The video doesn’t mention anything about bandwidth available via loading from memory card slot. I can’t imagine it’s anywhere near as fast as reading a DVD. Is there any impact to loading times or FMVs etc?
@Poodlestargenerica the article does kinda explain it. In the old days consoles like PS1 could read data from the outer rim of the CD faster than it could the inner ring. So they used padding files to push the actual game data to the outer rim where it could be read faster and reduce loading times etc.
Comments 10
Re: Almost 25 Years Ago, Gran Turismo 3 Offered Ultra-Widescreen Support On PS2
Amazing! Who knew.
Re: A "New" $15 PocketStation SDK Has Just Been Released On Itch, But We Have Questions
What is a “reto developer”? 🥹
Re: You Can Now Run Your Entire PS2 Library From This $50 Memory Card
The video doesn’t mention anything about bandwidth available via loading from memory card slot. I can’t imagine it’s anywhere near as fast as reading a DVD. Is there any impact to loading times or FMVs etc?
Re: This Christmas, You'll Be Able To Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Genesis, For Free
Megadrive is the correct name. After all, it’s not called the GENE CD is it
Re: The LucasArts Emulator DREAMM Just Got An Amazing New Update
I don’t understand why you would use this over ScummVM?
Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For Wii And GameCube Emulation On The iPhone App Store
Why do outlets keeps reporting it supports Mega Drive, it doesn’t.
Re: Flashback: When Hideo Kojima Argued Over Policenauts' Bouncing Boobs With Sony
English fan translation you say!!
Re: Review: The Bitmap Brothers Collection 1 - Great Games, Wrong Versions
Omg Z, what a game that was back in the day. I remember it being quite hard aswell.
Re: Flashback: How South Park Forced A Tiger Woods 99 Recall
@Poodlestargenerica the article does kinda explain it. In the old days consoles like PS1 could read data from the outer rim of the CD faster than it could the inner ring. So they used padding files to push the actual game data to the outer rim where it could be read faster and reduce loading times etc.
Re: "There Are No Guns In Hip Hop" - The Fight To Save Def Jam Vendetta's Ending
I replayed Def Jam Fight for NY just last week. Great game and although Vendetta is a great game, FFNY improves on it a lot.