Comments 383

Re: Argonaut "Hadn't Completely Understood" How Much You All Love Croc


Speaking of British studios not completely understanding how much we all love certain platformer franchises, Rare seems to have been in the same boat for the past 20 years!

I know 3D platformers aren't the huge, mainstream, top sellers like they were in the late '90s, but there are so many players who feel nostalgic about the classics, or who just appreciate the styles of gameplay that these games feature. The recent wave of 3D platformers should make this clear!

Personally, I never got to play Croc (no nostalgia here!), but I've always been interested in it, so a remaster/remake definitely appeals to me.

Re: Sonic CD Has Been Ported To The Sega Genesis


@NatiaAdamo Yeah, and I recall reading that the tinted water effect was missing because it relied on some specific hardware feature of mid-'90s graphics cards.
I don't think most of us realized we were playing the PC version at the time, though! Same goes for Sonic R in the same collection.

Re: After 40 Years In The Industry, Elite Systems Launches "eBay For Game IP"


@IceClimbersMain I wonder if having this as a common "hub" for IP sales could make it easier to track down the owners of a particular property in the future.

Quite skeptical about this service, though, especially if it's presented as shown here: you can buy "all rights" to Dragon's Lair, except it's actually just the rights to specific ports? That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. They really need to be up front about this stuff, and not leave it in the fine print, or we'll have more situations like that old anecdote about Microsoft thinking they owned Donkey Kong- or worse!

Re: Fan-Made Doom 64 Port "Makes Dreamcast History"


@mariteaux Yeah, I can't see the effect at all from that video. Someone should put up some proper HD footage on YouTube or something.

I'm hoping that this D64 port opens the floodgates and gets more devs really pushing the Dreamcast's graphical capabilities. There's been plenty of homebrew already, but most of what I've seen is on the simpler side, in contrast to the limit-pushers we've been seeing on older consoles.
I want to see what a AAA Dreamcast title from 2006 could've looked like, loaded up with normal maps and stencil shadows!

Re: Fan-Made Doom 64 Port "Makes Dreamcast History"


@GhaleonUnlimited Doom 64 is a worthy third Doom, I'd say- like an actual Doom 3, as opposed to the drastic departure we got with Doom 3 in 2004. Even before its resurgence, I think it was well regarded as a cult classic or ""hidden gem"" for quite a while... by the few who had actually played it.

It came out the same year as Goldeneye and Quake II, unfortunately. Releasing a simple, sprite-based FPS was maybe not the best thing for visibility, especially when it could be easily misinterpreted as a port of the 1993 original.

Re: Yakuza Dev To Receive Excellence Award For Sega Model 2 / Model 3 Emulation


@MetaJ92 Shenmue I&II also has it, and you'd only need to keep a 10 GB installation!

Also, just want to say that I'm really impressed that these emulations were included in these games. That's a whole lot of effort, effectively given away for free (though it is making me even more interested in the series)!
The selection is also a surprisingly deep cut, especially coming from a company known for mostly releasing the same handful of 16-bit titles all the time.
What's next, Sunsoft bringing back Gimmick and Ufouria? (The state of gaming in 2024 isn't perfect, but it does have its upsides!)

Re: Sega Genesis Is Finally Capable Of SNES-Style Transparency Effects Thanks To Clever Modders


@city952 You don't find it cool to see programmers and artists debunking those decades-old "x can't y" statements, just to see if they can?

Naturally, getting transparency on the Genesis was going to be a target, as scaling and rotation were before.
And on the other hand, we have stuff like the SNES running Sonic the Hedgehog at full speed, or playing a whole variety of Genesis music.

I get that some fanboys are overzealous, and maybe... let's say not exactly impartial. But then posts like yours are just throwing fuel on the fire.

Re: RHDO Changes Ownership, Rebrands As RomHack Plaza


@Sketcz Yeah, it can be a real hassle to get certain patches to work, even with some cartridge ROMs.
Though I can see why, legally, it's safer to offer just the patches. And, of course, it's a lot cheaper than hosting full CD and DVD rips for people to download.

But I've noticed a certain paranoia and zeal, even, in some circles, where even a hint or reference to anything tangential to piracy is handled harshly. By that point, it's not a legal issue, but... a moral one? Or a misplaced sense of loyalty? I'm not even sure.

Re: This RetroArch Audio Filter Makes Your Games Sound Crappy, Just Like You Remember Them


@-wc- Nope. I have the Wind Waker bundle- got it used, but it has an exhaustive list of contents on the box- there's only HDMI, though the console works with a Wii composite cable if you have one.

