustain this very expensive retro console (now $799 for the full set)... well, I just hope I get my preorder.
Re: Best Sega CD Games Of All Time
I love the Sega CD, and I hate when it gets lumped together with the 32X as a "failure." It was a niche product at the time. While CDs would eventually become mainstream, they were pretty bleeding edge at the time. I wanted one badly, but when you're relying on birthdays and Christmases to get these big items, it just never happened back then.
I would disagree with a couple inclusions on this list, like Monkeys Island and Night Trap. Those were significant at the time, but I would not really recommend those to people trying the platform now. But otherwise, great list! The Sega CD is underrated, in my opinion. It just sucks how expensive some of these games have become today.
Re: Hobbyist Developer Claims To Have Got Metal Gear Solid Running On A Sega Saturn
It's just the opening area of MGS, which is a fairly small area. Surely the Saturn could pull that off just fine. The rest, who knows. Looking at the Shenmue prototype for Saturn (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foZUcPQAMvg), I'd say it probably could. Later games on platforms always look better as the tools improve and devs become more used to the hardware, but Saturn development really got cut short by the Dreamcast launch in 1998. It's still one of my favorite consoles regardless!
As for this video being legit, unless he allows others to try it, I'm skeptical.
Re: The Making Of: Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem - GameCube's Horror Classic
I played a decent amount of this game but never finished it for some reason. I enjoyed what I played, and I hope to revisit it eventually. I remember the talk about Silicon Knights being the next big studio after this game came out, but that didn't really pan out.
Re: Evercade's Atari Carts Are Being Discontinued
@XiaoShao I agree! I was thrilled when they announced the Lynx carts because that's a console I never experienced. And sure, emulation can give you access to everything, but owning an officially licensed version somehow makes it feel more worth my time.
And the Jaguar should be experienced by more people. Almost all of its polygon-based games are bad but in a formative years of 3D, "we have no idea what we're doing" kind of way that makes them interesting. And some of them are genuinely fun.
Re: Evercade's Atari Carts Are Being Discontinued
@samuelvictor I remember Cybermorph! "Where did you learn to fly?" is seared into my mind forever.
Re: Evercade's Atari Carts Are Being Discontinued
@samuelvictor Yeah, my brother went all-in on the Jaguar and bought the CD as well. I want to say it actually came with Myst and Blue Lightning. He also had a game called Vid Grid, I think, where music videos were divided into squares and scrambled and you had to move them around to make the video display correctly. Less a game and more showing off the fact it could play full motion video, but, admittedly, I was impressed! He also had a Highlander game that was maybe just a demo... It was really bad, and I don't know if it ever released the full game.
As far as I know, his Jag CD still works. You need to place a book on it to keep the drive door closed, but not the biggest deal.
Re: Evercade's Atari Carts Are Being Discontinued
@XiaoShao It was mostly really bad, but that can be fun, too. It was the first console I saw Myst on, and that really did blow my mind at the time.
Re: Evercade's Atari Carts Are Being Discontinued
@XiaoShao Would love to see this, but you know the best game for the system (Aliens vs Predator) would not be included. But would love to see Tempest 2000 and Ruiner Pinball, etc. My brother was one of the few people who bought the system at (or near) launch, so I do have some fond memories.
Re: The Making Of: Silent Hill: Shattered Memories - Sam Barlow's Wii Masterpiece
This is the only Silent Hill I've completed, so I can't compare it to the main entries, though I know it's very different. This game left a huge impact on me when I played it over a decade ago, I guess. The helplessness in "combat" and listening to voices through the Wii remote, the way the environment reacted to your choices... it was really great. As with many games that really embraced the Wii's gimmicks, I wonder how it holds up today. I will return to it eventually. I seriously loved this game.
Re: Stray Children Is A Brand New RPG From Onion Games For Nintendo Switch
Really enjoyed Moon, and this is clearly following that art style. Definite buy for me. I hope the physical is available day one. I hate having to choose between buying twice or waiting for a physical to be listed for preorder and then receive it almost a year after the game releases. Annoying.
Re: Best GameCube Games Of All Time
A fair list. I was a big GameCube fan back in the day, picking that as my "preferred" console for multi-platform games (until they started skipping the GC versions once its popularity waned). That controller is still one of my favorite. The button layout was smart, and they should have stuck with it, IMO.
I would personally disagree that Skies of Arcadia Legends is the best way to play that game, though it's complicated. They reduced the number of random encounters, which is a big plus. The Dreamcast version was a bit excessive. But to my ear, they destroyed the music on GC. The Dreamcast game came on two GD-ROMs (each with 1.2 GB), but the GameCube game was on a single 1.5 GB mini DVD. Something's gotta give, and I've never been able to tolerate the downgraded audio. I always end up picking the DC version.
