Comments 22

Re: Building The Ultimate Nintendo 64


@Henbenpet Thanks! I play my n64 atleast 2 times a week. I will look into the Rad2nx because I also wanna upgrade to an oled tv. Do you buy it on amazon or do they have their own site to buy it from?

Re: Best Sega Console - Every Sega System, Ranked By You


@-wc- well tbh I wish I was but I only got a dreamcast in 2009 lol. I just love the game library though. Dreamcast and Gamecube are my favorite systems. But I also love the Genesis and Saturn as well.

Im a big nintendo fan but I love sega almost even more.

Re: Building The Ultimate Nintendo 64


@mariteaux The n64 is more powerful than the ps1 and the graphics on N64 looked way better and alot more high poly. The ps1 was not crisp it had warped weird blurry 3d models compared to the N64. Ps1 looks objectively worse than n64 look at spyro compared to mario 64 or metal gear compared to zelda ocarina.

Re: Building The Ultimate Nintendo 64


@Bearzilla823 " The System was a pos" what are you on about? The system is still my favorite console of all time. Fzerox, Super Mario 64, Zelda Ocarina of time and Majoras mask. Smash bros, Mario Kart 64. Wave race, banjo kazooie 1 and 2, Goldeneye, perfect dark,conkers bad furday, Dk64, Starfox 64, Diddy kong Racing, Pokemon Snap, Pokemon Stadium 1&2 like the list of games for this system is nothing short of incredible and still the best moments of my gaming life were had with the N64

Re: In Memory Of Memory Cards


A fun memory I had was in the gamecube era I went to school with this girl and a couple friends who were into animal crossing. We would let eachother borrow our memory cards for a day so we could go home after school and import like fruits from other villages that we did not have and sometimes our villagers would jump from memory card to memory card so we always hear them talk about eachother. This was in 2001 to like 2004.

We all lost contact and that girl moved from Ohio to Canada. one of the guys I kept in contact with but he got into drugs and sadly overdosed and passed away.

but whenever I boot up animal crossing on my gamecube with the memory card I still have the letters they sent me and I even have signs and clothes of their custom designs they left in my village as well as their villagers that came from their towns asking about them once in a while. I shared the letters we used to send to my friend that passed family (dont worry they were holesome and not the dumb dirty joke ones we used to do back then xD)
and they were really delighted.

The memory cards legit save memories.

Re: Building The Ultimate Nintendo 64


I am the only person I think that plays the n64 controller holding it from both sides. I never hold the middle prong/handle unless im playing an fps maybe but even then I usually like just holding it from both sides. I find it comftorable where my thumb stretches out to move the anologue stick but I think I just have really big hands because for pc games I use the xbox duke controller.