Comments 4

Re: With The 233-Year-Old WH Smith's Future In Doubt, We Could Be Losing A Gaming Print Media Institution


The high street is simply dead.

I see my local council and others repeatedly keep attempting to revitilize the high street with each and every instance being a complete waste of time, effort and more importantly money.

The heady days of 70s/80s busy high streets are now just history as the high street of today are nothing but coffee places, take aways and charity shops.

It has been decades since I have bought a magazine from Smiths (the last one I can remember was Bizarre, and that must have been 20+ years ago) or the like as 95% of my reading material is all digitial with the other 5% being books bought from ebay or charity shops.

Should Smiths close, my only concern is where will the post offices go that are now housed in them or will this be something those who buy the stores will need to carry on?