Comments 483

Re: Sacred Spaces: Rare's Manor Farm HQ - Nintendo's '90s Hit Factory


What a fantastic article, what a Legendary company from Ultimate play the game to Rare. Will never forget the first time I played Donkey kong country on Snes. Still amazing!! I still can't believe Nintendo never bought Rare and not Microsoft. Would of been so much better for both companies in my opinion.

Re: Guide: Best Golden Axe Games - Every Golden Axe Game Ranked


Always remember buying Golden axe on Megadrive, absolutely brilliant. At last the coin op experience arrived in the home. Still amazing now. Golden axe, Thunderforce 3, Ghouls & Ghosts this was the Megadrive baby!! Awesome stuff. Regards to Death adder have it on Mame another arcade gem from Sega.

Re: Best Sharp X68000 Games: 20 Titles We Want On The X68000 Z Mini


Brilliant article, hopefully I will be able to bag the mini version of this amazing system. I have plenty of Sharp x68000 emulations on my Raspberry pi builds. Playing some of the games mentioned above is fantastic. Another great shmup to play is called Hell Hound, very Gradius in design. The only downside on the emulations I have, the stunning midi music tracks don't play unfortunately. Maybe the mini X68000 will sort this out hopefully.

Re: Poll: Are The PS3, Wii And Xbox 360 Retro Now?


It's a tough one this, yes they can be considered retro. But like some one else pointed out each gen now just feels liked a polished version of the gen before. Personally I absolutely live and breathe 8. 16 bit, arcade 80s, 90s stuff. That's retro, those classics will never be beaten or truly ever seen again. It was a magical time to be a gamer. Yes ps3, wii, 360 may be retro. But I'm sure they won't ever be as collectable or as loved as the above mentioned. The likes of the zx spectrum, c64, Megadrive still have a thriving community, with new games being produced. Ps3, 360, wii, dead. But they have some classics that i own.