This is amazing news, the retro scene just keeps getting better!! More reboots/sequels to the classics the better. Axelay, Last resort, Alpha mission 2, Gleylancer, next please 🙏
Really is about time Golden Axe had the same treatment as Streets of Rage 4. And Turtles, a new quality installment made with love, respecting the original classics.
I'm interested in Asteroids deluxe, love the arcade cab with its amazing screen design. Sounds like they have done there best to replicate it. Cant wait to try it out:)
@Damo totally agree my friend, what an amazing time in gaming, incredible to think so many of the best games ever have been created in Twycross. What history Rare have. Brilliant article 👏
What a fantastic article, what a Legendary company from Ultimate play the game to Rare. Will never forget the first time I played Donkey kong country on Snes. Still amazing!! I still can't believe Nintendo never bought Rare and not Microsoft. Would of been so much better for both companies in my opinion.
@NinChocolate yes I've had mine for years, certainly will never sell it. Still love playing Lords of thunder, Gradius 2, Soldier blade. Also have a Raspberry pi with PC Engine emulation. Dont like to run the Duo to much lol 😂
Looked like this had serious potential, but wouldn't expect anything less from Manfred Trenz. The guy is a genius, just look at Rendering rangers and you'll know what I mean. Wish Manfred would make a new Turrican or some new ip.
A bit of Thunder force 3, followed by Allen 3 the Gun, and Sega Star wars arcade trilogy. Emulated amazingly on my mini pc. Thunder force 3 original tech though:)
@seffers yes its great with missile command, centipede, Marble madness. Lovely quality spinners as well for Tempest, and Atari Blasteroids which I love.
Great article, would love an original cab, but I'm happy with my Atgames legends ultimate. For the price it's awesome. With sticks, spinners, trackball , coinopsX loaded with all the retro goodness I love ❤️
Always remember buying Golden axe on Megadrive, absolutely brilliant. At last the coin op experience arrived in the home. Still amazing now. Golden axe, Thunderforce 3, Ghouls & Ghosts this was the Megadrive baby!! Awesome stuff. Regards to Death adder have it on Mame another arcade gem from Sega.
Thank God for Mame, for me game preservation is all about the Arcade scene. Just think about all those cabs, and pcbs that have been destroyed over the decades lost forever. Mame is a time capsule of preservation for loads of amazing stuff which I would never get the chance to play ever!!
Brilliant article, hopefully I will be able to bag the mini version of this amazing system. I have plenty of Sharp x68000 emulations on my Raspberry pi builds. Playing some of the games mentioned above is fantastic. Another great shmup to play is called Hell Hound, very Gradius in design. The only downside on the emulations I have, the stunning midi music tracks don't play unfortunately. Maybe the mini X68000 will sort this out hopefully.
@BulkSlash likewise my friend, always wanted one but way out of my price range. Hopefully it comes loaded with some of the best games. And fingers crossed they think of including the midi soundtracks that some of the games have. The Roland midi tracks on Castlevania chronicles are amazing:)
@Action51 totally agree it was far from bitter. It was amazing. Deep down everyone wanted both machines. Personally the best console generation ever, and games. Unfortunately these times will never be replicated.
This does look amazing, pays homage perfectly to the original. Its about time Sega gave us a new Sega rally. Luckily I have a mini pc running the model 1,2,3 emulators. Being able to play Sega rally 1, 2, Scud racer, Daytona usa2 and many more is a dream.
Certainly a ground breaking release, again such an exciting time in gaming. Then came Starfox with the awesome FX chip. Just amazing stuff. The industry just doesn't have this kind of excitement anymore.
@Gamecuber hey see your point completely, but like I said none of the newer gens. Will have new titles being made for them keeping them alive for years after there commercial success.
