Comments 5

Re: Interview: Meet Naked War, The Wii Advance Wars Beater That Never Was


Like many others here i don't really like the artstyle but it sounds like an interesting concept that could be even better on the Wii U - thanks to its multitasking capabilities and the GamePad.

And amen to what he said about not having something like an undo button for TBS games. I'm currently playing Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars on the 3DS and really hate that when i just move and not attack an enemy there's no way to rewind.
That also was the thing that made the E3 showcase of Code Name: S.T.E.A.M look even more torn to me. In the one game where every step you make should permanently use up your turns movement points you can just go back and pretend none of it ever happened. If it stays that way in the final game it's quite the wasted opportunity. It could really profit from being suitably consistent imo.

Re: Feature: The Making of TOTAL! Magazine


Oh yeah, the good ol' times when you still needed a mag to be informed on games. More expensive, but kind of nice too.
And it seems i only really cared about the reviews since i can't remember anything else from a Nintendo mag. But TOTAL! does ring a bell.

If i had a non-Nintendo console too i think i'd always get EDGE magazine. And that other mag which is nearly the same whose name i can't remember now .

@Pj1: Could it be this one about the Super Play magazine ?