So you're right. It's apparently the first console to only ship with an HDMI cable!
Key word is "only", though, as the Elite Xbox 360 (2007) not only supported HDMI, but also came with a cable.

I like the wording you used: that Wii U was the first console "purpose built for HD". Those fake HD 7th gen systems can go jump in a beautifully-rendered lake!

Re: Did You Know You Can Play Time Crisis 5 On Your PC?


@wiiware Yeah, Wii U is a simple way to get crisp video over HDMI. It'll still be pretty pixelated, though.
From what I've seen, there's also some cool stuff you can do with GameCube games via Nintendont (homebrew for Wii U). which lets you play them with improved performance and I think widescreen as well.

Re: This RetroArch Audio Filter Makes Your Games Sound Crappy, Just Like You Remember Them


@RetroGames I know a few of these, so I'll start it off:

  • NES and SMS were fully mono, even internally.
  • I believe Genesis always shipped with a mono RF adapter, but the capability for stereo is there if you buy a composite cable for the Model 2. IIRC, Model 1 can't do stereo over its main output, but does have a stereo headphone jack.
  • Not sure about the launch SNES (I thought it might've come with a mono RF cable?), but later models came with a stereo composite cable, as did basically every console from then up to- and including- the PS3!

Personally, I used to run my consoles through a VCR to my TV, which was mono. At some point later on, when I had a stereo TV, I realized that this setup was still crunching everything down to mono, so I rewired it to skip the VCR and its cable, and things sounded so much fuller. It was just typical, muddy TV audio, but it still seemed so cool to finally have stereo, as I hadn't been spoiled by actual high-quality sound!

Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For A Volgarr The Viking II Dreamcast Port


"the ginormous world that Volgarr has to run through [is] this absolutely insane texture"
This part is surprising, considering how much tiling there is in the background graphics.

I'm guessing the devs found that it was easier to assemble the environment in a graphical tool before exporting it as a single image, as opposed to just importing the individual tiles into the game editor and building the levels there. This is fine on modern systems- or the Neo Geo, which is built for that kind of thing- but very inefficient and very different from something you'd see on, say, the SNES!

Re: Did You Know You Can Play Time Crisis 5 On Your PC?


@wiiware Maybe you already have experience here, but just in case:
Keep in mind that these upscalers are ultimately working with 480p video, so even the "good" ones will make the games look pixelated on a modern (especially 4K) screen.

Unless you use an emulator to play in actual, native 4K, you'll inevitably have to choose between blurry and pixelated, as that's all the Wii console itself can do!

Re: Genki's SavePoint Is Like A Modern-Day Memory Card For Your Steam Deck, iPhone And More


@-wc- You can get male-male USB-C adapters for about $5, so I guess it would be possible to just attach this drive to one of those instead... but it would have to be pretty light, or the weight could cause problems.

In general, this kind of thing is a big- and all too often overlooked- problem with portable devices, especially of the Apple variety: what's the point of an ultra-slim device, when you need a USB hub and other adapters to make it fully functional? I'd rather just have a bulky laptop that has all that stuff built in, as that bulky, singular slab is a lot more portable in reality.

Re: The 'Kawaii' Is A Nintendo Wii The Size Of A Keychain


From a practicality standpoint, it's hard to see the use case for any portable Wii, unless it's some kind of emulation-based thing like the Steam Deck. Way too many controllers, wires, etc., on top of the actual device and its deck.

Very cute, though, I will give it that!

Re: The Challenge Of Teaching Game History In The Age Of Minecraft, Netflix And ChatGPT


Oof... some elements of this are sad, frustrating, and making me feel really old (when I'm not even 40).

On the other hand, it's great to see game history being taught by those who are knowledgeable and passionate about it, and these problems of disinterest being discussed and worked through!
I'm optimistic, considering both this and the interest that a small number of younger gamers have shown about gaming history.
I think the potential is there for younger people to come to appreciate these older games and the accompanying context. They all just need to keep an open mind.

Re: The Challenge Of Teaching Game History In The Age Of Minecraft, Netflix And ChatGPT


@Mario500 I had a hard time even figuring out what you were talking about, but I eventually found it! There doesn't appear to be anything remotely offensive past that point, from what I can tell, so you should be able to continue on and finish the article- assuming that's what you're here for.

TE's material typically seems to aim for a roughly "PG" level of family-friendliness, however, so future articles probably won't agree with you.

Re: A Double Dragon Revival Is Coming To Modern Consoles In 2025


@Daggot Whether it's the originals, or DD Neon vs SoR4, Streets of Rage has always been better than Double Dragon, in terms of depth, balance, and polish. Though, in fairness, DD1 and Neon are both much older than their SoR counterparts.

