It's admirable that VM Labs developed their own hardware but it doesn't seem to be as powerful as the dreamcast/ps2. Interesting concept for sure, an emulator of the system would be cool for tempest 3000 & iron soldier 3.
Also according to the moby games website Bill Rehbock served as executive producer for almost all the nuon DVD player games as well as a lot of Atari Jaguar games, With the lineage of VM Labs and Atari corporation sharing some of the same high ranking employees as mentioned in this article it makes you wonder how they got the video game console idea so WRONG 2x in a row but at least they were onto something good with the Iron solider and tempest games.
The dual analogue ps1 controller was on the market since 1997 . I can't see why the nuon controller shouldn't have had dual analogue sticks in 2000 🤦🏿@KingMike
This is a really good 👍🏾 interview, the WWE games on ps2 were bangers I played smackdown vs raw 2009 A LOT as a kid so it's interesting to know this guy while not directly involved was involved with one of the ppl at THQ who helped make it happen.
As for his time at Atari I don't blame him for getting frustrated because of so much wasted potential, I'm of the opinion that Atari should have bought out Epyx instead of just buying their handheld console at least that might have meant more 1st party games for the 7800, ST , 8bit computers, lynx n Jaguar. Also he isn't the 1st person to say that Jack Tramiel seemed like a difficult man to work with who burned a lot of bridges with his personality.
Interestingly enough yesterday I found some resources on development of homebrew games for the lynx so I might check that out for fun 😁 is such a cool site & it's a shame 🫠 😕 to see it going away. I discovered so many cool translations & hacks I never would have known about & it inspired me to think about creating my own ROM hacks & retro games for older consoles
This is really cool , I love to see more homebrew games being developed for retro consoles & I appreciate when the devs consider releasing them for modern systems too. On top of that seeing that they're developing their own NES mapper is amazing too.
I've thought about developed a NES game as well so thanks 😊 for letting me know about these tools(6502 assembler , level editor & chip tune tracker), some of the other stuff mentioned I already knew about & I've been wanting to buy Aseprite for a while & learn pixel art.
I remember when YouTube had the inbox feature wher YouTubeaccounts could message each other& the response videofeature that some YouTubers would use either for internet beef or to leech off the popularity of more popular channels.
I remember a absolutely hilarious YouTube response videofromthe early 2010s that some account spammed everywhere& it was just a 4 second video of Borat in a bikini saying"you like ? 😏" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 & before you could pause the video it was over & racked up millions of views lmao@Steel76
I subscribed to this channel and had no clue it got terminated then reinstated. YouTube suspended it without reason, their policies have changed a lot over the years with all these spam bots that never used to be a thing & constant deleting of comments plus removal of the dislike 👎🏻 button counter on videos, bare in mind idk if they ever showed the dislike counter on comments
Fascinating read & very cool to learn about the origins of Sir-tech. I'm sure wizardry also inspired hydlide which also had a smile character enemy similar to dragon quest. I'll definitely check out the wizardry remake & some of the games in the franchise over the years at some point.
I've thought about playing the OG wizardry & Ultima from the early 80s but I'm not sure if I can enjoy it (I wonder how outdated it they feel). I even tried to play another early D&D style CRPG from that era on a c64 emulator called Telengard which is supposed to be like a primitive version of diablo & it seem rough by modern standards for sure , slow 🐌 moving gameplay, no in game music & as a zoomer loading programs in BASIC is a pain in the a** compared to using a GUI even as a programmer who uses python something messing around with the command line feels difficult enough, it's not fun when you want to load a game that you might not even enjoy in the 1st place as with a lot of pre NES stuff in my experience, I've yet to play a c64 game I've actually enjoyed but I respect the legacy of these early classics.
This is pretty impressive, I'm surprised that such a large number of levels were missing from the original doom port on SNES. It would be cool to see homebrew SNES games built using this hardware as well one day
I'm not 100% sure if this is a scam but I wouldn't be surprised if it is. I remember some years ago people thought the Atari VCS was a scam because of developmental issues & it turned it it wasn't & since then Atari has put out a few pieces of hardware.
