Comments 483

Re: The Making Of: Star Fox, Nintendo's First 3D Smash Hit


What an amazing article, have read something similar before. 16bit what a generation !! Can't believe Nintendo used Argonaut. With the plans they had the Snes could of been even better. That's what I loved about the cartridge generations, being able to add custom chips. Nowadays its no you buy a PS5 pro lol 😆

Re: Forest Of Illusion's Closure Shows How Precarious Video Game Preservation Is


Thank God for emulation that's all I can say. Especially Mame, imagine the arcsde games that would of been lost forever without if. Arcades threw these amazing games in the rubbish tip, when they weren't making money anymore. Unbelievable when you think about it now. That's the trouble with the games industry in general, to throw away. I love retro gaming so I'm biased, I think Nintendo and Sony do respect there heritage to some degree. Look at the Mario movie plenty Easter eggs in there. And a Sony example is Astro bots play room, with retro hardware:)

Re: Final Fantasy Creator Explains What He Thinks Went Wrong With Japanese Games In The 2000s


For me personally the best games came from Japan in the 80s and 90s. Who can deny the awesome arcades from those eras. To the amazing consoles from Nes, Snes, Megadrive, Neo, PC Engine, PS1, Saturn. Plain and simply the golden ages of gaming. Personally the Japanese lost there way. Its annoying when you consider the rich back catalogue of games that could and should be brought back to life. From the likes of Sega, Namco, Konami, Capcom. Another Thunderforce would be a start lol 😆

Re: Polymega's Next Trick? Ditching Dedicated Hardware


In my collection I own a lot of legacy hardware and software. But mostly now i play emulation for convenience. I use a Retron 5, Retro trio, raspberry pi builds. CoinopsX on my cab. A mini pc loaded with awesome stuff. So this polymega idea seems worthless to me, the original polymega sounds brilliant if you can get or afford one. But this new take on it, no.