Comments 299

Re: Interview: Taki Udon Explains How His FPGA PS1 Aims To "Remove Barriers" To FPGA Gaming


@Waveboy I feels like psone is jrpg monster compared to other console, can't say no to replaying lunar 1&2, wild arms 1&2, suikoden 1&2, and other rpg on it. And castlevania sotn of course, and maybe mmx4 and tomba 1&2, and street fighter alpha 2&3. Man I have so many good memory on psone.

Now I just need to buy dualsense 30th anniversary to complete the classic psone feels while playing this πŸ˜ƒ

Re: Review: Anbernic RG34XX - A GBA Clone That's So Good Nintendo's Name Should Be On It


Already have analogue pocket but this gba is looking good, wish it bigger screen with the same hardware though since the 3.5inch in my analogue pocket sometimes feels to small, while 7inch screen switch oled feels to big for retro games. My new 2ds xl screen is the right size for retro games but the screen resolution is horrible compared to both this and analogue pocket.

Re: Atari Jaguar Is Coming To Analogue Pocket


@Razieluigi Yup pocketsync is a must for analogue pocket, I can't imagined rom management/updating cores without it.

I think the new update (either core or analogue pocket update) give me error on pc engine cd roms though, I mostly play english translation roms since most of pc engine rpg games are japanese only. Maybe I need to update pc engine cd core again.

Re: Virtua Fighter, OutRun And Shenmue Creator Reveals His Next Game, Steel Paws


The trailer looks good, like pokemon and megaman, and if it need netflix subs it means no mtx (like with other netflix mobile games), which is good πŸ˜ƒ

@-wc- No, it's actually good, netflix games are like apple arcade, it's pure games with no micro-transaction, most of it are a port of console indie games.

They got tmnt shredder revenge, into the breach, shovel knight pocket dungeon, world of goo, hades 1, death door, etc. You should check on your netflix games, I'm surprised when I first found out too πŸ˜ƒ

@Right_Said_Brett If it's on netflix games, it means it's a indie console games with no mtx. And it should be ported to console soon I hope.

Re: Anniversary: Sega Saturn, The Most Successful Console "Flop" Of All Time, Turns 30 Today


I have sega saturn back then, the fact that most it’s rpg is available only in japan or only limited distribution for western language are annoying, in the end I sold the console and play solely on psx, where most of the rpg available in english πŸ˜•

I still want dragon force and panzer dragon saga remaster with 4K and 60 fps graphics, I never play those games back then, I heard they’re really good.

Re: "Thank You To Every One That Boosted This" - Terminated YouTube Retro Gaming Channel Gets Reinstated


@avcrypt I'm not from usa so I only know this from youtube, the future president itself that said this so as long as he didn't lie maybe we'll trully get this. I hope so since I don't want my (mostly from usa company) account to get banned because some tos that I didn't know.

@A7Xlopez I'm just being hopeful, maybe sometimes politician don't lie, lol.

But seriously, it really suck if some company like sony can suddenly said "you're ps id is banned" and you lost all of your ps games that you bought with hard-earned money. It's the same as some books company send people to your house to take all of your books because you break that company tos. Digital (buying digital things) become so important now that its right has to be defined by law.

Re: "A Slap In The Face Of All Creators" - YouTube Terminates Popular Retro Gaming Channel Without Warning


We need digital bill right so big company (like apple, google, and microsoft) can't just delete your channel without (human) reason, at least it should be looked by human, I heard the next usa president will be looking into that. Which is good btw, imagine if your google or apple id account suddenly banned with all your contact data missing, yeah that isn't good at all lol.

Re: Sega Wanted Phantasy Star IV To Flop In The West, Hence The Sky-High $100 Price


@Serpenterror I'm talking more about the 3rd party developers that make the games, I remember ET from atari made by only one guy and sells about 1.5M cartridge, but because atari made about 4M cartridge the game fails and atari get a huge loss. Cd-rom is way cheaper and easier to make so the 3rd party developers didn't need to think about how many cd they should made for the games.