Comments 41

Re: Taito Arcade Memories Volume 2, An SD Card With ROMs On, Is Now Selling For Crazy Money


Should have picked it up before my Amazon Japan account got locked (for being dumb enough to try to open tracking on my phone, and then having to close it out to get the 2FA number). Unfortunately, I can't have it re-opened because I'd have to be able to speak Japanese for that. At least I'm not missing out on much by not being able to pick up Vol. 3. I initially passed on Vol. 2 because I knew I wouldn't have the money to also get the Cyberstick, but, well, it's definitely not happening now.

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?


Something, Something, Americans are Barbarians who can't appreciate the ZX Spectrum! And what's worse, they keep trying to say "ZEE ex" instead of "ZED ex!"

Though, seriously, I'm not even sure that Nintendo Bias is an inherently American thing. We're not the ones calling them "Ninty".

I think it's mostly just the outsized influence that the Zelda series has, and the absoultely gargantuan popularity that Link has as a character, combined with internet osmosis, that keeps it going.

Re: This NES Clone Has RGB, S-Video And HDMI Output


@GhaleonUnlimited YouTubers tend to take big offense whenever anyone blames them for prices going up.

Of course the counter to that is : "Two Words : Hidden Gems".

A Youtuber says the cursed words "Hidden Gem", and a price instantly skyrockets.

Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It


LRG used to be even worse (especially back in the Vita days), printing severely small print runs, and reserving like half of that print run for influencers.

As far as ININ/Strictly Limited, yeah, they do have a bad habit of putting out a "Normal Retail" version of a collection under the ININ label (Wonder Boy, Ray Series), and then also putting out a version under the Strictly Limited label with much more on it (which can be frustrating to those of us in NA).

Re: MiSTer FPGA Saturn Core Now Plays 95% Of Console's US Library


@-wc- I was stupid and sold my original Saturn to a (then-)friend in 2002. I finally bought another in 2016 and have slowly rebuilt my library, having most of what I had the first time around (with a couple exceptions), and some things I didn't have back then.

Needless to say, I wish I never had to go through that.