It's a tough one this, yes they can be considered retro. But like some one else pointed out each gen now just feels liked a polished version of the gen before. Personally I absolutely live and breathe 8. 16 bit, arcade 80s, 90s stuff. That's retro, those classics will never be beaten or truly ever seen again. It was a magical time to be a gamer. Yes ps3, wii, 360 may be retro. But I'm sure they won't ever be as collectable or as loved as the above mentioned. The likes of the zx spectrum, c64, Megadrive still have a thriving community, with new games being produced. Ps3, 360, wii, dead. But they have some classics that i own.
Yes remember when I bought my Jap PS2 with Tekken Tag Tournament, Ridge it really was incredible still is!! Its my favourite ridge along with the ps3 version, and obviously the ground breaking arcade original.
Comments 483
Re: Retro-Bit Announces Battletoads & Double Dragon And Gleylancer Reprints
Love Gleylancer another awesome Megadrive shooter.
Re: The Making Of: Red Alarm, The Virtual Boy's Answer To Star Fox
Great article, really considering getting a VB for this game. Always wanted to play it, love rail shooters, looks like a wire frame Starfox:)
Re: The Story Of Retro Studios' Secret Weapon In The Development Of Metroid Prime
Another brilliant article, talented guy for sure!!
Re: It Looks Like We're Getting A Gaiares Reboot
This is amazing news, the retro scene just keeps getting better!! More reboots/sequels to the classics the better. Axelay, Last resort, Alpha mission 2, Gleylancer, next please 🙏
Re: Tech Artist Sheds Light On The Wild Development Of Golden Axe: Beast Rider
Really is about time Golden Axe had the same treatment as Streets of Rage 4. And Turtles, a new quality installment made with love, respecting the original classics.
Re: Best Original Xbox Games - Celebrate The Console's 21st Birthday With These Classics
Personally never liked the Xbox, the PS2 was king. The Gamecube was the most underrated console and Personally my favourite of that generation.
Re: Round Up: Here's What Reviewers Are Making Of Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration
I'm interested in Asteroids deluxe, love the arcade cab with its amazing screen design. Sounds like they have done there best to replicate it. Cant wait to try it out:)
Re: Taito's Metal Black Is Coming To PS4 And Switch Next Week
Got this gem on various platforms, my Atgames legends cab included:)
Re: Sacred Spaces: Rare's Manor Farm HQ - Nintendo's '90s Hit Factory
@Damo deserved 👏
Re: Sacred Spaces: Rare's Manor Farm HQ - Nintendo's '90s Hit Factory
@Damo totally agree my friend, what an amazing time in gaming, incredible to think so many of the best games ever have been created in Twycross. What history Rare have. Brilliant article 👏
Re: Sacred Spaces: Rare's Manor Farm HQ - Nintendo's '90s Hit Factory
What a fantastic article, what a Legendary company from Ultimate play the game to Rare. Will never forget the first time I played Donkey kong country on Snes. Still amazing!! I still can't believe Nintendo never bought Rare and not Microsoft. Would of been so much better for both companies in my opinion.
Re: Feature: Memories Of The PC Engine, From The People Who Made It Sing
@NinChocolate yes I've had mine for years, certainly will never sell it. Still love playing Lords of thunder, Gradius 2, Soldier blade. Also have a Raspberry pi with PC Engine emulation. Dont like to run the Duo to much lol 😂
Re: Feature: Memories Of The PC Engine, From The People Who Made It Sing
Brilliant article, absolutely love the PC Engine, luckily i own a PC Engine Duo R. Fantastic hardware and games.
Re: The PC Engine Is Now 35 Years Old
Can't believe it's been 35 years, absolutely love this system, along with Megadrive, Snes, Neo. The best generation of consoles ever !!
Re: Space Harrier II Shows Huge Improvement On Sega Mega Drive / Genesis Mini 2
Looks amazing, definitely thinking of buying the Megadrive mini 2 now just for this
Re: SEC Report Reveals That A Llamasoft Collection Is Potentially In The Works
Yes indeed love Llamasoft, would definitely buy a collection if it becomes available.
