@Soupbones Not officially. There's a general belief that there will eventually be a PS5 version, but there hasn't been anything official on that front at all.
Honestly, I'd leave it as is. That's how the series has always played, and it's not going to be an eSports game, so the verisimilitude of damage isn't needed.
People have been begging for the return of PS2-style Japanese game design, so let the game keep that older-school feel.
Should have picked it up before my Amazon Japan account got locked (for being dumb enough to try to open tracking on my phone, and then having to close it out to get the 2FA number). Unfortunately, I can't have it re-opened because I'd have to be able to speak Japanese for that. At least I'm not missing out on much by not being able to pick up Vol. 3. I initially passed on Vol. 2 because I knew I wouldn't have the money to also get the Cyberstick, but, well, it's definitely not happening now.
Considering that Ken is written as being 75% Japanese (Fully Japanese mother, half-Japanese father, I believe?), there's zero chance that was the intention.
People may have wanted to (and did, apparently) interpret it under that context, but it just doesn't seem like it was remotely intended to be.
Something, Something, Americans are Barbarians who can't appreciate the ZX Spectrum! And what's worse, they keep trying to say "ZEE ex" instead of "ZED ex!"
Though, seriously, I'm not even sure that Nintendo Bias is an inherently American thing. We're not the ones calling them "Ninty".
I think it's mostly just the outsized influence that the Zelda series has, and the absoultely gargantuan popularity that Link has as a character, combined with internet osmosis, that keeps it going.
LRG used to be even worse (especially back in the Vita days), printing severely small print runs, and reserving like half of that print run for influencers.
As far as ININ/Strictly Limited, yeah, they do have a bad habit of putting out a "Normal Retail" version of a collection under the ININ label (Wonder Boy, Ray Series), and then also putting out a version under the Strictly Limited label with much more on it (which can be frustrating to those of us in NA).
I mostly prefer FPGA for anything up to the PS1/Saturn era, and it doesn't really bother me that the shell doesn't evoke any sort of console nostalgia. At the time I got my MiSTer, it wasn't as expensive as it is now, and it made for a nice substitute for systems I was never going to be able to afford games for (PC Engine and Neo-Geo, primarily).
@-wc- I was stupid and sold my original Saturn to a (then-)friend in 2002. I finally bought another in 2016 and have slowly rebuilt my library, having most of what I had the first time around (with a couple exceptions), and some things I didn't have back then.
Needless to say, I wish I never had to go through that.
@-wc- The SNES SPC-700 was bottlenecked by how much ROM space that the sound samples took up.
I'm a fan of FM synthesis, myself, and generally prefer the MD over the SNES overall, but everything about the SNES was bottlenecks, bottlenecks, bottlenecks.
@doctorhino It was an exploit tied to the Broadband Adapter that allowed pirates to rip the data, though some had to be excised or compressed to get it down to fit on a CD.
@sdelfin I know there's at least one game that had timing issues on a Model 1 (I think it was one of the Earthworm Jim games).
I suppose it's possible both chips could be reproduced in the FPGA and it will know which one to load if an affected game is loaded. I don't really have the experience with that to say for sure, though.
@ShadJV Actually buying cartridges shouldn't be a big deal, at least on the Genesis side (I can't speak to Master System or SG-1000).
At least in the US (I can't speak for Europe), Genesis games tend to run cheaper than SNES games do (except for, say, MUSHA). Especially if one is fine with buying loose cartridges and isn't worried about having the packaging.
Comments 41
Re: Review: Mega Everdrive Pro - The Best Flash Cart For Your Genesis / Mega Drive
Also : If used along with a Mega SG, the Mega Everdrive Pro can also run SG-1000 games.
Re: Hands On: Tokyo Xtreme Racer - The Welcome Return Of An Arcade Racing Classic
@Soupbones Not officially. There's a general belief that there will eventually be a PS5 version, but there hasn't been anything official on that front at all.
Re: Hamster Reveals Incredible Early Footage Of Namco's 1988 Arcade Game 'Märchen Maze'
@Guru_Larry Aside from a cut-down PC Engine port, I don't think it was ever seen again until the Arcade Archives release.
Re: Hands On: Tokyo Xtreme Racer - The Welcome Return Of An Arcade Racing Classic
Honestly, I'd leave it as is. That's how the series has always played, and it's not going to be an eSports game, so the verisimilitude of damage isn't needed.
People have been begging for the return of PS2-style Japanese game design, so let the game keep that older-school feel.
Re: MAME 0.274 Is Out Now, Bringing With It A Ton Of New Features & Fixes
I'm still stuck on version 0.185 because it was around that time I lost the ability to find reliable sets (whether non-merged or merged) anymore.
