Comments 107

Re: Yuji Naka Killed "Dreamcast's Star Fox", Says Former Sega Producer


@Spiders In a perfect world all, or most, games would be seen to completion. But it's not a perfect world. Choosing what games to keep funding, develop and publish is often related to other business decisions. It's hard but sometimes exec's have to make tough decisions.

Perhaps they wanted to fund another game and had to free up cash. Perhaps they felt this game interfered with another studios title or marketing. It reminds me of Phil Spencer saying that originally they were going to publish Psychonauts on the first Xbox but had to back out because they already has 2 platformers coming out at the same time (Kameo and I forget the other) so they let Double Fine go. (Interestingly they thought Kameo was going to be THE big launch hit and didn't expect Halo to blow up like it did) Thankfully Psychonauts got picked up by another publisher. It wasn't that the game was bad it was just a hard business decision. A LOT of games get cut short well before completion, usually we just don't hear about it.

Regardless Naka saying it in Japanese with the people in the room is a terrible thing to do. That's not how you treat people, not surprised Mark's still pissed.