The game looks good, kind of like metal gear solid nes game. There's preview gameplay video on game informer youtube channel, but why there isn't demo on steam though? It's steam festival, the dev should put the demo on steam.
Man we had it soo good back then, psone, ps2, and dreamcast, for me that 3 console is the peak of gaming 😃
Nes and snes is like the start of gaming when it becomes good enough (atari 2600 games kind of suck), nintendo 64 is good too but the games available is just too small compared to others console. Nintendo and rare 1st party games on n64 rules though.
Isn't destroy all enemies and defend the universe too high of a goal, I means what happen when 2 forces in the universe fighting, who is the enemy and who to defend?
That depends on the games I think, I have no problem playing chrono trigger on analogue pocket with no save states because the game itself has save system and isn't hard, but there's no way I'm playing contra snes without save states.
But the annoying one is games like megaman x, I don't need save states for playing it, I just want to be able to save between stage, I don't want to use its password system. So sometimes I just play the snes games on my switch subscription service since it has great save states and rewind features.
Already tried this on my local mall, I don't like android as operating system for emulation (prefer fpga). I wish razer can make steam deck competitor with this design since steam deck is too bulky.
Cool, not interested since I already have analogue pocket, but the indie games listed seems great 😃
I think what we needs now is fpga console like analogue pocket but in new 2ds xl design with dual screen and great resolutions, I like my new 2ds xl but the screen is too low resolutions.
I love EGM magazine back then, always bought them from my local (import) books store. I also love gaming magazine special issue for console launch, it's fun to reads which launch game available for the new console.
@GravyThief I think the length of software patent like this should be 5 years, one console generations is enough for the maker of the patent, 20 years (4 console generations) is a bit too much and can stop the japanese 3D gaming development.
Pc engine/turbografx-16 didn't release in my country officially or unofficially, unlike nes/genesis/snes/psone etc, but if it's released back then, based on the pc engine games I've played on analogue pocket, I think this machine can be one of my favs console compared to nes 😃
I remember ngage hardware is underpowered for 3D gaming, its kind of impressive they have tomb raider 1 on the ngage though. I miss that era of mobile gaming, no greedy free to play and mtx yet in that market.
Looks really good, if the size is like iphone 15 (or pro) plus, it looks like it will be a comfortable device. I hope the dpad and analogue stick is high quality and comfortable to use. Also man, that gold colour is glorious 😃
It's nice to have all this emulator on my iphone, I already have delta on my phone and now with this, I want apple to make psp-like or analogue pocket-like device with ios 😃
@RupeeClock I like reading books but its more convenient for me to read it on ipad since I can zoom-in if the font is too small, and usually the price is cheaper too. Oh well, thanks for the info 😃
@GhaleonUnlimited Usually 3D games play better on psone, although 2D games is better on saturn. Sega saturn is like the wii u, it has good games, but not either genre defining or a lot of games, that's why most people don't have good memory of both console. More people remember nintendo 64 and dreamcast fondly compared to saturn and wii u.
Speaking of dreamcast, man it will be great if sega make dreamcast classic, there's just too many good games for that console 😃
No, I prefer psone and n64 compared to saturn, I own those 3 machine back then, and while the saturn has good games, nintendo 64 has genre defining games like mario 64 and golden eye, and playstation has all the games.
Still, both console pales compared to original playstation, man that machine is a beast, from 3D games like tomb raider and syphon filter, to 2D games like castlevania sotn, and rpg too like ff7 and suikoden, that machine has it all 😃
Hopefully a more powerful portable with dual analogue stick for psone & dreamcast classic, man it will be really cool if they partnered up with konami and make castlevania sotn (psone version) and dracula x rondo of blood (pc engine version) collection cartridge complete with manual, I'll spend $40-$50 on that no problem lol.
And maybe suikoden 1-2 psone collection cartridge too while they're at it. Also porting sega arcade games to evercade cartridge too.
That's a nice story, I still remember the first time I have my sega dreamcast, the graphics are unbelievable, sonic adventures, soul calibur, crazy taxy, it's way better than my psone back then, it's trully an arcade experience in your home 😃
I really hope nintendo make switch 2 a portable, pocketable system again like nintendo ds, rather than tablet oriented like nintendo switch. Or at least give us the option, it will be cool if there's 2 switch 2, a 7 inch tablet with 2 joycon like the first switch, and a 5inch single player only system like nintendo ds.
