Comments 9

Re: Polymega Will Launch For Real This November - Or Earlier, If We're Lucky


So bizarre that this and the Atari VCS are both planning on releasing at the same time as the PS5/XSeX. Obviously a bit different markets but these things are going to get so drowned out by all the next generation coverage. Doesn't seem wise at all but I hope those that are looking forward to it enjoy whenever it (potentially) releases.

Re: Atari's Attempt To Relaunch The VCS Has Just Hit Another Brick Wall


This was a disaster from the jump. It was crystal clear during the initial campaign that it was going to end up here. I've been following this out morbid curiosity and every single step of the way has had blinking red lights that spell out SCAM. Hope those who gave their money aren't in dire need of it and that they learn from this.