Re: Sega Removes Controversial Character From Bare Knuckle 3 On Mega Drive Mini 2
Ah well luckily I have the original cart version so still can enjoy the game the way it was originally intended.
Re: R-Type Final 3 Evolved Is Coming To PS5 Next Year
Sounds interesting will be watching this one.
Re: Modders Build Naomi/Atomiswave All-In-One Arcade Console
Lovely bit of kit, but I have an amazing mini pc that runs Atomiswave and Naomi games. So I will stick with that thanks.
Re: R-Type Final 2 Dev Granzella Is Rebooting Jaleco's Formation Z
Looks amazing will be buying this!!
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (October 22nd)
Playing Star Wars Arcade trilogy, with my new Grs flight yoke it amazing!!
Re: A Demo Of The Failed Mario Kart XXL Pitch Is Now Available Online
Looked like this had serious potential, but wouldn't expect anything less from Manfred Trenz. The guy is a genius, just look at Rendering rangers and you'll know what I mean. Wish Manfred would make a new Turrican or some new ip.
Re: Flashback: Yu Suzuki's Real-Life 200kph Drive To Create Out Run
Brilliant story, Brilliant game, Brilliant developers, love Sega !!
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (October 15th)
A bit of Thunder force 3, followed by Allen 3 the Gun, and Sega Star wars arcade trilogy. Emulated amazingly on my mini pc. Thunder force 3 original tech though:)
Re: Data East's Legendary RoboCop Coin-Op Is Coming To The Mega Drive / Genesis
Great news more 16 bit the better, would be nice to see Snes getting more attention as well. Would love to see some new games made for it.
Re: Feature: Expensive, Bulky And Unreliable - But I Still Love My Original Donkey Kong Coin-Op
@seffers yes its great with missile command, centipede, Marble madness. Lovely quality spinners as well for Tempest, and Atari Blasteroids which I love.
Re: Feature: Expensive, Bulky And Unreliable - But I Still Love My Original Donkey Kong Coin-Op
Great article, would love an original cab, but I'm happy with my Atgames legends ultimate. For the price it's awesome. With sticks, spinners, trackball , coinopsX loaded with all the retro goodness I love ❤️
Re: Guide: Best Golden Axe Games - Every Golden Axe Game Ranked
Always remember buying Golden axe on Megadrive, absolutely brilliant. At last the coin op experience arrived in the home. Still amazing now. Golden axe, Thunderforce 3, Ghouls & Ghosts this was the Megadrive baby!! Awesome stuff. Regards to Death adder have it on Mame another arcade gem from Sega.
Re: We Can't Get Enough Of These Incredible Metal Slug Mini-Figures
They look fantastic, certainly something I would like to add to my collection.
Re: Talking Point: Have You Checked Your Floppy Disks Recently? They Might Be Dead
Thank God for Mame, for me game preservation is all about the Arcade scene. Just think about all those cabs, and pcbs that have been destroyed over the decades lost forever. Mame is a time capsule of preservation for loads of amazing stuff which I would never get the chance to play ever!!
Re: Don't Watch This Trailer For The Dead Space Remake On Your Own
Looks amazing, day one for sure!!
Re: Konami Almost Took On Mortal Kombat With A 'Mature' Fighting Game
Love this site, especially these great articles digging through the archives of long lost games or games that never were.
Re: An MSX 3 Is On The Way, According To MSX Co-Creator Kazuhiko Nishi
This is great news, especially with the announcement of the Sharp x68000z as well. Always wanted both systems.
Re: Video: Why Does The Anime Industry Love Sega So Much?
Legends of the Gaming industry, along with Nintendo.