I'm okay with this, gbc, gba, nintendo ds, nes, snes, and nintendo 64 is more than enough for me. It will be cool though if we also got neogeo, neogeo pocket colour, genesis, saturn, psone, and dreamcast emulation on delta
I remember looking at the game at the arcade way back then and though why the game is so different from the first and second one, and why the gameplay is so choppy. And the second one isn't as good ad the first one, it's more like double dragon 1.5, the dd2 nes version is great though.
Nice, can't wait for tmnt public release since it's one of the best beat em up arcade games. Although I do think cps 1.5 the punisher is the best beat em up arcade games ever 😃
Man I want prince of persia 1&2 dos version for analogue pocket or evercade exp, I played and finished those 2 way back then, now I want to play it again on portables 😃
I think my new New Nintendo 2ds XL that I bough a couple of months ago is still way cheaper than this. Just play nintendo ds/3ds games on its original hardware or emulate it on phone, now even ios can emulate nintendo ds games.
Just download it, it's so convenient to have all those retro games on phone that you can take anywhere. I've been playing it all day to see what games work and what didn't with touchscreen control, slow games like ghost trick nds works really well, while some racing games like ridge racer n64 didn't, mario kart titles still okay though.
I really like the ui for nintendo ds, I wish nintendo make ipod touch like portable with good screen and the ability to buy nintendo ds titles, and make it in pocketable size like iphone rather than switch size.
Already have evercade exp and I like my build-in capcom games so I'm not interested in evercade exp-r. But I'm interested in evercade vs-r, it will be nice to play games portable on my evercade exp and continue it on tv with evercade vs-r 😃
Giga cartridge for giga games, nice. Now bring on those 2-3 cd classic psone games like final fantasy 7, lunar silver star story complete, grandia, fear effect 1&2, and others 😃
@Jhena I know right, it's really nice to insert cartridge into evercade exp compared to those itty-bitty switch cartridge. And the manuals rules.
Nice, this is what I want, physical classic psone game with manual. Man there's so much that can be done in this space, from squareenix alone they can make parasite eve 1 & 2 collection, final fantasy 1-6 collection, classic rpg cartridge like final fantasy 7 or dragon quest 7, the possibility are endless 😃
Also I hope evercade contact konami and make suikoden 1 & 2 collection, or maybe tmnt collection on evercade, I can only hope.
@NewBond Man I hope they make evercade 2 with joystick that can emulate dreamcast so we can get classic dreamcast games on cartridges, like sega arcade games, soul calibur, powerstone 2, and others.
Looks good, there's a lot of good looking retro games lately, this game graphics style somehow remind me of astalon tears of the earth, another great 2D metroidvania games with more than 1 playable characters.
Also I need to play unmetal, I already bought it months ago 😅
Most of n64 titles that I can remember are nintendo and rare games, super mario 64, zelda 64, starfox 64, mariokart 64, golden eye, banjo kazooie, etc. I do hope evercade can get rare titles on their platform 😃
I really wish mars didn't pay developers for exclusivity so that they only making cores for mars and not the others (mister and analogue pocket), I prefer playing retro games on my analogue pocket and plan to buy the dock for playing it on tv.
Already tried playing metroid fusion on my iphone 14 plus using gba emulator skyemu web app year ago, playing games using touchscreen suck so I delete the web app after I bought analogue pocket.
Comments 299
Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of Jo's New Look In Perfect Dark?
Bad, she looks like a man with that square jaw, he's more manly than me, even I didn't have that perfect square jaw lol.
Re: Chasm Creator Reveals Wolfhound, A Slick-Looking Metroidvania Set During World War II
The game looks good, kind of like metal gear solid nes game. There's preview gameplay video on game informer youtube channel, but why there isn't demo on steam though? It's steam festival, the dev should put the demo on steam.
Re: Unseen Raw Footage Of E3 2001 Shows Why The Defunct Event Was Such A Huge Deal
Man we had it soo good back then, psone, ps2, and dreamcast, for me that 3 console is the peak of gaming 😃
Nes and snes is like the start of gaming when it becomes good enough (atari 2600 games kind of suck), nintendo 64 is good too but the games available is just too small compared to others console. Nintendo and rare 1st party games on n64 rules though.