Re: Fans Have Translated The Hotel Dusk Precursor 'Blue Chicago Blues' Into English
@GravyThief Pipooooooo!
I appreciate the hard work translating this. I did enjoy Hotel Dusk, so I'll have to check it out. Kind of surprised this didn't release in the US, since Sega loved their FMV games.
Re: Best Sega Dreamcast Games Of All Time
Greatest console of all time! This is a good list, but of course, it doesn't even scratch the surface. Despite its short life, Dreamcast has an amazing library. So much creativity. Though they did a much better job than with the Saturn of bringing the best games to the West, it's still worth exploring the Japan-only library, which is of course much larger. Tokyo Bus Guide — one of the most simultaneously relaxing and insanely frustrating games I've ever played. Lack of Love — if that game came out once indie games became popular, it would be a cult classic. So many shmups! I could go on and on and on.
Re: Poll: Handheld Or TV - How Do You Play Retro Games?
It's a mix. I play games on my Retroid, particularly translation-patched games. Plus the machine translation feature on RetroArch is just incredible. However, there is never a substitute for real hardware, so I do play the OG consoles quite a lot, either on a CRT or with upscaling HDMI cables.
Re: Review: 8BitDo Neo Geo Wireless Controller - It Just 'Clicks'
This announcement came out of nowhere, but I'm very pleased it did. Mine arrived a few days ago. I do really wish 8BitDo would differentiate the wireless adapters somehow. I have a million of them, and they all look the same!
Re: Celebrating The SG-1000, Sega's First Console And One-Time Famicom Rival
I wish I had picked up one of these when I visited Japan. I will own one some day! Honestly, the naming convention of early Japan-only Sega hardware confused me until I took the time to research it. SG-1000, SC-3000, Mark III. What a mess.
Re: Daytona USA 2 Is Finally Getting A Home Port, Thanks To Like A Dragon Gaiden
I love that Sega does this, especially these new home ports like this and Motor Raid. It would be nice if they were easier to access outside of the game, but I'll take what I can get!
Re: Best Game Boy Color Games Of All Time
There's no question that these are good games, and I played and enjoyed several of them. But it really is the weakest of Nintendo's handheld consoles, in my opinion. Considering it came out almost 10 years after the original Game Boy, it was a really minor update.
Re: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman
I remember the first time I saw a PSP. I was a senior in high school, and my one classmate had it and whichever Spiderman game released at launch. Not sure if that was a good game, but I was legitimately blown away. Add to that the pretty weak launch lineup for DS (Super Mario 64 DS — a game that was designed for analog on a console without an analog stick), and I thought Nintendo was finished. Didn't turn out that way, but the PSP didn't do half bad!
I had a lot of fun with the PSP. It has probably my favorite version of Ridge Racer on it. My original PSP did have some stuck pixels that I tried very hard to unstick but never could. But still, very ahead of its time. The homebrew scene was really fun, too. Still have a lot of games to return to on it. There have been some great translations released for it in the past couple years, so I've been enjoying that (The Yakuza spinoff games, Disaster Report 3...)
Re: Best Original Xbox Games Of All Time
I have a soft spot for the OG Xbox (not really a fan off any of its follow-ups). So many Sega titles got shifted over to Xbox after the cancellation of the Dreamcast that it was almost a Dreamcast 2 — at least initially. Sega started spreading their properties around as the generation dragged along. But there are still games that require me to always have a working OG Xbox around, Shenmue II, JSRF, Orta, Outrun, etc. Plus there are a lot of other exclusives. It's an interesting platform and, probably because it's fairly unpopular nowadays, still pretty cheap to collect for!
Re: Samba de Amigo: Party Central Features A Fun Reference To Burning Rangers
Make a new Burning Rangers game, you cowards!!
Re: Broken Sword Creator Says New Remaster Would Be "Impossible" Without AI
I don't really need another remaster of Broken Sword anyway...
Re: Best PS2 RPGs Of All Time
I love Grandia III and its j-pop intro song! Really miss that series and Lunar.
Re: The GameCube & Wii Emulator Dolphin Adds New WiiConnect24 Support & More
Recreating WiiConnect24 is very cool, just like the efforts to get Dreamcast games back online. As others have said, it is tough to recreate the experience of the remote and sensor bar. I know it can be done, but it's a lot of work. I just recently reconnected my Wii to a CRT and have been really enjoying it. Mario Galaxy 2 still looks and feels great.
Re: Best Nintendo 3DS RPGs Of All Time
Interesting list with some deep cuts on it. I still need to play so many of these. Including Sticker Star is an interesting choice. The internet seems to hate that game, but I did enjoy it.