We're gonna assume everyone here already knows about Lemmings, the ridiculously fun puzzle game where players must guide a group of green-haired, blue-robed characters through a maze of dastardly obstacles.
Originally launched for the Commodore Amiga in 1991, it was created by the Dundee developer DMA Design (the creators of games like Grand Theft Auto and Body Harvest) and was published by Psygnosis. It later went on to receive a number of ports, remakes, and sequels across a variety range of machines, as well as fan projects (like this recent Commodore Plus/4 port).
But have you ever been curious as to what the game might look like without having to scroll around each stage to look ahead? Say, if the game was running on a much wider display? Well, one of its original programmers Mike Dailly has recently been tinkering with an 8.8inch long strip display that he bought from AliExpress and has managed to get a version of the game running on this 480x1920 resolution monitor.
The version he used to show off the screen is an unofficial remake that he was developing of the game back in 2017 in GameMaker. This was a version he wrote while working at YoYo Games, the creator of the popular engine. The level depicted in the clip also appears to be a revised version of Steel Works, from Lemmings Mayhem difficulty.
Sadly, it should be stated, that this isn't some kind of cryptic tease for a new Lemmings project. After all, Sony still owns the rights to the franchise. But nevertheless, it's fascinating to see Dailly still experimenting with Lemmings all these years later and still finding cool ways to keep the franchise relevant.