Comments 9

Re: Fan Translation And ROM Hack-Sharing Site CDRomance Forced Underground After Legal Threat


"There's been a crackdown on ROM-sharing sites recently following legal action from IP holders who take obvious issue with their copyright being infringed."

well, i have 2 more video game purchases then i will be going full piracy aside from ps+ (glorified rental and the paid multiplayer) and buying dlc for games i already have.

any future purchases will be via resell or third party sources so these companies get NONE of my money.

why? after 30+ years of putting money into this industry and things only ever getting worse, i QUIT! NO MORE REWARDING THESE COMPANIES!

if it's not malware (drm and kernel lvl anticheat), it's content cut out and sold on the side for extra profit (aka dlc) or microtransactions or MUH LIVE SERVICE BS!


i know how to get what i want for approximately $0.00! instead, i'll finally be ticking a few things off my to-do list like getting a few decently large external hard drives...

Re: Clock Tower Creator Didn't Know About Its Upcoming Re-Release


correct me if i'm wrong but this situation sounds worse than nintendo's hatred of its fans.

after reading samuelvictor and JJtheTexan's comments, this sound like something i would expect of china in regards to them making knokcoffs of things. you're just taking and continuing IP's without even notifying the creators of those IP's?

i mean, sure, it's good that the game is getting a re-release (even if it's being done by lrg of all companies...) but this is a nasty situation imo.

seems...wrong to me in how it's been handled.

Re: ClayFighter Fan Game Being Retooled Into Original Project After C&D From Interplay


Bellular News - 87% Of Games Are Dead.:

see the chart shown at 0:47.

that is the average % of games currently being preserved. less than 15% across ALL game libraries of ALL platforms.

the video game industry SUPPORTS and fights to maintain THAT status quo.

they do not WANT anyone to have access to or play old video games for ANY reason and RARELY provide a legal means to do so unless they stand to profit in some way and WANT that bit of money.

the laws people like to quote when defending the actions of these companies are the very laws these companies use to prevent you from legally playing old video games.

"but they're within their rights to..."

yes...they are within their rights to erase over 85% of gaming history and fight AGAINST all attempts at preserving that history in a way that not only keeps it around for but also allows future audiences to play those old games.

it is illegal to play pretty much all games released...3+ generations ago that are not being sold in physical form or via digital storefront.

and yet gamers DEFEND this.

as for fan projects. we're at the point where "so, how long until your C&D arrives in the mail?" is a serious, unironic, question for ALL fans of video games.

and people continue to defend this.

every single time ANY fan game or other project outside of artwork (or nsfw content) starts being made using any of nintendo's first party IP's... that project is on a ticking timer until it's killed via C&D. the best possible situation for such a project is if those working on it do everything they possibly can to maintain absolute silence and secrecy about the project until it's finished because the faintest of whispers could lead to nintendo C&Ding it.

and people will defend this.

there is no reasonable or rational defense left for these companies. there's no moral or ethical high ground left for them.

gamers only stand to SUFFER and gamers silence any dissenting voices or opinions FOR these companies.

Re: ClayFighter Fan Game Being Retooled Into Original Project After C&D From Interplay


tbh, the thing that always bothers me the most about this sort of situation is not the legality or that companies do this to protect those IP's.

it's that whenever anything like this happens it is NOT the companies defending themselves. it is people like @kingMike here stepping up to do defense FOR the companies.

"It's legal precedence. Even if it's a violation over a product they don't care much about, if Interplay doesn't stop them, it would make it harder for them to stop someone else copying another IP more relevant (to... uh... whatever Interplay is still doing these days... I didn't even know they were still alive)."


the entire flipping industry is ANTI-CONSUMER and ANTI-FAN outside of SO few companies that you could likely count them on ONE HAND!

every single time something like this happens it is freaking gamers and fans who step up to the plate to play defense for the companies AGAINST themselves AND their fellow gamers/fans!

EVERY single time!

gamers are not permitted to boycott or protest or speak out against these companies doing bad things because their fellow gamers shut them down FOR these companies!

take a wild guess at exactly how video game companies use copyright and dmca laws.


they use them to keep IPs locked away and punish any who dare to so much as THINK of touching or using them to create fan content.

actually you know more comment to go along with this one to help illustrate JUST how F'ed we gamers are. one moment...

Re: ClayFighter Fan Game Being Retooled Into Original Project After C&D From Interplay


25 years since the last game and they're still willing to wage war against their fans.

but remember, everyone. they're WeLl WiThIn ThEiR rIgHtS tO dO sO!

it always makes me wonder why people even bother being "fans" of video games when the companies that make video games would rather see the entire history of the entirety of video game MEDIA go up in smoke for nothing JUST so their fans cannot touch the precious IPs EVEN IF those fan creations are 100% free and cost the companies approximately $0.00 to make.

more and more, as time goes on, i am less inclined to EVER give any of these companies money for ANY of their products as that would mean i am rewarding this kind of BS with money.

there's maybe 4 or 5 games coming out in the next few months. those are the ONLY games to come out across this entire YEAR that have even been WORTH paying for after several major BOMBS earlier in the year.

and i'm not going to call for something like a boycott because i know full well that it WON'T be any company that shuts that down. no, it will be my fellow gamers who are stricken with corporate STOCKHOLM SYNDROME!

yeah, companies don't even need a PR or legal team to defend themselves against boycotts because GAMERS stomp out any boycott or protest started BY gamers.

that's how complete and utterly messed up ALL of this is! in every way imaginable, us, the people who actually pay money to purchase video games are non-stop Fed!

i've been a gamer for over 25 years (i'm 35 now). i grew up during the end of the revival age of games (nes aka 3rd generation) and throughout the golden age of games (the sega vs nintendo 4th generation) and have lived long enough to reach the "oh gods, what did we do to deserve this grimdark future of NON-STOP, LUBELESS, A$$ FING?!" future of gaming!

where fan projects are ALWAYS killed off to the point where "so, how long until your C&D arrives" is an unironic, DEAD SERIOUS, question for ALL fan projects of ANY kind.

and where companies do everything they can possibly CONCEIVE of to squeeze blood from the molecules of the stone they crushed years ago.

i've been waiting and wanting another industry crash for years because maybe, just MAYBE, that might possibly FIX things. but it never happens because the industry as a whole is "too big to fail".

there is NOTHING left to look forward to except a rare FEW games...10 or LESS per year now.

it's worse than if the industry had simply died at some point. because it's now an industry actively working against the people that helped make it what it is and who still sustain it.

remember, it is against copyright LAW for people to make video game fan projects.

it is all but blatantly officially illegal to do so.