Re: VS. Star Luster Is This Week's Arcade Archives Title
Isn't destroy all enemies and defend the universe too high of a goal, I means what happen when 2 forces in the universe fighting, who is the enemy and who to defend?
Re: "A Ton Of Money" Has Been Spent On ModRetro's Chromatic Screen To Ensure Accuracy
I wish we'll get nintendo 3ds or wii fpga console, already have analogue pocket so I'm not interested in this.
Re: Soapbox: Here's Why I Can't Ditch Software Emulation Handhelds For The FPGA Analogue Pocket
That depends on the games I think, I have no problem playing chrono trigger on analogue pocket with no save states because the game itself has save system and isn't hard, but there's no way I'm playing contra snes without save states.
But the annoying one is games like megaman x, I don't need save states for playing it, I just want to be able to save between stage, I don't want to use its password system. So sometimes I just play the snes games on my switch subscription service since it has great save states and rewind features.
Re: Review: Razer Edge - A Little Blunt In 2024, But Still A Solid Emulation Option
Already tried this on my local mall, I don't like android as operating system for emulation (prefer fpga). I wish razer can make steam deck competitor with this design since steam deck is too bulky.
Re: Chromatic Is A FPGA-Based Game Boy From Palmer Luckey
Cool, not interested since I already have analogue pocket, but the indie games listed seems great 😃
I think what we needs now is fpga console like analogue pocket but in new 2ds xl design with dual screen and great resolutions, I like my new 2ds xl but the screen is too low resolutions.
Re: 10 Forgotten Gaming Magazines That Are Worth Remembering
I love EGM magazine back then, always bought them from my local (import) books store. I also love gaming magazine special issue for console launch, it's fun to reads which launch game available for the new console.
Re: The ZX Spectrum Just Got A New Alien Game, And It Works On The Spectrum Next, Too
The zx spectrum next looks good, I think I'll play this if analogue pocket get zx spectrum next core.
Re: Konami Once Held A Patent For Transparent Walls In Video Games
@GravyThief I think the length of software patent like this should be 5 years, one console generations is enough for the maker of the patent, 20 years (4 console generations) is a bit too much and can stop the japanese 3D gaming development.
Re: PC Engine Devs Celebrate Hudson Soft's 50th Anniversary In Special Event
Pc engine/turbografx-16 didn't release in my country officially or unofficially, unlike nes/genesis/snes/psone etc, but if it's released back then, based on the pc engine games I've played on analogue pocket, I think this machine can be one of my favs console compared to nes 😃
Re: The Nokia N-Gage May Have Sucked, But It Had Rollback Netcode In 2003
I remember ngage hardware is underpowered for 3D gaming, its kind of impressive they have tomb raider 1 on the ngage though. I miss that era of mobile gaming, no greedy free to play and mtx yet in that market.
Re: AYANEO's Pocket Micro Takes Inspiration From The Game Boy Micro
Looks really good, if the size is like iphone 15 (or pro) plus, it looks like it will be a comfortable device. I hope the dpad and analogue stick is high quality and comfortable to use. Also man, that gold colour is glorious 😃
Re: PSP Emulator PPSSPP Now Available On iOS App Store
It's nice to have all this emulator on my iphone, I already have delta on my phone and now with this, I want apple to make psp-like or analogue pocket-like device with ios 😃
Re: Multi-System Emulation Champ RetroArch Now Available On iPhone App Store
I think I’ll use retroarch to play arcade games on ios, for nintendo games I already have delta 😃
Re: Hands On: GameBook Color - A Celebration Of Nintendo's First Colour Handheld
@RupeeClock I like reading books but its more convenient for me to read it on ipad since I can zoom-in if the font is too small, and usually the price is cheaper too. Oh well, thanks for the info 😃
Re: Odin 2 Maker AYN's Next Handheld Has PS Vita Vibes And A Mini LED Display
Looks good but the analogue stick and dpad is reversed 😅
Re: Hands On: GameBook Color - A Celebration Of Nintendo's First Colour Handheld
I hope there's a digital version since I mostly reading books on ipad now.
Re: Anbernic's GBA SP-Style RG35XXSP Is Cheaper Than You Think
I want this but I want to see ayaneo pocket dmg first before deciding which is better. I'm sure ayaneo dmg is way more expensive though, lol.
