@belmont yeah, that tracks — the characters in those games were pretty huge, and if memory serves, there was no flicker apparent. Played like an absolute dog, mind.
Interesting fact about the Master System version — the characters used background tiles rather than sprites, hence why it had a super choppy, "grid-like" look to it, but it eliminated sprite flicker and slowdown.
I really wish Sega would make the arcade versions of Golden Axe 1 and 2 available on current gen consoles; am I right in thinking there's some rights issues with some of the voice samples they nicked from Rambo/Predator?
Can we puh-leeese get a re-release of the original arcade version of GA1 and Revenge of Death Adder? I don't know if the sequel ever made it to consoles, and I believe the original is stuck in limbo because it uses voice samples from Rambo/Conan... 😓
@GravyThief The original skin-peeling skull animation was the stuff of (k)nightmares — well, most of the show was. I used to think if you died in the show, you died for real.
@Ristar24 Yeah, the Amstrad/Speccy (double sided tape!) game was not great — outside of the helmet it bore almost no resemblance to the show — and yeah, I could never get beyond the second room.
@Hikingguy absolutely — 2D graphics had finally come to a point where you could get a faithful arcade-style experience in the home.
Then again, the 3D games we got at the time felt more like a lot of developers experimenting and finding their feet, so maybe we needed that period for them to figure things out, rather than waiting for the technology to catch up with their ambition.
Yup, this ^ — I'm hoping the Cowabunga Collection will inspire Konami to release some of their other licensed titles, and it's not like Disney don't like money.
Ooo that's tough... Personally It'd have to be a 3.5-way tie between SF2 Champion/Turbo, Alpha 3, and the original version of 4, as those were the ones I was exposed to the most. Didn't play any of the III series until years later on PS3
Comments 163
Re: Guide: Best Golden Axe Games - Every Golden Axe Game Ranked
@belmont yeah, that tracks — the characters in those games were pretty huge, and if memory serves, there was no flicker apparent. Played like an absolute dog, mind.
Re: Guide: Best Golden Axe Games - Every Golden Axe Game Ranked
Interesting fact about the Master System version — the characters used background tiles rather than sprites, hence why it had a super choppy, "grid-like" look to it, but it eliminated sprite flicker and slowdown.
I really wish Sega would make the arcade versions of Golden Axe 1 and 2 available on current gen consoles; am I right in thinking there's some rights issues with some of the voice samples they nicked from Rambo/Predator?
Re: Spider-Man Dev Opens Up On The Hellish Experience Of Making Licenced Video Games In The '90s
I'd like to hear the original Count Basie ending theme music.
Re: Golden Axe Returns Is A Promising New Fangame In Early Development
Can we puh-leeese get a re-release of the original arcade version of GA1 and Revenge of Death Adder? I don't know if the sequel ever made it to consoles, and I believe the original is stuck in limbo because it uses voice samples from Rambo/Conan... 😓
Re: "Video Game TV Show" Knightmare Is Now 35 Years Old
@GravyThief The original skin-peeling skull animation was the stuff of (k)nightmares — well, most of the show was. I used to think if you died in the show, you died for real.
Re: "Video Game TV Show" Knightmare Is Now 35 Years Old
@Ristar24 Yeah, the Amstrad/Speccy (double sided tape!) game was not great — outside of the helmet it bore almost no resemblance to the show — and yeah, I could never get beyond the second room.
Re: Best PlayStation 1 Games
Solid list — I'd probably swap out FFVII for FFIX and WO 2097 for Wip3out as my personal faves from those series.
Also, no Ape Escape? For shame...
Re: Poll: Are The PS3, Wii And Xbox 360 Retro Now?
@Hikingguy absolutely — 2D graphics had finally come to a point where you could get a faithful arcade-style experience in the home.
Then again, the 3D games we got at the time felt more like a lot of developers experimenting and finding their feet, so maybe we needed that period for them to figure things out, rather than waiting for the technology to catch up with their ambition.
Re: A Fanmade Simpsons Arcade Port Is Coming To Sega Mega Drive/Genesis
Yup, this ^ — I'm hoping the Cowabunga Collection will inspire Konami to release some of their other licensed titles, and it's not like Disney don't like money.
Re: Best Genesis / Mega Drive Games
Some absolute bangers on this list — for my money...
...are the cream of the crop
Re: Best Genesis / Mega Drive Games
@Fizza Yuzo Koshiro is an absolute legend - he made that Mega Drive sound chip sing.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Street Fighter?
Ooo that's tough... Personally It'd have to be a 3.5-way tie between SF2 Champion/Turbo, Alpha 3, and the original version of 4, as those were the ones I was exposed to the most. Didn't play any of the III series until years later on PS3
Re: Acclaimed Video Game Magazine 'A Profound Waste Of Time' Is Getting A Reprint
I would love to see a reprint of the original Mean Machines — and with only 24 issues, I don't think it'd be that unfeasible