I hope a new soul calibur game gets released at some point. Pretty surprised to hear Harada say that soul edge outsold tekken in North America at one point.
I'd absolutely love a re release of the classic tekken games with online play. Namco already released them again almost 20 yeara ago as part of the arcade history mode in tekken 5 on ps2.
A good 3d fighter holds up well in terms of gameplay no problem, classic tekken ,virtua fighter & dead or alive games from 19993-2000 are still fun, even underrated games like goiken muyou 2 on ps1 (made by ex virtua fighter devs , 1st game on the saturn)holds up incredibly well 🙂
@KitsuneNight Agree SF1 is horrible & yh tekken 1 is the worst of the early tekken games but still good even today (although as a kid I didn't like it when I played it in tekken 5). As for Battle arena toshinden games they have cool character designs & great music but the 3D games are 💩 while the 2D gameboy game is one of the most underrated games ever imo
This is interesting considering back in the day square did not realise a single game on any sega console & enix only released a few on the saturn I think.
This seems cool & innovative 💡 with the gamepad & they keyboard being able to be switched out , I would possibly consider buying one if the software was available in English & it works with English fan translations of games. The idea of being able to develop your own games & software is cool too , I was just expecting this to be an MSX emulator device & nothing more
I've been playing tekken for the last 20 years , tekken 3 is my favourite in the franchise & my favourite game of all time. I think the storylines has hot increasing more ridiculous over the years but the gameplay is still great 😀
Yes sega might have made some money off the saturn in Japan with that larger game library & the royalties fair enough .
As for saturn backwards compatibility it's definitely not tinfoil hat nonsense. They could have included the chips for the saturn on the dreamcast motherboard or if the dreamcast CPU supports older instructions it could have ran saturn code directly or with a move to an upgrade micro metre/nano metre semiconductor manufacturing process many of the saturn chips could have been condensed down into ONE or TWO chips similar to later xbox 360 revisions which have the CPU/GPU on one chip where as older red ring of death models have the CPU/GPU on separate chips. Bare in mind I'm talking about direct backwards compatibility not emulation or FPGA where a computer with a different instruction set is trying to translate instructions from a different architecture into something native . I do apologise because if you don't understand anything about computer science or electronics you might not know what I'm on about @GhaleonUnlimited
@Ryohazuki224 Don't forget that sega of Europe dropped the ball too & didn't bother to localise a lot of stuff. Also the marketing seemed way off, during the megadrive era sega used to advertise heavily at football ⚽️ 🏟 matches then magically between 95-98 (saturn era) as far as I can see their marketing disappeared from football then in 1999 it returned with sega buying up shirt 👕 sponsorship deals for top European clubs with "dreamcast" & "SEGA" on team shirts of Arsenal, Sampdoria ,Sanit Etienne & deportivo la coruna. Also since 1995 sony has advertised playstation consoles at champions league matches for almost 30 years now so that definitely helps with sales in Europe & did back then too.
I've also seen an interview with Jim Ryan(former CEO of sony interactive entertainment who has worked at sony since the 90s)where he claimed one of the things that made the ps1 popular in Europe was getting up into the Eastern European market where consoles weren't officially available in a lot of cases besides stuff like NES & ZX spectrum clones.
@GhaleonUnlimited the saturn wasn't a success in Japan that's another lie that ppl keep promoting especially when they say that the n64 is a failure in Japan when both consoles sold roughly 5 million units in 6 years on the market there (similar sales numbers to the vita in Japan). The saturn was just more successful in Japan than anywhere else. The failure of the saturn reduced the sales in Japan because they released the dreamcast in 1998 & didn't discontinue the saturn until 2000 so it remained officially available in a dead market, the saturn & dreamcast also use the same CPU architecture (Hitachi SH family of CPUs)so they could have made it backwards compatible like Sony did with the ps2 but chose not to , that might have helped sales in Japan a bit if ppl weren't ready to upgrade to a dreamcast yet.