(And no, I know better than to ask. I don't want repositories getting shut down.)
Re: "The Most Bafflingly Poor Products We Have Ever Reviewed" - Marseille's mClassic RGB Collection Fails To Impress The Experts
I can't even tell what these things are supposed to do in the first place.
Re: City Connection's Next 'Saturn Tribute' Title Will Be Announced This Week
@cakeashi They've already shown they're not exclusively doing STGs, and Hamster already beat them to Gun Frontier anyway.
Re: City Connection's Next 'Saturn Tribute' Title Will Be Announced This Week
@cakeashi Probably won't be that. Sega owns that IP now.
It'd be something 3rd party.
I'm going to say it's Arcade Gears : Pu-Li-Ru-La.
Re: 3DO Is Coming To MiSTer FPGA
The final system that absolutely needed to be supported.
Re: Konami's Bizarre Arcade Racing Game 'Escape Kids' Is Heading To PS4 & Switch
Time to flush some fools down the toilet!
Re: Review: Toaplan Arcade 3 (Evercade) - Batsugun And Truxton II Make This Practically Essential
"Bad Omen and Devilish"
But, Bad Omen IS Devilish.
Re: Taito Arcade Memories Volume 2, An SD Card With ROMs On, Is Now Selling For Crazy Money
Should have picked it up before my Amazon Japan account got locked (for being dumb enough to try to open tracking on my phone, and then having to close it out to get the 2FA number). Unfortunately, I can't have it re-opened because I'd have to be able to speak Japanese for that. At least I'm not missing out on much by not being able to pick up Vol. 3. I initially passed on Vol. 2 because I knew I wouldn't have the money to also get the Cyberstick, but, well, it's definitely not happening now.
Re: Taito Egret II Mini Arcade Memories Vol. 3 Line-Up Announced
Oof. I like Aqua Jack, but the rest of that lineup is rough.
Re: Game Researcher Says Street Fighter II Was "USA Vs. Japan" And Japanese People Aren't Happy
Considering that Ken is written as being 75% Japanese (Fully Japanese mother, half-Japanese father, I believe?), there's zero chance that was the intention.
People may have wanted to (and did, apparently) interpret it under that context, but it just doesn't seem like it was remotely intended to be.
Re: Saturn FPGA Core Just Hit Another Important "Accuracy Milestone"
@IceClimbersMain They're already working.
You just have to be subscribed to Jotego's Patreon in order to use the core.
He probably won't consider it ready for full public release for a while yet.
Re: Tetris Forever Is Missing An Interesting Entry, Claims Satellaview Preservationist
@Spider-Kev They wouldn't be able to.
This is only going to have the games that Bullet Proof Software made.
None made by other devs.
Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?
Something, Something, Americans are Barbarians who can't appreciate the ZX Spectrum! And what's worse, they keep trying to say "ZEE ex" instead of "ZED ex!"
Though, seriously, I'm not even sure that Nintendo Bias is an inherently American thing. We're not the ones calling them "Ninty".
I think it's mostly just the outsized influence that the Zelda series has, and the absoultely gargantuan popularity that Link has as a character, combined with internet osmosis, that keeps it going.
Re: Arcade Archives Holding Special Event To Celebrate 10th Anniversary
Would be nice if they'd one-time-only bring back ACA NEO-GEO so we could finally have Viewpoint.
But I'm guessing Sega (through Sammy) owns the rights to Viewpoint currently...
Re: Sega's Turn-Based Strategy Sim 'The Hybrid Front' Is Getting An English Fan Translation
Mmmmf, that Naofumi Hataya soundtrack...
Re: This NES Clone Has RGB, S-Video And HDMI Output
@GhaleonUnlimited YouTubers tend to take big offense whenever anyone blames them for prices going up.
Of course the counter to that is : "Two Words : Hidden Gems".
A Youtuber says the cursed words "Hidden Gem", and a price instantly skyrockets.
Re: Is It Time To Change The Narrative On The Sega Saturn?
@GhaleonUnlimited I'd say the biggest one we're still waiting on is Princess Crown. Tengai Makyou The IV Apocalypse after that.
Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It
LRG used to be even worse (especially back in the Vita days), printing severely small print runs, and reserving like half of that print run for influencers.
As far as ININ/Strictly Limited, yeah, they do have a bad habit of putting out a "Normal Retail" version of a collection under the ININ label (Wonder Boy, Ray Series), and then also putting out a version under the Strictly Limited label with much more on it (which can be frustrating to those of us in NA).
