Comments 191

Re: Arcade1Up "Surprised" To See Its Cabinet Crushed In Apple's Controversial iPad Pro Ad


@Poodlestargenerica not sure if you're agreeing with that his ad embodies the wasfullness, or you think it is a comment of wastefullness that everybody buys nice but not needed stuff....

Anyway.. i thought Apple had moved on from 'your ipad replaces everything' to 'your ipad can be an integral part to support your creativity, and your creative projects' .... in that sense this seems more a commercial from 10 years ago...

Re: FPGA Vs Software Emulation - Which Is Best? We Asked Four Experts To Find Out


Thanx for the article.. handy to reference..
For most games soft emulation is just fine for me.. alwyas have my miyoo in my workbag..

But playing on my analogue pocket gives a number of games something (and setting it up these days is easier than pre steam pc gaming)

Now my set up is : until 16 via pocket dock, arcade setup… gc and wii on wiiu..some switch 360 and some minis readys to go, old consoles under a crt in the attic ( but not playing them that much anymore)

I am a big sensible world of soccer playing (going to world cup this year in denmark) and for that fpga is the only way.. amiga emulation remains timing wise difficult..

(The community has chosen a different path at least for the online competitions: reverse engineerd the amiga game so that runs on modern pcs…)

Re: Gallery: Retro-Bit's Assault Suits Valken Looks (And Sounds) Great


I saw a youtube video on it, but still confused, is this just the original rom (but then a release in us format (and no cybernator and censorship) and deluxe), or is there any link with the declassified ( which i enjoyed last year, for the new translation that offered

Re: Random: Did You Own This Bizarre Anti-Smoking Game For DS?


I have seen it on lots of places.. this was really the time where the DS was everywhere so this gave more 'serious' shops a reason to stock DS games...

Allan Carrs methods is very well known too, so i can imagine many saw it as a accompanying app to the book...

i quit smoking long before this

Re: "There's A Lot Of People Who Still Don't Know About Playdate"


I have one, and it's very niche, but it has so much personality... love the community fel and weirdness around it (but that maube around other niche devices too , the aduino boy etc)

for the complaints about the price... we're talking so little volume here, that it is just what it costs .. for those prce cuts you need volume... (but i agree in that playtime vs price my miyoo mini scores much better) and they don't 'need'to sell more since it's a side project for panic...

Re: Here's How Many Playdate Games Have Been Sold Since Launch


lovely the difference in game sizes... wonder if ever i can fill those 4 gbs...

and 2 games per person is nice too, seeing you get 24 for free ..and don't forget this is outside the games sold on (@damo maybe you sohould mention that in the article (oh you sore of do)), which was for a long time the only wat to buy games

Re: All Is Not Well In The World Of FPGA Retro Gaming


@AJB83 well we can debate over revolutionizing in semantics but for me it has gove new dxcitement to the scene with a new approach.

And agreed the the miyoo mini eg is so user friendly now for
Most things, but for other rhong eg amiga emulation (i play in the world cup of sensible soccer where timing is every thing) fpga makes a hell of a difference.

Love my software emulation solutions but now excited every week when i see the jotego updatss..

Re: Best Street Fighter Games, Ranked By You


@Serpenterror respect, seems alfully difficult to make a difference in your head between so many versions..

(personally i like the 3ds version, the xbox 360 sf4, and hate the amiga version.. such a dissapointment for little romanista back then)

Re: Review: Mars After Midnight (Playdate) - A Wonderfully Weird Work Sim From Lucas Pope


@gingerbeardman interesting to read this...
this seems indeeed like the ideal situation... (btw buy Matt's games, they're great!)

@damien is this site becoming a playdate paltform? kind of notsure what to think of the reviews now, bogutht the tetris clone yesterday (okay but nothing special) and began to wonder why it was covered.. it seems every playdate game gets a 9 here now, and it makes it difficult to choose

Re: Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story Is An Expertly-Crafted Look Into A Video Game Legend


downloaded it yesterday..

1. interesting to play llamatron as a twin stick shooter, completely changes the dynamic (far easier but still)... play the amiga version on my pocket at times...the amiga is basically ignored it seems btw,,
2. indeed dissapointed in missing his later work, since there are some interesting questions to be answertd, and i would have loved space giraffe on the switch (i already had tempest 2k , after atari age)
3. but happy to be able to play the Multisystem...

Re: Review: Gun Trails (Playdate) - A Technical Marvel That Takes No Prisoners


Love shmups and cherish my playdate, so i got this on release (and had some nice interactions with the developer, nice guy)… technical marvel, but have to admit it doesn’t click that much… it’s had from the get go, when my eyes are still getting used to screen… really would benefit from an easy first level…

Playdate is better at ‘playdate’ games i guess… but still worth a try for every owner.. especially when that novice mode comes out..

Re: Poll: What Is Rare's Best Game?


Good to see discussion, personally i really don't 'feel' the DKC games... and think they are and always were ugly (yeah the SNES can do pseudo 3d rendered things), for me the n64 games shine i think ... Blast Corps is a true original idea... and diddy kong the best kart racer of the era.. And goldeneye has been very important... ( not really feel the need to play it right now, although n64 shooting is very satisfying)

see of thieves i tried but couldn't really get into... imagine it is fun if you feel like the top dog pirate..