@Geosword the idea that the saturn was NEVER originally designed to do 3D doesn't even make sense yet ppl keep promoting that nonsense. Of course the saturn was designed to be the ultimate 2D machine (former Sega employees like Naka & members of upper management have said so) but it was always meant to do 3D as well.
If it wasn't originally supposed to do 3D then why make the 3D chips for virtua racing on the Megadrive & 32x, plus sega was doing 3D arcade hardware before almost anyone else besides maybe Atari Games Corporation ? The ps1 wasn't originally designed for 3D then Sony seeing virtua fighter changed that & Sega seeing how good the ps1 was at 3D is what made them panic & throw in extra chips to do better 3D making the hardware more complicated & hard to program for than it needed to be & it still ended up being worse at 3D than the ps1 when all was said n done.
The sega saturn & 32x hardware are very similar , both using Hitachi SH-2 CPUs so it would make more sense for the saturn & 32x to be emulated on the same system. Doing controller compatibility would I imagine be more simple than recreating the CPU/GPU functions of entire systems@Daze_of_Reality
I'm not old enough to remember when the ps2 launched (I was only 2 at the time) , I have to admit SEGA did a wonderful job of screwing up & leaving kids of my generation without the knowledge that sega consoles even existed (SEGA was that company that made 3rd party games on ps2 , xbox
& gamecube while dreamcast was that company logo that appeared on old Arsenal shirts from a few years ago at the time , I had no idea dreamcast was a console) while Ps2 built my nostalgia in the 2000s.
Years later I became a student of computer science & electronics engineering & while studying a bit of CPU/GPU design I finally learned exactly what the hype for those early 6th console marketing was about with regards to the emotion engine & supposed 128bit gaming. The questionable marketing is referring to the machine's ability to process 2**128 arrays & vectors at once for improved 3d performance over 5th generation consoles but most elements of the machine are still 32bit meaning that in one go they only handle 4billion bits of data for processing at once & even this is true for the n64 with the 64bit elements of the machine not actually being usable in an practical way due to RAM size & speed plus the processor speed. So questionable & dodgy marketing in orde to over hype these consoles knowing full well most gamers don't understand how they work.
@Yousef- I agree as the 7th console generation went on many games became less & less compatabile with CRTs. I didn't get a HDTV for gaming unil the late & I remember playing stuff like dishonoured & darksiders & I had to quit because they because unplayable due to the small unreadable text on screen. I'll have to get back into those games at some point as I own them on xbox 360
The nomad was such a mistake, sega should have used actual portable cartridges with its own library of games then also allowed it to play megadrive games just like they did with master system games on the game gear. Such a dumb decision & an overlooked reason as to why they ended up leaving the console market, they just gave up on handhelds like that without properly trying
Comments 30
Re: Ultimate Guide: Nuon, The DVD Player That Tried To Be A Games Console And Failed
It's admirable that VM Labs developed their own hardware but it doesn't seem to be as powerful as the dreamcast/ps2. Interesting concept for sure, an emulator of the system would be cool for tempest 3000 & iron soldier 3.
Also according to the moby games website Bill Rehbock served as executive producer for almost all the nuon DVD player games as well as a lot of Atari Jaguar games, With the lineage of VM Labs and Atari corporation sharing some of the same high ranking employees as mentioned in this article it makes you wonder how they got the video game console idea so WRONG 2x in a row but at least they were onto something good with the Iron solider and tempest games.
Re: Ultimate Guide: Nuon, The DVD Player That Tried To Be A Games Console And Failed
The dual analogue ps1 controller was on the market since 1997 . I can't see why the nuon controller shouldn't have had dual analogue sticks in 2000 🤦🏿@KingMike
Re: Interview: "It Was A Suicide Mission" - Larry Siegel Reflects On Atari's Failed War On Nintendo
This is a really good 👍🏾 interview, the WWE games on ps2 were bangers I played smackdown vs raw 2009 A LOT as a kid so it's interesting to know this guy while not directly involved was involved with one of the ppl at THQ who helped make it happen.
