Comments 5

Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight


@chinhead You can't call the presenters as "the one with the charisma, presenting experience and games knowledge, and the two there for representation," then claim that isn't a disgusting take.

If you actually watch the show you'd see that Frankie Ward in particular was the one who provided all the knowledge (especially during commentary), so to completely dismiss her and Ty Logan despite their clear knowledge of the subject is basically saying that women and Black people can't present the show without being there for representation.

So despite just brushing off what I said before your wee 'white-men-only' rant, all you've done is prove that yes, as far as you're concerned, those presenters are a "box-ticking exercise", even when they're blatantly showing their credentials on-screen.

You've basically created a situation where anyone other than a straight white male isn't allowed to appear on the show without their presence being questioned, and that's shameful.

Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight


Absolutely embarrassing reading some of the comments here. People claiming the show was being too "political" purely because the people on it had the audacity to exist. The word 'non-binary' wasn't even mentioned at any point during the entire segment with the first contestant, and yet some people are acting as if they were trying to preach about it and jam it in everyone's faces (don't get me started on the guy claiming his four-year-old agreed with him that a show shouldn't be making political statements - aye riiiight).

The reality is that the contestant was simply on the show, made no attempt to talk about how they identified, simply played the game, got their joystick and left, but the fact they even exist is apparently too much for some people to accept. Absolutely embarrassing.

Anyone who knows their history knows that ever since it was set up in 1982, Channel 4 had a remit to provide content that "appeals to the tastes and interests of a culturally diverse society". There were people of all ages, genders and races on the original show too and nobody batted an eyelid, but now it's 2021 and apparently that means it's a "box-ticking exercise" if everyone isn't a white male.

Have a word with yourselves, some of you.

Re: Feature: A Tribute To Jason Brookes


Really struggled (and ultimately failed) to read that with dry eyes. Jason was one of the reasons I wanted to become a games journalist: his passion and love for gaming shone through in everything he wrote and helped readers like me nurture our own love of gaming. I have very few direct influences on my career and my writing, but Jason Brookes was (and still is) one of them.