@LiquidSevens YIKES... okay, I take back all my criticism. I'd rather have nothing at all, than an awkward Engrish nightmare. How do you even go from perfectly good English to... something that sounds worse than Google Translate? And WHY?
Not good... But it has its uses. Imagine a survival horror where the protagonist has dementia and his grip on reality is constantly slipping. The world and art style constantly changes and looks more and more freakishly unnatural to reflect this loss of mental coherence!
I used to be a Raspberry Pi person, but I got so sick of things constantly breaking, and having to fight cryptic error messages in the terminal, that I got rid of EVERYTHING. It just wasn't fun anymore. Are Misters supposed to be any less frustrating?
I think it's stupid that such a warning had to be included, and rolled my eyes at it. Ultimately, it's not a big deal. It only shows up on your first play, and isn't shown again afterward. Sadly, the warning IS necessary. As the Internet has already demonstrated, someone WILL be offended somehow. Better a one time message, than cleansing the games of all things vaguely "offensive".
Comments 6
Re: "Ours Will Be The Translation Worth Playing" - Team Behind Decade-Old Princess Crown Localisation Speak Out
@LiquidSevens YIKES... okay, I take back all my criticism. I'd rather have nothing at all, than an awkward Engrish nightmare. How do you even go from perfectly good English to... something that sounds worse than Google Translate? And WHY?
Re: "Ours Will Be The Translation Worth Playing" - Team Behind Decade-Old Princess Crown Localisation Speak Out
This reminds me of the Cartman-Land business model.
“We have this super cool translation for Princess Crown that’s 1000x better. BUT YOU CAN’T PLAY.”
Re: AI, Please Leave Our Favourite Video Games Alone
Not good... But it has its uses. Imagine a survival horror where the protagonist has dementia and his grip on reality is constantly slipping. The world and art style constantly changes and looks more and more freakishly unnatural to reflect this loss of mental coherence!
Re: The Cost Of Owning A MiSTer FPGA Is About To Come Down Dramatically
I used to be a Raspberry Pi person, but I got so sick of things constantly breaking, and having to fight cryptic error messages in the terminal, that I got rid of EVERYTHING. It just wasn't fun anymore. Are Misters supposed to be any less frustrating?
Re: Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers Is A New Sonic Kart Racer Built Using Doom Legacy
That was one HELL of a tutorial, and I don't mean that in a good way. It's so frustrating I gave up on it before even reaching the main game.
Re: Poll: Should Retro Game Remasters Carry Warnings About "Offensive" Content?
I think it's stupid that such a warning had to be included, and rolled my eyes at it. Ultimately, it's not a big deal. It only shows up on your first play, and isn't shown again afterward. Sadly, the warning IS necessary. As the Internet has already demonstrated, someone WILL be offended somehow. Better a one time message, than cleansing the games of all things vaguely "offensive".