Did I just read right, Neo CD, at last my Neo top loader can get something new to play. Instead of being left out by the AES/MVS. I don't get why the Neo CD doesn't get the love, yes I know it has limits compared to the cart system. But surely amazing games can be produced on it. The tech is more or less the same. With games like Earthion coming to Megadrive, which look stunning. Surely devs could bring amazing shmups/platformers to Neo CD, must be cheaper to produce as well being CD format.
Yes I remember visiting the Rathbone shop. Downstairs was F**cking retro heaven. It was incredible. Wish I would of bought a lot more then. Now that shop would of been Cleaned out in days I'm sure. Back then most were only interested in the new stuff.
Amazing system, if like me you love 2D gaming. This beast is a sprite shifter, with some of best shmups & beat em ups ever made. Unfortunately the PS1 got all the hype & the rest is history. Personally I prefer the Saturn hands down.
Incredible times, amazing magazine, the best era of gaming period the 8/16 bit era will never be matched. The magic of gaming & consoles is long gone unfortunately.
God this looks stunning, better every time I see it. This is classic Thunderforce style design that oozes replayability you tell straight away. Cant wait to get my hands on this beauty.
Go's to show how the tide is turning, the 8 & 16 bit era is the true golden era of gaming. With physical media slowing dying thanks to the download generation. Owning the real kit will eventually be a thing of the past.
@CasePB couldn't agree more mate, it's all about making maximum profit now. With endless open world crap. No passion or real commitment to the hardware. I really do believe the devs in the 16bit era really loved the tech & wanted to exploit it.
Love Atari of old, new Atari doesn't convince me. Not keen on the recharged series. For me personally all these new versions completely loose the charm of the originals. Neo sprint looks dire. I will stick to Super Sprint thanks.
Great to hear, definitely buying a Steam deck soon anyway for the emulation builds you can buy on SD cards. Looks like the ultimate handheld for us retrogamers, plenty of power no compromises.
Rare have certainly made some amazing games, unfortunately when they sold out to Microsoft. The magic & originality disappeared. Nintendo missed an opportunity they should of snapped up Rare.
Amazing magazine, just such an exciting time to be a gamer. Especially with the Japanese console invasion coming, to grab the industry by the balls and change it forever. The 16Bit era the best there ever was & will be.
@Azuris I'm sure some quality shmups could be made for it. Games like Alpha mission 2, Last Resort, Ghost pilots, viewpoint. More or less loaded in a single load. Obviously they would charge the extortionate cartridge prices. Yes I know the AES/MVS has the advantages, but there is definitely a market for Neo CD.
Well even more reason to keep my physical collection & keep growing it. Its the fools that keep downloading that have created this problem. The funny thing is most games cost more to download than to buy on physical. I guess its the throw away society we live in. It will definitely effect gamers who can't afford to buy new all the time.
Looks a great system, but availability & price is a joke. I have a mini pc that has practically all the best arcade games ever. Including Sega model 1 2,3, I will stick with that. Also my Atgames legends cab for the real arcsde experience.
Comments 483
Re: Did You Butcher Your Mega Drive / Genesis Carts To Overcome Sega's Physical Region Lock?
No i modded my systems.
Re: PixelHeart Teases News On Its Ghosts n' Goblins-Esque Neo Geo Game 'Gladmort'
Did I just read right, Neo CD, at last my Neo top loader can get something new to play. Instead of being left out by the AES/MVS. I don't get why the Neo CD doesn't get the love, yes I know it has limits compared to the cart system. But surely amazing games can be produced on it. The tech is more or less the same. With games like Earthion coming to Megadrive, which look stunning. Surely devs could bring amazing shmups/platformers to Neo CD, must be cheaper to produce as well being CD format.
Re: Here's Some Footage Of A Young Matt Berry Exploring CeX's Legendary Retro Shop
Yes I remember visiting the Rathbone shop. Downstairs was F**cking retro heaven. It was incredible. Wish I would of bought a lot more then. Now that shop would of been Cleaned out in days I'm sure. Back then most were only interested in the new stuff.
Re: New Book Aims To Celebrate Saturn, Sega's Beloved 32-Bit Console
Amazing system, if like me you love 2D gaming. This beast is a sprite shifter, with some of best shmups & beat em ups ever made. Unfortunately the PS1 got all the hype & the rest is history. Personally I prefer the Saturn hands down.
