Comments 9

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?


@Damo I dunno, selling 3m units on a console which had literally thousands of games to choose from vs selling 3m units on a console which had about 300 western games over its entire life cycle doesn't seem like much of an achievement. Given only around 50 of those had positive (75%+ metacritic) scores, back in the day when 8 out of ten was a score for a game you should consider buying if you like the genre, I'd say there was a general dearth of choice...

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?


Part of the problem are these youtubers who weren't even born at the time of the N64/Saturn/PS1.

I can remember being distinctly unimpressed with Star Fox (mostly the framerate to be honest) after spending the preceding years playing stuff like Starglider/Star Glider 2, Elite Frontier, Carrier Command & Stunt Car Racer on the Atari ST.

When it came to the generation that followed the SNES, I picked up the Saturn and PS1 fairly close together, and the jump from launch games to second gen was very impressive (VF to VF2, Tekken to Tekken 2 for example) but when I picked up an N64 a year or so down the line I was wowed by Mario 64 and somewhat underwhelmed by the rest of games I picked up (to be fair I've still got my N64 and games, and have Mace: the Dark Age, which probably explains some of the underwhelming feelings).

Still remember my complaints from the day - screen like its smeared in Vaseline, console designed for Mario64, nothing else was remotely as impressive etc. Until the PSP came along, I don't think there was a controller as uncomfortable either.
If you delve into the August 96 C&VG you've got Wipeout 2097, F1, Nights into Dreams, Crash Bandicoot and...... Pilot Wings 64. Objectively, Pilot Wings looks awful. I know it plays well and I also know that I still play Wipeout 2097 to this day.

You wouldn't "get" any of this without the lived experience of the time and I suppose some of it is peculiar to being a Brit but I get bored watching people telling me things happened that didn't happen.

Re: Konami Butchered This SNES Classic, So We Fixed It


I wonder how the process compares to say having the Japanese ROM and the US ROM and simply using the latter to translate/replace the text on the former.

In the vast majority of import games I played back in the day, in game graphics tended to show "text" (signs etc) in English anyway...