Comments 20

Re: Turns Out Shining Force CD Didn't Actually Need The Sega CD Backup RAM Cart


This reminds me of an interview with one of the developers of Theme Park on Sega CD claiming the reason it didn't have a save file is because it would have took several megabytes to save and the Sega CD only had 8KB despite the PS1 and Saturn saving your park and everything with less than 8KB. They then decided to use a 10 character password that just saved what park you unlocked which would have took a mere 10 bytes of memory.

Re: Flashback: It's 1997, And The BBC Is Hyping Up The Battle Between N64, PS1 And Saturn


What a time to be alive N64 did ok here in Europe but it was only out 4 years 1997-2001 though the Saturn flopped hard. I wouldn't say the console market is healthy there's only really Sony left properly standing Microsoft have all but pulled out and Nintendo has gone their own way with their hybrid which is basically just a handheld with TV play. Very few new exclusives have been released on PS5 it's one of the worst console generations of all time imo.

Re: Best Mini Classic Micro Consoles


@ralphdibny I know I remember that sale I came so close to pulling the trigger then when I made my mind up they'd gone and are priced for over double the price now on eBay. Wanted one as the console wasn't really released here in the UK.

Re: Best Mini Classic Micro Consoles


Just a shame the Mega Drive Mini 2 Pal version is lacking in the Mega CD department compared to the Japanese counterpart. Didn't see the point of including the Japanese NES in the list though thought that was kind of odd when you also had the western NES Mini on the list.

Re: Fans Are Porting Mortal Kombat II To 3DO


I think it will be a struggle to get it running well on 3DO due to it being a disc based system. Hell look at how cut down the 32-bit version was on the Mega Drive when using the 32X peripheral and that was considerably more powerful than 3DO. Now an Atari Jaguar port would be good.

Re: A Classic 'Mortal Kombat' Bootleg For The NES Is Getting An Overhaul


@samuelvictor @samuelvictor Master System hardware was of course superior to the NES as it was a souped up Sega Mark II from 1983 just with a better GPU and slightly higher clocked CPU along with more memory, however they kept the same sound chip which is why the NES has much better sound. Mortal Kombat II on Game Boy is a better fighter than any fighting game on either NES or Master System though.