Comments 12

Re: Finally, Sega Genesis Fans Can Feel Good About Their Version Of Street Fighter II


@Robzilla not really. UMK3 Genesis way better. SNES is bland version and almost like Gameboy advance game if you look closely. The rawer image on Genesis is better and the game is meant to be dark. And the OST is better and it sticks in your head and you have more blood and gore and more frams per character. Nightwolf has red shoulder attack (which was only on MK Trilogy) Selecting Jade on SNES was just animation pointing her weapon the floor. On genesis she twirls with her weapon before pointing it to the ground. It's much closer to trilogy version. Genesis has over SNES that's for sure. MK2 on other hand yes it's better on SNES. MK1.. no comment

Re: Feature: 25 Years Ago, Nintendo Took On The Might Of Street Fighter With Killer Instinct


@tourjeff because they were the biggest selling hardware and almost all games went right to the snes because it was a hit. of course gimmicks like this was meant to be brought to the market. And the crisis wasn't there yet. We were in golden time during the nes/snes times IMO. gaming today.. sorry the music that they add is very very basic (maybe a few games are good) but most are not good. How many new games have you played that kept you coming back to youtube just to listen to the OST? I bet a very few. Look @ breath of the Wild.. very silent game. At least with Ocarina there was all the time music in the fields. It get to you in the atmosphere and it was fun exploring. Now just silence and just sound effect and maybe now and then here a tune....

Re: The Evercade Handheld's First Collection Of Retro-Style Indie Games Has Been Revealed


@Bunkerneath no. in second life you will be in astral realm. you will go the frequency where your mindstate belongs. If you're negative person you will be placed at same level headed people. A positive persons energy is different and will be at higher dimension where he rests. You can still play your games, but of course you have to search in your soul and replay it in your head. Your soul saves everything from each live. You can relive everything and nothing will be lost. So don't worry