I’ve often thought about this issue. How much money would the original composer be missing out on if it was deemed a copyright infringement? I have no idea.
A similar thing with games whose licence has expired. Are Toyota really going to be missing out if Sega re-released Sega Rally on modern consoles?
Of course there’s copyright laws and intellectual property. But c’mon, life is short.
I don’t know much about costs regarding releasing a mini console but would t it make more sense financially to release Saturn games on modern consoles? I don’t know.
Comments 13
Re: Final Fight MD Dev "Tired Of Apologizing" Following Publisher Woes
Good on you, Xavier. Nothing worse than being messed around by others when you’re trying to get a job done. Watching this with keen interest.
Re: BAFTA Poll Declares Lara Croft The Most Iconic Video Game Character
What about the bat in Pong?
Re: "I Spent The First Year Worrying I'd Get Replaced" - Retro Gamer Magazine Turns 20
Can’t even begin to describe what a joy it is to read Retro Gamer every month. Thank you Darren and the rest of the guys for your outstanding work.
Re: Anniversary: Super Street Fighter II Turbo Is 30 Years Old
Something about SSF2 Turbo. It’s my go to from the whole series. And I love the Dee-Jay stage music.
Re: UK Newspaper The Guardian Ranks 'Daytona USA' As Sega's Greatest Arcade Game
@mrfield Not even close. It’s rather inconsistent.
Re: UK Newspaper The Guardian Ranks 'Daytona USA' As Sega's Greatest Arcade Game
Seeing this has changed my weekend plans. I was going to clear the loft out but I’m going to play Sega racing games instead now
Re: So, What Music Will Rainbow Islands Use On Nintendo Switch And PS4?
I’ve often thought about this issue. How much money would the original composer be missing out on if it was deemed a copyright infringement? I have no idea.
A similar thing with games whose licence has expired. Are Toyota really going to be missing out if Sega re-released Sega Rally on modern consoles?
Of course there’s copyright laws and intellectual property. But c’mon, life is short.
Re: 26 Years Later, Virtua Fighter 3tb Is Returning To Arcades
@AJB83 very special sauce. Both of those games.
Re: It's Official! Sega Poll Reveals Fans Want The Sega Saturn Mini Next
I don’t know much about costs regarding releasing a mini console but would t it make more sense financially to release Saturn games on modern consoles? I don’t know.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Nintendo System Of All Time?
It’s like asking what your favourite chocolate bar is when you love all chocolate bars.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Street Fighter?
Super Street Fighter II Grand Master Challenge in the arcade has the special sauce for me. Alpha 2 on the Saturn was a long time favourite.
Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want From A New Castlevania?
I’d like a talented and passionate developer to just go for it and not try to recreate the party.
Re: Not Used Your Wii U In A While? It Might Be Dead
This is very sad. I play mine regularly so I’m lucky.