

Italian Zzap! editor in chief

Comments 3

Re: Italian Version Of Zzap!64 Celebrates 100 Issues By Using Icky AI Cover Art


@Right_Said_Brett - I'm not even going to argue about this pointless 'AI is a steal' argument, unless you tell me exactly what kind of picture or artist style has been stolen here. Current machines (computers) are 'stealing' - I prefer 'learning', or 'imitating' - human abilities as like as older machines (industrial robots, harvesters, etc) 'stole' others, each one with the needed technique. Moreover, there's no independent human training as well: no artist learned how to paint without copying, imitating and emulating someone else. And this is obviously considered fair. Now that the same process is held by a machine (with its own faster pace), it became immoral? Machines are going to do what me, you and others can do. And I consider learning how to use them a clever move, than waiting that someone who learned this before me will replace me. Kind regards.

Re: Italian Version Of Zzap!64 Celebrates 100 Issues By Using Icky AI Cover Art


Hi! Many thanks for talking about us. But let me propose some better options.

For instance, you could write we are celebrating issue 100 of italian edition with a full color, 68-pages A4 magazine with 50 game reviews, an internal 20 pages mini-mag with cover art by Oliver Frey, or maybe with the authorized distribution of Planet Golf for the Commodore 64. But you chose to whine about the AI cover, which has been a last-minute choice (I won't explain here what has gone wrong with the human-made one we initially planned to use, nor I'll consider any rants about what we can or can't afford with our subscription price: our economic balance sheet is publicly available on our website).

Moreover, you've reported this as an habit, completely ignoring the fact that in our short life (15 issues are not so many, after all) we had covers painted by Jesús Antonio Martínez del Vas, Tyson Hesse, Trevor Storey, Vera Gentinetta, Alain Mauricet, Bybierre, Oscar Celestini and Simon Phipps, some made specifically for us, not forgetting the one from our beloved Oliver Frey on issue 6, when he sadly left us forever. Since our covers are in the hands of these skilled artists, I guess he's resting peacefully, after all.

By the way, Oliver was a thinkful genius who embraced classic and modern art tools (Planet Golf artwork is a mixture of traditional and computer artistry), so we can't say what he'd thought about generative AI. And, as Gerli and you should know, issue 13's cover (Tony: Montezuma's Gold) was the official game artwork. So they've been the ones using AI in the first place, not us.

Kind regards.