Comments 17

Re: Mario 64 Speedrunning Declared "Dead" After Insane Feat From "The Greatest Speedrunner Of All Time"


@KitsuneNight LOL! It is wild to hear he has a short temper and still sticks to the same game! At this stage of my life, when I play something that frustrates or annoys me I just call it quits. Well sometimes at least. I legit have bought over 800 games for the switch and won’t even get to play them all in my lifetime. So I try to keep moving.

It’s funny, when I play a frustrating game that requires memorization it’ll take a dozen, maybe two dozen times of trial and error. Then I usually succeed and continue on, happy that I “just made it”. I never want to look back. The speed runners are the opposite. “I just made it… but now I need to do it again and see if I can do it even better!” I’d never survive that kind of gaming 😂🤣

Re: Mario 64 Speedrunning Declared "Dead" After Insane Feat From "The Greatest Speedrunner Of All Time"


@avcrypt I liked what you said til you had to do your little condescending life pro tip. So now I think everything you said is garbage and I actually have no interest in respecting any of what you tried to say. So great job. Pro life tip: learn how to communicate with people. I didn’t attack their community at all. But if people like you are a part of it, I think I’ll just stay out.

And don’t paraphrase me. What I meant by acting like they did something legit was referring to the act of physically making a record on an original cart, legitimately playing the game. Not that the act of TASing is not legitimate. I was referring to people who have in the past done TAS records but passed them off as the real deal.


Re: Konami Butchered This SNES Classic, So We Fixed It


It’s astonishing that a select few were able to complain and whine to the right people and change gaming so much in the US. Especially the fact that they changed it for the worse. I’ve been gaming for almost 40 years and I love the modern era where games are easier and more fun. And I love being able to go back to old games and beat them using new methods like save states and rewind.