

owner of www.videogameobsession.com

Comments 5

Re: Hardware Review: The Sega Saturn Bluetooth Pad Doesn't Live Up To Its Inspiration


This is why 8bitdo needs to start making Sega compatible receivers and controllers. I would rather use wireless controllers on actual Saturn/Genesis hardware. To be honest, if they made receivers, I would just buy a couple of those and use their excellent SNES pads on it. As wrong as that may appear. Krikzz makes a great 240Hz wireless Genesis pad + receiver. Its $60+ though.

Re: Hardware Review: Terraonion Super SD System 3 Unlocks The Entire PC Engine Library


This part of the review is a huge error and should be corrected ASAP...

" More recently, it has been discovered that the AC coupling cap for composite video is the wrong way around,.....[It's worth stressing that this only impacts people using the AV port for composite video, which is likely to be a small percentage of users.]

The reversed capacitor does not only effect Composite video, BUT ALSO EVERY CABLE which uses CSYNC.. (sync on composite). This includes many SCART cables, and all HD Retrovision cables!

The way Terraonion is handling this issue is despicable!
Not only did they barely test their unit before selling it, but after discovering this huge screw up, they tried to deny it, then when that was impossible, they tried to downplay it.

Own your mistake and replace ALL of the units on your own dime. Right away. Make sure all existing customers get their units fixer BEFORE selling out if the second batch of fixed units to new customers!