Comments 102

Re: GCNET Is A GameCube Network Adapter That Fits In Your Console's Memory Card Slot


I have a somewhat embarrassing memory of being a 13 year old (or so kid) in the UK spending hours on the phone to the Nintendo UK hotline, asking them what I would need to connect my GameCube online.

While I wasn't too interested in what was available, I was keen on Splinter Cell's (or possibly one of the sequels') online mode in an upcoming release. Of course this was in the days of magazines so I only had that information to go on.

I remember that the guy on the phone would say things like, "when the game is released then we will know more about what is required and if it will have an online mode". Probably repeatedly becoming more exasperated each time.

Alas, the game came and while I still had a blast with it, there was no online to be seen.

This was the first time I became aware of feature disparities between releases on different platforms.

I never did buy a GameCube modem. Didn't seem necessary at the time. Kind of wish I did when they were cheap so I would have one now for posterity. But oh well!

Re: Meta Quest 3 Is The Best Way To Play 3DS And Virtual Boy In 2024


@RetroGames ah wicked, that's great to know! Especially that the controls are all working well!

Glad to hear you've got it all up and running now! I'm curious to know if you can play it with a black background with the top screen zoomed into a full field of view (having to look down into the abyss for the touch screen).

Id actually love to play Ocarina of Time like that. To this day I still think that game had the best 3D of all 3DS games despite being a launch title and an N64 remake. It just felt so deep and it was like looking through a window into another fully realised world.

Maybe some years down the line I will track down a Quest 3 myself! No money for it and no time to research it all right now anyway

Re: Evercade VS Could Support Analogue Input In The Future


Hasn't it had ps1 games on it already that it was worth doing this for?

Separate question but does this system support button mapping on 3rd party controllers out of the box? I know it's not analogue but I've had some enjoyment mapping digital camera/movement controls to dual sticks in on ps1 emulators. While it's not true analog, it does make the older and more awkward control schemes for certain genres a bit more accessible

Re: "Lost" Metal Gear Solid Mobile Game Has Been Preserved


I've been wanting to play this for ages but was never able to work out the emulation side of it. I even tried buying and hacking an old N-Gage 2 supported handset and failing miserably.

So if memory serves me correctly, this was actually released for the N-Gage 2.0 platform which I don't think was a single phone like the original N-Gage. Rather it was a platform available on multiple Nokia phones of the era.

I don't think the ROM has actually been "lost" for ages, I managed to find it online during the start of the pandemic. But beyond hacking original hardware, there was no suitable emulator at the time that I was aware of.

I'm just really glad it's available now anyway and I will try it out!

Re: 'Super Mario Collection' Is A New Fanmade Book Documenting Over 9000+ Items


I wonder if he has collected mario Easter egg stuff. I had a few bits and bobs many years ago that consisted of a mug, a tin bucket and just like a suitcase style tin. They featured portraits that were kind of from the mario 3D world era.

for some reason they featured Waluigi along with the main cast over other more prominent characters. Which is okay with me because I love Waluigi!

I still use the tin bucket as a pen pot and the mug is also used as a pen pot. The case style tin is at my parents house I think. I used to use it to store smoking paraphernalia when I used to smoke so it's probably got a few rizlas and filters in it still.

I remember when I was really young, so like the early 90s, we had this mario mug that had "one lump or two?" written on it. I guess referring to sugar cubes.

Re: "This Game's Pretty Fun" - Snake's OG Voice Actor Has Finally Played Metal Gear Solid V


@tameshiyaku when I first played through it, I'd totally forgotten that I'd created a character at the beginning of the game. I'd randomly made him look like Patrick Stewart so when the scene happened, I was like "who TF is that?!" 😂 But then I remembered.

When I played it through a second time during the pandemic, I made sure my created character was a reasonable facsimile of myself!

It is kind of worth a second play through after some time if you really liked it because the cut scenes change/get added too/subtracted from depending on the order that you do things in the game so it's kind of cool to see different characters present for certain events on a different play through. IIRC as well, a lot of the self-farming resources are tied to your account on the server rather than locally so you get a massive boost in resources earlier in the game from your previous save when you start a new save.

