Comments 2

Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250


@nocdaes Agreed, the Pocket is good but it took a long time to get there. The promised feature rollout was very slow. I pity anyone who bought it and had had to wait almost three years to play their NGPC/Lynx/TG16 carts & cards. And there's still no DAC support that was promised from the start - in fact it appears that all references to DAC support have been scrubbed from the Pocket's product and store pages.

Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250


Absolute hyperbole-filled spiel from Analogue as usual, bigging up their products like they're absolute perfection when the truth is they arrive half-baked and with plenty of bugs that they take months to fix, plus some that don't ever get fixed before they abandon the product altogether as they start work on the next one.