Comments 13

Re: Fan Translation And ROM Hack Site CDRomance Is No Longer Being Updated


This site may have been useful for less technically savvy users but is still a danger to the romhacking scene as a whole since it literally offers illegal prepatched games instead of simply the legal patches that can be applied to legally obtained game dumps. This exact attitude of not caring about legality is what got Yuzu taken offline and hurt the Switch emulation scene as a whole.

Re: Interview: "Switch Has Been Big For Us" - Skunkape On Remastering Telltale's Sam & Max Trilogy


@JackGYarwood The mod uses the low quality audio from the original release and has animation timing issues last I checked. History shouldn't be erased even though any problems or misinterpretations as mores evolve should be contextualised properly for newer audiences IMGO. That's part of what makes retro gaming great, playing great games while exploring the past to learn lessons and make a better future.

Re: Interview: "Switch Has Been Big For Us" - Skunkape On Remastering Telltale's Sam & Max Trilogy


@N00BiSH I wasn't aware of the controversy regarding Bosco's original VA which lines up with the first remaster's release around 2019. That would have been a much better explanation than a black character should be played by a black VA which most people simply didn't buy. Thanks for pointing it out and although that is problematic, the circumstances around that controversy still point to some possible exaggeration by the media given the mores of the time where those recordings come from.

The time after the release doesn't matter, new people are going to check out the release all the time and the history shouldn't be buried just because of convenience. An option to let the audience think for itself would be respectful of the audience but I understand not everyone would necessarily agree with that. Censorship isn't something I regard as acceptable personally although the need to call out misbehaviour and changing the defaults if necessary makes sense.

Re: Interview: "Switch Has Been Big For Us" - Skunkape On Remastering Telltale's Sam & Max Trilogy


@N00BiSH They did provide what was a very weak explanation IMHO and modders restored the low quality audio from the OG releases with some caveats into the remasters. There is definitely more the devs can still do however and they have resolutely refused so far: release the high quality original voice recordings from the OG voice actor. This would largely resolve the matter as modders can add them back in and the devs don't need to provide it in their own remaster if they bizarrely still don't want to.