@Serpenterror you obviously have no idea what you're talking about. The board this guy is selling plus the ram he's also bundling for $15 is all you need to use the machine. A case is optional, and if you want one there are extremely affordable yet robust 3D printed options. Anecdotally, I ran mine without a case for the first year or two that I had mine, and never had a problem. My brother still uses his without a case, and has been doing so for the past 4 years without issue. As for software, it's completely idiot-proof at this point, and has been for several years now. You just download the installation file onto an SD card and run it on the machine. Then whenever you want to update you just click on the option that says "update all". I understand you wanting to defend your purchase of Analogue products, which is fine. I own a Pocket as well and very much enjoy it. But spreading misinformation about a different product that you have practically zero familiarity with is not the way to do it
Comments 1
Re: Taki Udon's $99 MiSTer FPGA Clone Won't Be $99 - It Will Be Even Cheaper
@Serpenterror you obviously have no idea what you're talking about. The board this guy is selling plus the ram he's also bundling for $15 is all you need to use the machine. A case is optional, and if you want one there are extremely affordable yet robust 3D printed options. Anecdotally, I ran mine without a case for the first year or two that I had mine, and never had a problem. My brother still uses his without a case, and has been doing so for the past 4 years without issue. As for software, it's completely idiot-proof at this point, and has been for several years now. You just download the installation file onto an SD card and run it on the machine. Then whenever you want to update you just click on the option that says "update all". I understand you wanting to defend your purchase of Analogue products, which is fine. I own a Pocket as well and very much enjoy it. But spreading misinformation about a different product that you have practically zero familiarity with is not the way to do it