Re: Best Sharp X68000 Games: 20 Titles We Want On The X68000 Z Mini
Brilliant article, hopefully I will be able to bag the mini version of this amazing system. I have plenty of Sharp x68000 emulations on my Raspberry pi builds. Playing some of the games mentioned above is fantastic. Another great shmup to play is called Hell Hound, very Gradius in design. The only downside on the emulations I have, the stunning midi music tracks don't play unfortunately. Maybe the mini X68000 will sort this out hopefully.
Re: Feature: What Do You Get If You Cross Contra With Canines? Wild Dogs, That's What
Looks amazing, what systems will it come to. Love the love for the Snes and Megadrive. My favourite systems ever as well!!
Re: Arcade Manufacturer ZUIKI Officially Reveals 'X68000 Z' Mini Console
@BulkSlash likewise my friend, always wanted one but way out of my price range. Hopefully it comes loaded with some of the best games. And fingers crossed they think of including the midi soundtracks that some of the games have. The Roland midi tracks on Castlevania chronicles are amazing:)
Re: New ZX Spectrum Game Bruxólico Almost Looks Too Good To Be True
Looks amazing
Re: The Man Behind Sega's 'Blast Processing' Gimmick Is Sorry For Creating "That Ghastly Phrase"
@Action51 totally agree it was far from bitter. It was amazing. Deep down everyone wanted both machines. Personally the best console generation ever, and games. Unfortunately these times will never be replicated.
Re: Over Jump Is A Loving Homage To Arcade Racer Sega Rally
This does look amazing, pays homage perfectly to the original. Its about time Sega gave us a new Sega rally. Luckily I have a mini pc running the model 1,2,3 emulators. Being able to play Sega rally 1, 2, Scud racer, Daytona usa2 and many more is a dream.
Re: CIBSunday: Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Super Famicom)
Certainly a ground breaking release, again such an exciting time in gaming. Then came Starfox with the awesome FX chip. Just amazing stuff. The industry just doesn't have this kind of excitement anymore.
Re: Poll: Are The PS3, Wii And Xbox 360 Retro Now?
@Gamecuber yes good call, I collect Dreamcast stuff. Sturmwind on DC is incredible for an indie title.
Re: Poll: Are The PS3, Wii And Xbox 360 Retro Now?
@Gamecuber hey see your point completely, but like I said none of the newer gens. Will have new titles being made for them keeping them alive for years after there commercial success.
Re: River City Ransom Director Mitsuhiro Yoshida Has Passed Away
Sad news another gaming legend no longer with us, R.I.P
Re: Poll: Are The PS3, Wii And Xbox 360 Retro Now?
It's a tough one this, yes they can be considered retro. But like some one else pointed out each gen now just feels liked a polished version of the gen before. Personally I absolutely live and breathe 8. 16 bit, arcade 80s, 90s stuff. That's retro, those classics will never be beaten or truly ever seen again. It was a magical time to be a gamer. Yes ps3, wii, 360 may be retro. But I'm sure they won't ever be as collectable or as loved as the above mentioned. The likes of the zx spectrum, c64, Megadrive still have a thriving community, with new games being produced. Ps3, 360, wii, dead. But they have some classics that i own.
Re: Soapbox: The Nintendo 64 Isn't Perfect, But I Still Love It
For me personally it's worth ownership just for F zero X, Mario 64, Starfox 64, Mario kart 64, Wave race 64,
Re: Trademarks Hint At 'Time Crisis' Revival From Bandai Namco
Sounds promising i can only hope!!
Re: CIBSunday: Gaiares (Mega Drive, Retro-Bit 2022 Reissue)
Another megadrive gem, I have the original jap version luckily. But this still interests me for the collection.
Re: PSP2 Leak? Nope, It's The Upcoming GPD Win 4
These systems are all well and good, but the price is a killer. If it cost the same as a Switch then maybe.
Re: Soapbox: Ridge Racer V is The Greatest Game Ever Made
Yes remember when I bought my Jap PS2 with Tekken Tag Tournament, Ridge it really was incredible still is!! Its my favourite ridge along with the ps3 version, and obviously the ground breaking arcade original.