Re: 30 Years Later, P47's Cancelled Mega Drive Port Is Finally Being Released
Looks brilliant, another amazing megadrive shmup.
Re: Double Dragon Studio Wanted To Make A New 2D Golden Axe
Damn looks amazing!! This needs to happen regardless of a 3D remake. Look at Metroid both 2D & 3D. So this definitely needs to happen.
Re: We Have Yuji Naka To Thank For One Of The Coolest Genesis Intros Of All Time
Amazing game, Amazing system, Amazing programming. And in a 4 MB rom, and they moan like F**k nowadays about storage & specs.
Re: Cyber Mission Is A Promising Genesis / Mega Drive Game Inspired by Capcom's Forgotten Worlds
Has potential for sure, but it ain't like the mighty Earthion coming Megadrive.
Re: Flashback: That Time Miyamoto Said He Could Make Halo, But Didn't Want To
Miyamoto wouldn't lower himself to make dross like that anyway.
Re: Iconic Issues: CVG's Complete Guide To Consoles
@Jimgamer8 totally agree, also checkout Earthion on Megadrive. Going to something very special.
Re: Iconic Issues: CVG's Complete Guide To Consoles
Incredible times, amazing magazine, the best era of gaming period the 8/16 bit era will never be matched. The magic of gaming & consoles is long gone unfortunately.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Shmup 'Earthion' Is Pushing Sega Genesis To Its Absolute Limit
God this looks stunning, better every time I see it. This is classic Thunderforce style design that oozes replayability you tell straight away. Cant wait to get my hands on this beauty.
Re: Someone Has Finally Found A Use For The NES Expansion Port
Would be great for expansion to house more power, unabling the Nes to do more. Similar to the FX chip.
Re: Genesis / Mega Drive Getting A New Run-And-Gun Called 'The Cursed Legacy'
Another quality looking indie megadrive game:)
Re: 1996's PS1-Made Shmup 'Devil Blade' Is Getting A Modern-Day Reboot
Potential purchase for my steam deck:)
Re: After 25 Years Away, Atari Is Returning To Arcades With Its "Recharged" Series
Great to hear Atari are going back to the arcades.
Re: Japanese Second-Hand Stores Are Making Their Own Famiclones To Cope With Retro Demand
Go's to show how the tide is turning, the 8 & 16 bit era is the true golden era of gaming. With physical media slowing dying thanks to the download generation. Owning the real kit will eventually be a thing of the past.
Re: These New Final Fight Figures From 52Toys Look Ridiculously Good
Would be great to see Streets of rage get the same treatment:)
Re: These New Final Fight Figures From 52Toys Look Ridiculously Good
These look brilliant 👏
Re: Gallery: Celebrating The Iconic Video Game Art Of Yuji Kaida
@CasePB couldn't agree more mate, it's all about making maximum profit now. With endless open world crap. No passion or real commitment to the hardware. I really do believe the devs in the 16bit era really loved the tech & wanted to exploit it.
Re: Gallery: Celebrating The Iconic Video Game Art Of Yuji Kaida
And that's what makes the 16Bit era even more amazing. The games & the boxart are unmatched. Nothing today comes close. The guy is a genius.
Re: Colin McRae And Sega Rally Fans Take Note: This PS1-Style Racer Looks Amazing
It's great now I have Steam deck & Switch the choice is great 👍
Re: Anniversary: Daytona USA Is 30 Years Old This Month
Can't believe its 30 years old, still incredible. The Sega model tech is the stuff of legend.
Re: Interview: "Underpromising & Overdelivering" - Atari CEO Wade Rosen Talks Winning Back Trust
Love Atari of old, new Atari doesn't convince me. Not keen on the recharged series. For me personally all these new versions completely loose the charm of the originals. Neo sprint looks dire. I will stick to Super Sprint thanks.
Re: 3DS Virtual Boy Emulation Gives You 3D Without The Headaches
Something Nintendo should of released years ago on 3DS.
Re: Analogue Pocket And MiSTer Now Have A Vectrex FPGA Core
Great & all, I have Vectrex emulation. I also have the real system. Emulation just doesn't compare with the vector display.
Re: Famicom-Inspired SHMUP 'Xelan Force' Lands On Steam
Looks great wonder if its ok to run on steam deck.
Re: EmuDeck Is Getting Sega Model 2 And 3 Support On Steam OS
Great to hear, definitely buying a Steam deck soon anyway for the emulation builds you can buy on SD cards. Looks like the ultimate handheld for us retrogamers, plenty of power no compromises.
