I thought many kart racers died bc they didnt really do anything creative or innovative. I'm still hoping sega does another sonic riders type game but with more of their IP crossing over. Another split second wouldve been nice and I'd personally love a cool parkour racing game based off of running high
I think the game can use more color and the hits could be more impactful (tho that can be changed by the time the game releases) but it still looks like a solid game. The DD series has haad many different looking releases. Its a bit hard to tell just what exactly the tone is supposed to be. And gameplay wise youre just beating guys up as you do in the other DD games. He just sounds like a prick
Comments 2
Re: We Didn't Get 'WipEout Kart' Because Phil Harrison Thinks "Kart Games Are Where Franchises Go To Die"
I thought many kart racers died bc they didnt really do anything creative or innovative. I'm still hoping sega does another sonic riders type game but with more of their IP crossing over. Another split second wouldve been nice and I'd personally love a cool parkour racing game based off of running high
Re: Double Dragon Artist Says Double Dragon Revive Is "Cheap" And "Shows No Respect" To The Series
I think the game can use more color and the hits could be more impactful (tho that can be changed by the time the game releases) but it still looks like a solid game. The DD series has haad many different looking releases. Its a bit hard to tell just what exactly the tone is supposed to be. And gameplay wise youre just beating guys up as you do in the other DD games. He just sounds like a prick