Agree with jimmytodgers, this is low-effort, bottom of the barrel content. Half the people out there making emulators and FPGA cores are still young, some are going to be neurodivergent, misunderstandings and the odd spat are inevitable. Twitter is a toxic place and it brings out the worst in some people, who will then be solely judged by many strangers based on two sentences that lack a greater context. Archiving disagreements like this that really have no bearing on anything within the scene will only potentially upset people you don't know and turn them or others away from contributing. Nothing in this Twitter exchange is news-worthy.
Comments 1
Re: Egads, There's More Drama In The FPGA Retro Gaming Community
Agree with jimmytodgers, this is low-effort, bottom of the barrel content. Half the people out there making emulators and FPGA cores are still young, some are going to be neurodivergent, misunderstandings and the odd spat are inevitable. Twitter is a toxic place and it brings out the worst in some people, who will then be solely judged by many strangers based on two sentences that lack a greater context. Archiving disagreements like this that really have no bearing on anything within the scene will only potentially upset people you don't know and turn them or others away from contributing. Nothing in this Twitter exchange is news-worthy.