Re: AYANEO Is Showing Off Two Game Boy-Style Handhelds This Week
Looks good actually, I hope the specs is good and it's not too expensive 😃
Re: PS1 Emulation Comes To iPhone Via Gamma
Nice, already download it, I'll copy my psone games files on pc tonight. I wish delta has psone emulation too so I only need one ios emulation 😃
Re: Is It Time To Change The Narrative On The Sega Saturn?
@GhaleonUnlimited Usually 3D games play better on psone, although 2D games is better on saturn. Sega saturn is like the wii u, it has good games, but not either genre defining or a lot of games, that's why most people don't have good memory of both console. More people remember nintendo 64 and dreamcast fondly compared to saturn and wii u.
Speaking of dreamcast, man it will be great if sega make dreamcast classic, there's just too many good games for that console 😃
Re: Is It Time To Change The Narrative On The Sega Saturn?
No, I prefer psone and n64 compared to saturn, I own those 3 machine back then, and while the saturn has good games, nintendo 64 has genre defining games like mario 64 and golden eye, and playstation has all the games.
Still, both console pales compared to original playstation, man that machine is a beast, from 3D games like tomb raider and syphon filter, to 2D games like castlevania sotn, and rpg too like ff7 and suikoden, that machine has it all 😃
Re: Vanillaware Artist's 1996 PS1 Shmup 'Devil Blade' Is Getting A Modern-Day Reboot
Looks good, I'm in. I hope there's switch version 😃
Re: Multi-Console Emulator Provenance Coming The iPhone App Store, Nintendo Be Damned
Putting yuzu in your app, or any emulator that play current console, is not smart, it goes from emulation to piracy real quick.
I don't want nintendo to sue, win, and goes after other emulation too, and give other console maker any funny ideas 🤦🏼
Re: 'Evercade Alpha' Listing Hints At New Hardware In 2024
Hopefully a more powerful portable with dual analogue stick for psone & dreamcast classic, man it will be really cool if they partnered up with konami and make castlevania sotn (psone version) and dracula x rondo of blood (pc engine version) collection cartridge complete with manual, I'll spend $40-$50 on that no problem lol.
And maybe suikoden 1-2 psone collection cartridge too while they're at it. Also porting sega arcade games to evercade cartridge too.
Re: Rastan Saga Comes To Arcade Archives On Switch And PS4 This Week
I have rastan 1 arcade on analogue pocket, rastan 2 is not a good game, but rastan 3 arcade is a great game 😃
Re: Flashback: How The Kindness Of Sega Saved Nvidia From Going Under
That's a nice story, I still remember the first time I have my sega dreamcast, the graphics are unbelievable, sonic adventures, soul calibur, crazy taxy, it's way better than my psone back then, it's trully an arcade experience in your home 😃
Re: Looks Like The iPhone Is Getting A 3DS Emulator Soon
Already have delta for my iphone 14 plus, I wish for sega consoles and arcade emulator now 😃
Re: Survey Reveals Japanese Gen Z Gamers Still Love Nintendo's DS Handhelds
I really hope nintendo make switch 2 a portable, pocketable system again like nintendo ds, rather than tablet oriented like nintendo switch. Or at least give us the option, it will be cool if there's 2 switch 2, a 7 inch tablet with 2 joycon like the first switch, and a 5inch single player only system like nintendo ds.
Re: Prince of Persia Meets Streets Of Rage In The Stylish New Action Game Moon Samurai
It does looks pretty cool 😃
Re: "There's A Lot Of People Who Still Don't Know About Playdate"
I hope they make playdate 2 with color screen and gameboy advance power, or at least gameboy colour. And shipping to more country of course.
Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For Wii And GameCube Emulation On The iPhone App Store
I'm okay with this, gbc, gba, nintendo ds, nes, snes, and nintendo 64 is more than enough for me. It will be cool though if we also got neogeo, neogeo pocket colour, genesis, saturn, psone, and dreamcast emulation on delta
Re: Double Dragon 3 Is Coming To Analogue Pocket
I remember looking at the game at the arcade way back then and though why the game is so different from the first and second one, and why the gameplay is so choppy. And the second one isn't as good ad the first one, it's more like double dragon 1.5, the dd2 nes version is great though.
