

Weltherrscher / Imperator Mundi

Comments 399

Re: Hands On: AYANEO Retro Power Bank - The Cutest Power Bank You'll Ever See



It hasn't to do with anti China, the Range of Product Quality in China is insane, normally we don't see the lowest one in Europe or the US.
Through easier Export nowadays, the low Quality Stuff also comes over and it is dangerous.
AC Adapters and Batteries are not seldom Trash, even if the Product is good.
Just be careful about those.

But i wouldn't expect that a Brand as Ayaneo will have such a Difference, if any.
(Some have different Production Lines for western Standards)

Had such Experience myself with an Amplifier, the Device itself is very nice and working for five Years now.
The AC Adapor was causing Noises in the Music and was sparkling when plugged out.

You can look up some Famiclone Reviews for fun, sooner or later you'll see similiar with the AC Adapters shipped with them

To also praise more, some of the higher Quality Stuff from Ali Express is abnormally good.
Got some Reproduction Super Nintendo Games with english Patches.
They have a way better Quality as some official Rereleases i bought (looking at Wild Guns), you can even change the Battery easily, no Soldering needed, wish Nintendo would have done that.

Also nice that you can get official spare Parts from 8Bitdo over Aliexpress

Re: Yes, This Is Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night On The Sega Mega Drive


The Megadrive may be easier to be accsessed, but also is the Dreamcast and has much Homebrew because of it, but nothing of it is graphically stunning.
But in the End a Console can be better or worse for something, it depends on the Programmer on what he can handle better and feels more comfortable with to squeeze out the best of the Device.

Re: Evercade EXP-R Release Hit By Another Delay Following "Significant Issue"



Ahh sorry for having confused you, ment to say that there is a possibility that you can also find the Handheld for a cheaper Price

From what I have read, the old one has the HDMI out, but the new one doesn't get as "hot".
So i guess the Chipset is more energy efficient.

The Bartop is compatible, check it out on Dragonbox, they had it as an offer last i visited the page.

Re: Review: Tomb Raider Collection 1 (Evercade) - No-Frills Emulation Of Lara's Essential Adventures



The two Duke Nukem Collections are very great, Time to Kill was much better than expected, a real fun Game.

The Renovation Collection is also really good.

The Home Computer one was a good round up to have something of everything.


There are also many Games on the System you would overlook back then.

I got the VS this May because i had too many Options and wanted to limit myself somehow.
Was a good Decision, as i am playing more instead of browsing Lists

Re: Review: Tomb Raider Collection 1 (Evercade) - No-Frills Emulation Of Lara's Essential Adventures


I think the only Thing i would wish from them to take as an Option is a 16:9 Hack for the PSX Games.
Many Games work very well with it on the Mister, including Tomb Raider (at least 4 that i did try out on it).
The Lack of the Graphics of the Remaster is nothing bad, those are the PSX Version, personally i skip it because i replayed those Games last Year before the Announcement of the Remaster and this Year again with the Remaster... Too much Tomb Raider for me haha.
Sad that the Expansions never came to the Consoles, TR3 is not really good, but the lost Artefact is magnificant!

Re: Sega Rally 2's PC Port Is Now Playable On Modern Computers


Thats cool, i have Virtual Fighter and Last Bronx and they are not really good running on my PC.
Maybe those next ?

Strange that especially japanese Windows Software is very incompatible to modern Windows Versions.
Resident Evil, Dino Crisis and Street Fighter Alpha are other Examples, that wouldn't run without Fan Patches (well, until Gog came for RE )

Re: RHDO Changes Ownership, Rebrands As RomHack Plaza


No, the Story isn't that simple, but the biggest Hit to get the Rock rollin down Hill was a Person with seemingly much Hate towards RHDN, he was Part of the RHDO Team but got kicked out because of that, as the Team just wanted an more modern Alternative and less Restrictions.
The Rest is a Mix of Misunderstandings, different Perspectives and bad Reactions.

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?


I don't think this is true, i started playing since the C64 and Nintendo Games are very very polished compared to the Competition.

But if it were so, we wouldn't adore Tony Hawk, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider and other Games, that made something very special in a Genre.

I personally also like Croc more than Banjo, but not because it is more polished, but because you don't have to collect as much.

Also, Nintendo Games often stand the Test of Time, the Gameplay often is even the Gold Standard (Super Mario World).
I can't say that about many C64 Games, many of them i found unfair and bad even back then as a young Kid.