Comments 30

Re: Ultra Pro Wrestling Studio Claims To Have Bought WWF No Mercy Dev AKI, But The Truth Is A Little More Complex


This strikes me as much ado about nothing on both sides. If everything fell flat on its face right now, what would change? Hyperfocus loses the ability to use the dead AKI logo in game or advertising, and they change AKI-man's name to AK!-man and put an extra stripe in his outfit. Viola. There's no N64 assets and code being used, there's nothing skirting copyright in any way.

It's no different than AEW hoping the THQ name would have some retro appeal to look legit and sell more copies.

Re: Polymega Gets Classic Arcade Games Via Physical "Polymega Collection" Series


@Zeebor15 G-Mode or whoever the company is that owns the corpse of Data East isn't too discriminating on who they license their IP out to. They've had Karate Champ on a ton of those rubbish My Arcade minis/handhelds, and gave Fighter's History (and Night Slasher) to whoever the scheisters were at Flying Tiger. They also did a Fighter's History SNES multi-cart with Retrobit. They'd let you make Karate Champ dog turd baggies as long as you fork over that fee.

Re: Polymega Gets Classic Arcade Games Via Physical "Polymega Collection" Series


I have zero desire to own a Polymega and will never own one, but I gotta admit this is the way a collection should be put out. Every version on every platform that is feasible by the license. I'm a fan of Fighter's History, seeing them include both US & JP releases along with the NGCD and Saturn ports is not something I would have ever expected to see. That's the way a collection should be presented and I think they deserve some praise for that.

If they had any sense they'd format these collections in a way that it could play on a PC that way they're not limiting their buyers to such a tiny audience. I'd pay 40 bucks to buy that for PC if it was nicely packaged, even though emulating this stuff for free is one click away.

Re: Classic Shmup Series Sonic Wings / Aero Fighters Is Getting A New Entry


As a casual shmup fan who enjoys older, more forgiving titles and just can't get into bullet hell entries, the whole Aerofighters series is a treat. Short, bite sized levels combined with having a ton of different ships really scratches that fast paced arcade itch. IMO a great series for a more relaxed shooter experience.

Re: Bleem, The Company That Took On Sony And Won, Rises From The Dead (Again)


Bleem! was truly amazing at the time. 100% fullspeed emulation with amazing resolution upgrades on a competitor's console is something that's just mind melting, as was emulating a current-gen console on a low end PC of the day.

Plus it actually being a useable, legal, commercial release and not some homebrew effort is something just totally alien in todays market. Walking into Babbage's and plonking down $5 each for the 3 bleemcast discs, then finding out they not only work with my US versions but also the imports (or CD-Rs) was a good time.

Re: Dragon Quest SNES Prototype Worth $50,000 "Lost For Good"


This was publicly advertised on eBay, probably the biggest marketplace a regular Joe can access. First person with access to eBay and the cash could have walked away with it.

No successful crowd funding efforts. No "archival foundation or museum" rallied to the cause with cash in hand. Where the rubber meets the road nobody cared enough. The cries of preservation and free downloads far outweigh the offers to financially back such efforts.

Re: Atari Announces Berzerk Recharged, A New Game Based On The 1980 Arcade Classic


I think they should have left the player and enemy sprites the exact same and just changed up the background and wall visuals. You can update visuals without looking like a circa 2008 flash game.

Not sure exactly how this is gonna play either. Changing this to a dual stick shooter makes a huge difference, making it play vastly different from the original.

Re: Feature: Drugged Coffee, Pirated Games And Empty Bank Accounts - The Story Of GameFan Magazine


One of the main things that stuck out about GF to me, during the 16-bit era at least, was they were not afraid to call a spade a spade. They were the first US-based print magazine I ever read that would trash a legitimately poor game. Gamepro, EGM, and Nintendo Power would write an entire single page review of a crappy game, glossing over or barely mentioning bad points, and leave only a lackluster final review score as an indication of low quality.

Gamefan didn't care to comedically trash a game, and was written how a normal game player would talk to another, not like a PR driven doublespeak robot to avoid losing advertising revenue.