Neon does have more depth than might be apparent on the surface, however, and is well worth another try- even just to play through it once on the standard difficulty, if nothing else. And I really like its presentation, especially the soundtrack!

Re: GameCube Gets Achievements Thanks To The Dolphin Emulator


@mariteaux Good points, especially this line: "they have made me appreciate games I've never cared about before".

It might sound crazy at first (and sure, there are people who will play a game only for its achievements, but that's a different matter), but I think this is really the secret strength of achievements: encouragement to play and appreciate the game more.

For those of us who weren't gaming in the early '80s, achievements are an incentive to take a closer look at these seemingly repetitive games and understand their depth a bit better, rather than simply putting in five minutes and then walking away.

And even for somewhat newer titles, they can provide an excuse to go back and play an old favourite in a new way.

Re: The Soundtrack To SNES Doom Just Got An MSU-1 Upgrade


@AFourEyedGeek Are you sure you're not thinking of the 32X version? That one had simplified levels and "fart like music", IIRC.

The SNES version was ironically more faithful to the original level designs than the other consoles' ports were, and the worst thing I could say about its music is that the guitar in "At Doom's Gate" sounds like a muffled cello. (So many SNES games had lame instrument samples with no punch to them. Less a technical issue than a stylistic one.) The slower, darker, more atmospheric tracks might even be better than the PC version, but that's a matter of opinion.

Re: The "Worst PlayStation RPG Ever" Is Getting A Fan Translation


"every sound file being normalized to 10 full seconds long"
Why, just why?

This is one of the great things about emulation, though. Some games are awful and borderline unplayable because of performance problems, and emu features like overclocking and fast loading can make these issues simply go away.

Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly wouldn't have been so badly received if it had run at a silky 60fps, already great titles like Perfect Dark and Blood Omen would've had nothing to criticize if their performance issues were ironed out, and even the legendarily awful Sonic '06 would have been more palatable if the loading screens weren't constantly getting in the way.

Re: Turns Out Shining Force CD Didn't Actually Need The Sega CD Backup RAM Cart


@LowDefAl Yeah, if there was a non-zero chance of it corrupting, then that'd be a game breaker. No point in making the third chapter more accessible, if the save could just go bad by the time you get there.

Or, maybe they were just being over-cautious. I never had a physical Sega CD, so I don't know how reliable the internal memory was.

In any case, I'm glad to have left behind the days of tiny storage media that can only hold a few save files!

Re: Meet The Solo Dev Whose Sega Rally Tribute Could Become An Official Sequel


What's that bit about "former Sega Rally composer Johnny Gioeli"?
I think that's a mistake... unless Gioeli worked on some later Sega Rally games, and I somehow never knew it. (Within the Sega fandom, he's best known for doing the vocals in a number of Sonic games.)

Otherwise, really enjoyed the interview. Here's hoping this game can see a release, with or even without Sega.

Re: Talking Point: Is Nintendo Erasing Its Own History In Its War On ROM Sites?


@Spider-Kev Oh, yeah, I get that!
Some have criticized the obsessive "hoarding" mentality around preservation, and while I get that a lot of games and materials have seemingly little historical relevance, I still have to disagree with the idea that these lesser-known things should just be dropped.

We each have our own favourites: games that we might remember fondly, and treasure as part of our collection. Maybe we want to see them remastered or re-released, or we're craving any development materials and prototypes that may turn up. And not everyone has the same short list of favourites!

My most-wanted prototype is an obscure one, as are many of my most-wanted games: games that other people may think are unimportant and not worth preserving!

Re: Random: Hilarious Puyo Puyo SUN Review Mistake Resurfaces Online


@Azuris My point was more that they seemingly had no clue what Puyo Puyo was, even despite there being multiple western releases at that time.

But yeah, that trend of calling things "Doom clone", etc., was especially prevalent back then- now we just add "-like" to the end of everything (e.g., soulslike), which is obviously different and so much better! The more things change...

Re: Soapbox: Here's Why I Can't Ditch Software Emulation Handhelds For The FPGA Analogue Pocket


@Gamelore If you experience struggles and difficulties in day-to-day life, then why would you want to also have virtual struggles and difficulties while you're unwinding?

I guess Cicero (who wrote what became the "lorem ipsum" filler text) was wrong about no one wanting pain for its own sake!

PS: I get the appeal of overcoming challenges in a game, having beaten some tough games in the past, and I also feel that reloading a state specifically is a mild form of cheating, but what is the point of video games, if you're not having fun?