Comments 25

Re: PSA: Check Your PSP Battery Right Now


Yeah, I'm all to aware about this. I'll be looking at PSPs on Ebay and I'll see so many where the battery hatch is damaged and stuff like that. It's an important enough issue that r/PSP on Reddit has a pinned battery megathread.

Currently, I use a PSP Go. I was planning on opening it up eventually anyways to try and install that mod that gives it SD card compatibility, so maybe I'll do that sooner or later as an excuse to check the battery. Heck, even if the battery looks fine, I might just replace it anyways since that is almost certainly the original one and who knows how long until it decides it wants to become obese, and it would save me the trouble of having to open it again in the near future.

Re: Hands On: HyperMegaTech Super Pocket Technōs And Atari Editions


Hm, maybe I'll consider the Atari one, not sure though. I might still prefer just an Evercade EXP instead (even if it does cost a bit more), and I am particularly interested in that new Evercade Alpha (even if it does cost substantially more). Regardless, seems cool, so I'll definitely have it in mind at the very least!

Re: "The Wrong Console Won" - Dreamcast Is Getting Its Own Rave Event "To Correct The Record"


I'll repeat the sentiment expressed in some of the other comments here. The Dreamcast is a brilliant console with so much to dive in to. So much innovation, so much creativity, etc. It was and still is a great console, and has forever made its mark on the video game industry in spite of its poor sales. However, as much as the Dreamcast is incredibly likeable, I do think it is probably worse than all three of the GameCube, the Xbox, and the PS2. The Dreamcast was awesome, but in my opinion these other three were even a step above. Not at all a shot against the Dreamcast, again I think it is a brilliant console, but rather it's a testament to how amazing the 6th generation was as a whole.

Re: Review: Flipper Zero - This Viral Hacker's Toolkit Doubles As A Handy Amiibo Storage Device


Sweet, I wasn't actually interested in this device at all until I read this review. I have no interest in owning any Amiibos, but it might be nice to still be able to access Amiibo-locked content in games, so this could be a way of doing that. I don't know, like maybe buy Amiibo, scan Amiibo, then sell Amiibo, something like that. Not even flipping for profit, just get a few bucks back by selling them cheaper or something. Sounds like something that I could possibly be interested in at some point. Thanks, great review!

Re: This Playdate Mod Solves The Handheld's Biggest Failing


@RobbWes Oh whoops haha, thanks very much for the correction buddy, maybe I should get my eyes checked! Well the Flame Red variant GBA SP (which is AGS-001 of course) is a console I have a lot of nostalgia for, so in a weird way that actually adds a lot of charm for me!

Re: This Playdate Mod Solves The Handheld's Biggest Failing


I really respect and appreciate their commitment to the Playdate having a certain charm to it that they seeked to partially fulfill by not having a backlight. However, a revised model with a backlight could have at least been nice. But hey, at least this mod means that those willing to mod their console can finally have a backlight if they previously desired one!

Re: One Of The Web's Oldest ROM Sites Removes Games By Nintendo, Sega And Lego


That really sucks, Vimm's Lair is (well, now "was") a pretty brilliant site. I was hoping they wouldn't get touched, but alas.

Just swung by the website to see the damage. Looks like a lot of stuff is still up there, even some Nintendo published stuff still remains, but your big names like Mario, Sonic, Mega Man, etc are likely all gone now from the brief checking I did. Even, for example, Kirby's Adventure was still up. However who's to say that more games like this won't be taken down very shortly as well.

EDIT: My mistake. While the download link is still available for many games such as Kirby's Adventure, this link does not work. Well, RIP Vimm's Lair, then.

Re: Limited Run's New "PC Micro Edition" Hasn't Gone Down Well With Some Fans


@RootsGenoa I would agree with you. Perhaps they also could have used SD cards? But it seems like the "universal standard" I have seen across companies these days for PC physical releases is USB, so maybe they know something I don't, I dunno.

I think another problem too is the fact that clearly they had to buy these in bulk, and I would think that the next step up in quality/price past these lowly ones is notably more expensive. Inevitably then if they used higher quality USB drives that cost more, we would likely see them raise the price of the PC release. And then we all know how our favourite "PC Master Race" sometimes gets, they would likely start screaming about why the PC release is more expensive than the other versions...

Re: Review: Razer Edge - A Little Blunt In 2024, But Still A Solid Emulation Option


Aspect ratio leaves something to be desired for emulation in my opinion, and I also can't help but still have the RAM controversy leave a bad taste in my mouth, particularly because they didn't even apologize if I remember correctly, they just quietly updated the RAM info on their website. Cool hardware overall, but for a few reasons I find it hard to recommend, personally.

Re: Shadow The Hedgehog Almost Became A F***-Filled Swearfest


Oh man now I wish they kept that in. The only somewhat redeeming thing about that game is how hilariously edgy it is, and that would have just been the cherry on top! I mean, it wouldn't have made the game any better, but at least the YouTube clips would have been even funnier to laugh at

Re: Zeebo Emulator Makes "Lost" Double Dragon And Crash Bandicoot Games Playable Again


This is going to sound weird since it's the ******* Zeebo, but I am super, super glad that this finally exists! I've always wanted to try this thing, because even if most of the console sucks, it's at the very least super interesting, and there are indeed a few gems in there, like that apparently really good Double Dragon version.

For anybody who hasn't already and has even a remote interest in the Zeebo, I highly recommend Stop Skeletons From Fighting's videos on the Zeebo on YouTube. I found that they were incredibly well done.

Re: 'Mario Builder 64' Is Super Mario Maker For Mario 64


I know some individuals have been calling for a 3D Mario Maker for a bit now, and with this one done so well, this is really awesome!

...Which, naturally, means Nintendo's lawyers are writing a cease and desist letter as we speak...

Sorry, that was a bit of an inappropriate remark and it very well may not happen, but I'm just jaded at this point by all the times it has in fact happened.

Re: Limited Run Under Fire For "Horrible" Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vinyl Release


@gingerbeardman Yeah, you're not wrong there. They definitely have a bad track record of shipping low quality products and just going "whoops sorry lol" when they're called out on it, as if they each time they just cross their fingers and hope that nobody notices their bad quality control.

Honestly, it's really hard to judge if they are being malicious or if they are just completely incompetent, but they're certainly one of the two. I am admittedly far too generous so I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt, but what can undoubtedly be gathered from them is that they are far too inconsistent with their retro products and with stuff like vinyl to be worth buying from them, which is part of why I never buy their GBA, Genesis, etc stuff, as tempting as it sometimes can be.

I still haven't had any issues with their "modern" products though so I'm cool with those.

Re: Limited Run Under Fire For "Horrible" Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vinyl Release


Mistakes happen, and that's fine, as long as their customer service responds appropriately. I like Limited Run, but there's no denying that they need to work on their quality control. I don't buy any stuff for old systems, vinyls, etc from them though, only their products for modern platforms which generally all have been fantastic quality so far, so maybe I would be more jaded with regards to LRG if I dabbled more in their hit-or-miss retro stuff.