Re: Poll: What Is Rare's Best Game?
Rare have certainly made some amazing games, unfortunately when they sold out to Microsoft. The magic & originality disappeared. Nintendo missed an opportunity they should of snapped up Rare.
Re: Japanese Saturn Fans Pick The Console's Best Games
Great list, Sega rally, Thunderforce V, personally I would put Sega ages Outrun, Raystorm up there.
Re: Iconic Issues: Nintendo Magazine System #1 And Mean Machines Sega #1
Amazing magazine, just such an exciting time to be a gamer. Especially with the Japanese console invasion coming, to grab the industry by the balls and change it forever. The 16Bit era the best there ever was & will be.
Re: Vengeance Hunters Is A New Action-Packed Brawler For The Neo Geo
@Azuris I'm sure some quality shmups could be made for it. Games like Alpha mission 2, Last Resort, Ghost pilots, viewpoint. More or less loaded in a single load. Obviously they would charge the extortionate cartridge prices. Yes I know the AES/MVS has the advantages, but there is definitely a market for Neo CD.
Re: Vengeance Hunters Is A New Action-Packed Brawler For The Neo Geo
Looks fantastic, but why no NEOGEO CD. Cant understand why the CD system never gets any love.
Re: Talking Point: As GAME Brings Trade-Ins To An End, What Was Your Greatest Exchange?
Well even more reason to keep my physical collection & keep growing it. Its the fools that keep downloading that have created this problem. The funny thing is most games cost more to download than to buy on physical. I guess its the throw away society we live in. It will definitely effect gamers who can't afford to buy new all the time.
Re: Konami's X-Men Coin-Op Has Been Ported To Sega Saturn
Looks fantastic, shame it never happened for Saturn officially.
Re: This Thunder Force-Style Shmup Is Pushing The Genesis / Mega Drive To Its Absolute Limits
More shooters the better, Earthion & ZPF look amazing!!!
Re: Saturn Fans Can Now Play The Ultimate Version Of Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night
@Hairlesswookiee totally agree my friend
Re: Saturn Fans Can Now Play The Ultimate Version Of Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night
The Saturn should of always had the best version its 2D capability was Better than PS1.
Re: Does Your SNES Have A Ticking Time Bomb Inside?
Not good news, it's horrible to think of all my legacy hardware dying eventually.
Re: Fan Port 'Mega Final Fight' Playable Demo Now Available
@RetroGames couldn't agree more, would love the Snes to get proper support like the Megadrive.
Re: The PlayStation Performance Analyser, Ken Kutaragi's Secret Weapon In The 32-bit War
Remember the Edge article, think I still have the magazine somewhere. What an amazing era, Sony were on the ball, they still are.
Re: Zanac, Aleste And Gunhed Devs Join Forces For NES Shmup 'Chouyoku Senki Estique'
Looks amazing, hopefully an Nes/Famicom cartridge release will be available.
Re: Arcade Games Are Coming To Polymega
Looks a great system, but availability & price is a joke. I have a mini pc that has practically all the best arcade games ever. Including Sega model 1 2,3, I will stick with that. Also my Atgames legends cab for the real arcsde experience.
Re: Review: Hyper Mega Tech Super Pocket - A Wonderful Game Boy-Style Retro Gift
Nice system, screen is to small for me personally. Dpad is a bit finicky as well. Should of bought the XP or VS.
Re: Yes, This Is Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night On The Sega Mega Drive
@RetroGames couldn't agree more, imagine the Snes pushed technically like the Megadrive is getting.
Re: Treasure Wants To "Make Something" Next Year
New Gunstar heroes, Sin & and Punishment, Gradius. Any would be welcome.
Re: Konami's Arcade Classic 'Mystic Warriors' Finally Arrives On Consoles This Week
Brilliant game, have it on my mame setup.
Re: The PC-88 Classic Silpheed Blasts Its Way Onto The Switch eShop on December 21st
Looks great will purchase this, love Silpheed. Would really love to see a new Silpheed or a remastered Mega CD version.
Re: Atari Owns Almost Half Of Polymega Maker Playmaji
Would be great to see Polymega consoles available in the UK & affordable. Maybe with the Atari partnership things may change.
Re: The Popular Emulator PCSX2 Can Now Play Over 99% Of PS2 Games
@Agent_P like i said i prefer the original tech I'm a purist. I have emulation systems, but its the original gear I like in my collection.