Re: "This Game's Pretty Fun" - Snake's OG Voice Actor Has Finally Played Metal Gear Solid V


I'll be honest, if Hayter had played a certain other role in this game then the voice switch for Venom would have made sense story-wise with the plot twist 'n all.

Honestly though, I love The Phantom Pain. It and Ground Zeroes are brilliant sequels to Peace Walker (and Peace Walker should absolutely be played first, the story massively enriches the plot of V as well as getting you used to the style of play - and to further that, Portable Ops will get you used to the style of play for Peace Walker!). MGSV as a whole is an absolutely brilliant addition to the MGS canon!

Re: Where To Pre-Order The Atari 2600+


@KainXavier it's been a few months since I tested it but I definitely remember a jitter. I also seem to remember that maybe one of them moves whatever is on screen at a speed so fast it's imperceptible to humans (or it just skips a bunch of increments 😅). I think one of the paddles might just not work at all.

I thought about opening them up and cleaning them but disassembling the dial assembly seemed like too much of a fiddly job that I didn't have time for at that point. As well as the concern that 40 year old plastic might be deteriorated and if a broken piece that's being held in place just falls apart during disassembly, I wouldn't be able to source a replacement/I'd have to leave the project disassembled somewhere while I wait for a replacement to arrive and also have a second lot of time to fix it. Which I don't have the long term space for.

It's good to know the new paddles work with the old hardware. It's definitely the cheaper and easier option rather than attempting to repair the old ones.

As for the new system, it'll certainly save me a 100 quid if it doesn't have a legacy display output. But it's a bit of a shame. I currently have the Atari Jr and it's in pretty bad nick and only has an RF output which is run through a VCR which is connected to the CRT with a SCART lead. This is iffy at best. Most first party and the larger 3rd party games are fine-ish but some of the more random titles will just completely drop signal as soon as the system is turned on.

It would be good if the new system had an output that has a cable with SCART on one end to solve my display output woes. Not sure if the original 2600 had this anyway but the Jr revision definitely only has the RF output

Re: Where To Pre-Order The Atari 2600+


I hope for a full suite of reviews for this and all its accessories after launch!

Paddles could be a good shout for me because my paddle controllers are just awful. I think they must be broken inside somewhere. Would love to see a review of these and how they compare to the originals

I assume everything works on the original hardware? Will the new compilation carts work on old Atari's?

Does the new system have old display connections as well as HDMI? Will I be able to hook it up to a CRT without using any adapters?

This is a long shot but I'd hope they redesign the carts slightly so you don't have to ruin a label to open them up to clean them

Re: Flashback: The Horrifying 'Scalper Shooting' That Typified The PS3's Chaotic Launch


I'll be honest, one guy buying 4 PS3s isn't really that bad in terms of scalping. I don't really have an issue with it like I wouldn't have an issue with someone who had multiple ps5 pre orders fulfilled who then decided to move the spare units on at their current and inflated value.

The problem I have is when people/groups use bots to buy every unit available and it becomes an "operation" rather than just some poor sod trying to make a quick buck. That is bang out of order.

I think the two behaviours would reflect the market value too, surely if every available ps5 was bought by a scalping operation, the price would increase dramatically (which it did). But if that didn't happen and the odd PS fan had a spare unit to sell then scarcity would be lower and the second hand price would reflect that accordingly

Re: Activision Might Have "Lost" A Bunch Of Amazing Transformers Video Games


@Damo oh yeah I figured! Just wanted to put the info out there because at least 2 of the games are still playable on the latest hardware.

I did get a bit confused though because I was thinking that if a 360 game was BC then a digital version is knocking about somewhere on MS' network (even if you can't buy it digitally like MGS HD/50 Cent/Orange Box) but I realised as I was writing that Devastation is a One game so it's entirely possible there's no trace of it on the network if it can all be installed from disc.

I don't know the ins and outs but I would have assumed that if the disc versions of the 360 games are available then they could rip them and put them through their emulator at the very least and make them available digitally in a bare bones state. Obviously that means no features that one would expect from a remaster made from the lost source code but it's better than nothing I suppose!