Re: More Namco Shmups Are Coming To Analogue Pocket And MiSTer
Nice, can't wait for tmnt public release since it's one of the best beat em up arcade games. Although I do think cps 1.5 the punisher is the best beat em up arcade games ever 😃
Re: 35 Years Later, Prince Of Persia Has Just Got An (Unofficial) Port For The Vic-20
Man I want prince of persia 1&2 dos version for analogue pocket or evercade exp, I played and finished those 2 way back then, now I want to play it again on portables 😃
Re: Review: AYANEO Flip DS - A Great (But Costly) Way To Play 3DS And Wii U In 2024
I think my new New Nintendo 2ds XL that I bough a couple of months ago is still way cheaper than this. Just play nintendo ds/3ds games on its original hardware or emulate it on phone, now even ios can emulate nintendo ds games.
Re: Delta Emulator Brings NES, SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, GBA, DS, & N64 Emulation To The iPhone App Store
Just download it, it's so convenient to have all those retro games on phone that you can take anywhere. I've been playing it all day to see what games work and what didn't with touchscreen control, slow games like ghost trick nds works really well, while some racing games like ridge racer n64 didn't, mario kart titles still okay though.
I really like the ui for nintendo ds, I wish nintendo make ipod touch like portable with good screen and the ability to buy nintendo ds titles, and make it in pocketable size like iphone rather than switch size.
Re: Golden Axe Is Getting A 10-Episode Animated TV Series From Comedy Central
From writers behind star trek the lower deck... nooo... 😢
Re: Evercade EXP-R And Evercade VS-R Consoles Launch This July
Already have evercade exp and I like my build-in capcom games so I'm not interested in evercade exp-r. But I'm interested in evercade vs-r, it will be nice to play games portable on my evercade exp and continue it on tv with evercade vs-r 😃
Re: Evercade Is Getting New "Giga Carts" To Allow For Bigger Games
Giga cartridge for giga games, nice. Now bring on those 2-3 cd classic psone games like final fantasy 7, lunar silver star story complete, grandia, fear effect 1&2, and others 😃
@Jhena I know right, it's really nice to insert cartridge into evercade exp compared to those itty-bitty switch cartridge. And the manuals rules.
Re: Tomb Raider Collection Is Coming To Evercade
Nice, this is what I want, physical classic psone game with manual. Man there's so much that can be done in this space, from squareenix alone they can make parasite eve 1 & 2 collection, final fantasy 1-6 collection, classic rpg cartridge like final fantasy 7 or dragon quest 7, the possibility are endless 😃
Also I hope evercade contact konami and make suikoden 1 & 2 collection, or maybe tmnt collection on evercade, I can only hope.
@NewBond Man I hope they make evercade 2 with joystick that can emulate dreamcast so we can get classic dreamcast games on cartridges, like sega arcade games, soul calibur, powerstone 2, and others.
Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement
I'm glad I already downloaded it for my iphone 13 & 14 plus, not on my ipad though.
@Coalescence Because it's fun playing metal slug advance on iphone, although I already have analogue pocket for that 😃
Re: MSX Title Pampas & Selene: The Maze of Demons Is Coming To Steam
Looks good, there's a lot of good looking retro games lately, this game graphics style somehow remind me of astalon tears of the earth, another great 2D metroidvania games with more than 1 playable characters.
Also I need to play unmetal, I already bought it months ago 😅
Re: Review: Piko Interactive Collection 4 (Evercade) - N64 Emulation Comes To Evercade
Most of n64 titles that I can remember are nintendo and rare games, super mario 64, zelda 64, starfox 64, mariokart 64, golden eye, banjo kazooie, etc. I do hope evercade can get rare titles on their platform 😃
Re: Rain World Devs' New Game Is Basically Jet Moto Meets Akira
Looks good actually, I'll wishlist it on steam now 😃
Re: All Is Not Well In The World Of FPGA Retro Gaming
I really wish mars didn't pay developers for exclusivity so that they only making cores for mars and not the others (mister and analogue pocket), I prefer playing retro games on my analogue pocket and plan to buy the dock for playing it on tv.
Re: Retro Emulators Are Coming To iPhone's App Store
Already tried playing metroid fusion on my iphone 14 plus using gba emulator skyemu web app year ago, playing games using touchscreen suck so I delete the web app after I bought analogue pocket.
Re: Review: Resonant Tale (Playdate) - A Small But Perfectly Formed Zelda Homage
Love the playdate games review, man I hope playdate include my country for it's shipping option sometime in the future 😃