Re: FPGA Vs Software Emulation - Which Is Best? We Asked Four Experts To Find Out
I mostly prefer FPGA for anything up to the PS1/Saturn era, and it doesn't really bother me that the shell doesn't evoke any sort of console nostalgia. At the time I got my MiSTer, it wasn't as expensive as it is now, and it made for a nice substitute for systems I was never going to be able to afford games for (PC Engine and Neo-Geo, primarily).
Re: Have We Been Wrong About Ultimate Play The Game's Name All This Time?
Wasn't Rare "Rare Coin-It" for a while?
That always sounded somewhat odd, too.
Re: Game Informer Readers Label Ocarina Of Time "The Greatest Game Of All Time"
@BulkSlash Because players invest part of their own identities into stories and characters, and that's where RPGs live and breathe.
Re: MiSTer FPGA Saturn Core Now Plays 95% Of Console's US Library
@-wc- I was stupid and sold my original Saturn to a (then-)friend in 2002. I finally bought another in 2016 and have slowly rebuilt my library, having most of what I had the first time around (with a couple exceptions), and some things I didn't have back then.
Needless to say, I wish I never had to go through that.
Re: Gunstar Heroes Developer Treasure On Why Mega Drive Is Better Than SNES
@-wc- The SNES SPC-700 was bottlenecked by how much ROM space that the sound samples took up.
I'm a fan of FM synthesis, myself, and generally prefer the MD over the SNES overall, but everything about the SNES was bottlenecks, bottlenecks, bottlenecks.
Re: Gunstar Heroes Developer Treasure On Why Mega Drive Is Better Than SNES
I suggest EXCLUSIVELY calling it the "Mega Drive", and completely retiring the "Genesis" name.
Americans need to learn that the world doesn't revolve around them.
Re: Japanese PS1 Game 'Addie's Present' Now Available In English For The First Time
Unfortunately, it doesn't run on the PSX MiSTer core (the untranslated version didn't either).
Still, this is one I didn't think anyone would ever translate.
Re: Round Up: All The Biggest Announcements From ZUIKI's Recent X68000 Z Livestream
That probably kills off any chance of actually getting Geograph Seal ported to modern systems...
(I might be just a tiny bit obsessed, my phone's ringtone is the Stage 1 theme from it)
Re: Yuzo Koshiro Explains Why Etrian Odyssey's Battle Theme Sounds So Familiar
Typo alert : "Koshrio" was used multiple times instead of "Koshiro".
Re: Irem Collection Vol.1 Brings Image Fight II To The West For The First Time
Not the first time for Image Fight 2.
It was on the Wii U Virtual Console.
Re: Hardware Review: Believe The Hype, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
@doctorhino It was an exploit tied to the Broadband Adapter that allowed pirates to rip the data, though some had to be excised or compressed to get it down to fit on a CD.
Re: Hardware Review: Believe The Hype, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
@Yorumi That doesn't even take into account the cost of a PVM and all the relevant cables/mods to make sure an NTSC-U system outputs RGB.
Re: Hardware Review: PC Engine Mini - Still An Acquired Taste, Even After 30 Years
Dirty pool reviewing this when most of us probably aren't ever going to get it.
Re: Book Review: Japansoft: An Oral History - A True Treasure You Need To Read
No thanks. Dude's still a massive d-bag, he has ALWAYS been a massive d-bag.
Re: Arcade1Up Is Reviving A Sega Classic That Has Never Been Seen Outside Of Arcades
Sounds like they don't have approval for the NBA Jam one just yet.
Re: Feature: The Console Wars Are Back With The Analogue Mega Sg, The First FPGA Sega Console
@Azikira Uhhh, Ohayo?
Re: Feature: The Console Wars Are Back With The Analogue Mega Sg, The First FPGA Sega Console
@sdelfin I know there's at least one game that had timing issues on a Model 1 (I think it was one of the Earthworm Jim games).
I suppose it's possible both chips could be reproduced in the FPGA and it will know which one to load if an affected game is loaded. I don't really have the experience with that to say for sure, though.
Re: Feature: The Console Wars Are Back With The Analogue Mega Sg, The First FPGA Sega Console
@ShadJV Actually buying cartridges shouldn't be a big deal, at least on the Genesis side (I can't speak to Master System or SG-1000).
At least in the US (I can't speak for Europe), Genesis games tend to run cheaper than SNES games do (except for, say, MUSHA). Especially if one is fine with buying loose cartridges and isn't worried about having the packaging.
Re: Feature: The Console Wars Are Back With The Analogue Mega Sg, The First FPGA Sega Console
Will the sound be based on a Model 1 or Model 2?
Because the timing differences mean certain games won't play properly (most infamously, "Hellfire" on a Model 2, which plays the music at half speed)