@Spoony_Tech Shaq Fu wasn't that bad. Lots of far more broken games in its genre on the SNES.
@retro_player_22 Rise of the Robots wouldn't have been too bad if it was remotely close to the Arcade version. The Virtual Boy Mario Tennis was ok. Daikatana - Did it need to happen in order for Deus Ex to work ? Sonic 06 - Never played it but I think Crisis City is probably my favourite level in Generations. (If it had never been made I would never of played what I think is the best part of that game).
@copeland4 Just because more people are doing something doesn't mean anything either. My favourite game of this sort is Wacky Races on the Dreamcast. (Don't think that is widely played either). All Stars Racing Transformed (At least the PC version) is much better for anything other than playing against opponents that have never played a racing game before. Mario Kart is like riding a bike with stabilisers. (Useful but pointless for very long).
@Mikau94 They should just be content with making money on every game. Instead they want to do as little as possible to make the money only release the stuff they think they can guarantee will make tons of money. But it is not so simple and there are not as good at it as they think they are. The 3DS Streetfighter 4 is a good example. I would have bought it full price no problems but I wasn't going to get a 3DS until the XL was released because I am getting older and I don't like a small screen. If they had been patient or done a smaller price drop they would have made more money. I will also avoid games all together if I think they have stupid DLC policies.
If there is something that is really good (Or even might be good) and a niche title. (Don't like how people decide things are going to be niche before they are even released fairly sure that never used to happen to the same extent in the 8 and 16 bit days).
I hate shovelware (And hate the shops that only stock it (And preowned for £5 more than the Amazon new price) like Game).
There is many good fighting games for the Neo Geo Pocket colour and they feel right which is the most important thing.
Capcom annoys me they don't put enough effort into Nintendo consoles generally.
I still think the best streetfighter is the Arcade version of 2 turbo hyper fighting. It is well balanced.
I am only bothered from Capcom arcade perfect (With or without updated graphics) stuff on VC Arcade.
Don't think they deserve anything for stuff like Super Ghouls and Ghosts which I do like but the flicker and slow down annoys me. (Even more so because they fixed it for the PS/PS2 version).
The other new games they only seem to release for the PSP.
(If they put some effort and it is a game I like then I might get it. If they made a 3d classic out of the arcade version of ghouls and ghosts or ghosts and goblins I would get it but there is no way I want the NES version which is a waste of time for me.)
Comments 8
Re: Book Review: Sega Mega Drive/Genesis: Collected Works
@Damo How much focus is on why stuff happened ? (I liked Dreamcast Worlds because of the depth and focus on why not what).
Re: Feature: Meet The Unsung Pioneer Behind The Most Reviled Zelda Games Of All Time
When they were making it there was the NES games. Maybe a Link to the Past and the Cartoon.
Re: Myth Becomes Reality As Atari's E.T. Cartridges Are Unearthed In New Mexico Landfill
@Spoony_Tech Shaq Fu wasn't that bad. Lots of far more broken games in its genre on the SNES.
@retro_player_22 Rise of the Robots wouldn't have been too bad if it was remotely close to the Arcade version. The Virtual Boy Mario Tennis was ok. Daikatana - Did it need to happen in order for Deus Ex to work ? Sonic 06 - Never played it but I think Crisis City is probably my favourite level in Generations. (If it had never been made I would never of played what I think is the best part of that game).
Re: Month Of Kong: The Making Of Diddy Kong Racing
@copeland4 Just because more people are doing something doesn't mean anything either. My favourite game of this sort is Wacky Races on the Dreamcast. (Don't think that is widely played either). All Stars Racing Transformed (At least the PC version) is much better for anything other than playing against opponents that have never played a racing game before. Mario Kart is like riding a bike with stabilisers. (Useful but pointless for very long).
Re: Hardware Review: Neo Geo X Gold & Mega Pack Volume 1
The emulator is final burn alpha.
D4 should have done it. (Using an FPGA like they did with the MSX).
Re: Hardware Review: Neo Geo X Gold & Mega Pack Volume 1
I wish SNK sold their own 150 in 1 cart. (All the arcade controls places sell the bootlegs).
MVS Board and a Supergun is not bad in terms of cost. (Universe bios for AES mode).
Think I will get one eventually.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Street Fighter Alpha 3: Upper
@Mikau94 They should just be content with making money on every game. Instead they want to do as little as possible to make the money only release the stuff they think they can guarantee will make tons of money. But it is not so simple and there are not as good at it as they think they are. The 3DS Streetfighter 4 is a good example. I would have bought it full price no problems but I wasn't going to get a 3DS until the XL was released because I am getting older and I don't like a small screen. If they had been patient or done a smaller price drop they would have made more money. I will also avoid games all together if I think they have stupid DLC policies.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Street Fighter Alpha 3: Upper
Not sure whether all the contracts are like that.
If there is something that is really good (Or even might be good) and a niche title. (Don't like how people decide things are going to be niche before they are even released fairly sure that never used to happen to the same extent in the 8 and 16 bit days).
I hate shovelware (And hate the shops that only stock it (And preowned for £5 more than the Amazon new price) like Game).
There is many good fighting games for the Neo Geo Pocket colour and they feel right which is the most important thing.
Capcom annoys me they don't put enough effort into Nintendo consoles generally.
I still think the best streetfighter is the Arcade version of 2 turbo hyper fighting. It is well balanced.
I am only bothered from Capcom arcade perfect (With or without updated graphics) stuff on VC Arcade.
Don't think they deserve anything for stuff like Super Ghouls and Ghosts which I do like but the flicker and slow down annoys me. (Even more so because they fixed it for the PS/PS2 version).
The other new games they only seem to release for the PSP.
(If they put some effort and it is a game I like then I might get it. If they made a 3d classic out of the arcade version of ghouls and ghosts or ghosts and goblins I would get it but there is no way I want the NES version which is a waste of time for me.)