As for his time at Atari I don't blame him for getting frustrated because of so much wasted potential, I'm of the opinion that Atari should have bought out Epyx instead of just buying their handheld console at least that might have meant more 1st party games for the 7800, ST , 8bit computers, lynx n Jaguar. Also he isn't the 1st person to say that Jack Tramiel seemed like a difficult man to work with who burned a lot of bridges with his personality.
Interestingly enough yesterday I found some resources on development of homebrew games for the lynx so I might check that out for fun 😁
Re: Review: Changeable Guardian Estique (NES) - Shmups Don't Get Much Better Than This On NES
This game 🎮 👌🏾 looks cool. I don't own an NES but if they release it on steam I'd buy it
Re: Is Winding Down After Almost 20 Years is such a cool site & it's a shame 🫠 😕 to see it going away. I discovered so many cool translations & hacks I never would have known about & it inspired me to think about creating my own ROM hacks & retro games for older consoles
Re: Interview: How NES RPG Former Dawn Is Bringing CD-ROM Power To Nintendo's 8-Bit System
This is really cool , I love to see more homebrew games being developed for retro consoles & I appreciate when the devs consider releasing them for modern systems too. On top of that seeing that they're developing their own NES mapper is amazing too.
I've thought about developed a NES game as well so thanks 😊 for letting me know about these tools(6502 assembler , level editor & chip tune tracker), some of the other stuff mentioned I already knew about & I've been wanting to buy Aseprite for a while & learn pixel art.
Re: "Thank You To Every One That Boosted This" - Terminated YouTube Retro Gaming Channel Gets Reinstated
I remember when YouTube had the inbox feature wher YouTubeaccounts could message each other& the response videofeature that some YouTubers would use either for internet beef or to leech off the popularity of more popular channels.
I remember a absolutely hilarious YouTube response videofromthe early 2010s that some account spammed everywhere& it was just a 4 second video of Borat in a bikini saying"you like ? 😏" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 & before you could pause the video it was over & racked up millions of views lmao@Steel76
Re: "Thank You To Every One That Boosted This" - Terminated YouTube Retro Gaming Channel Gets Reinstated
I subscribed to this channel and had no clue it got terminated then reinstated. YouTube suspended it without reason, their policies have changed a lot over the years with all these spam bots that never used to be a thing & constant deleting of comments plus removal of the dislike 👎🏻 button counter on videos, bare in mind idk if they ever showed the dislike counter on comments
Re: The Making Of: Wizardry, The Landmark RPG That Inspired Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy
Fascinating read & very cool to learn about the origins of Sir-tech. I'm sure wizardry also inspired hydlide which also had a smile character enemy similar to dragon quest. I'll definitely check out the wizardry remake & some of the games in the franchise over the years at some point.
I've thought about playing the OG wizardry & Ultima from the early 80s but I'm not sure if I can enjoy it (I wonder how outdated it they feel). I even tried to play another early D&D style CRPG from that era on a c64 emulator called Telengard which is supposed to be like a primitive version of diablo & it seem rough by modern standards for sure , slow 🐌 moving gameplay, no in game music & as a zoomer loading programs in BASIC is a pain in the a** compared to using a GUI even as a programmer who uses python something messing around with the command line feels difficult enough, it's not fun when you want to load a game that you might not even enjoy in the 1st place as with a lot of pre NES stuff in my experience, I've yet to play a c64 game I've actually enjoyed but I respect the legacy of these early classics.
Re: Interview: Meet The Man Who's Upgrading SNES Doom With The "Super FX 3" Chip
This is pretty impressive, I'm surprised that such a large number of levels were missing from the original doom port on SNES. It would be cool to see homebrew SNES games built using this hardware as well one day
Re: "The Project Is A Complete Scam" - The Internet Isn't Convinced By The SuperSega FPGA Console
I'm not 100% sure if this is a scam but I wouldn't be surprised if it is. I remember some years ago people thought the Atari VCS was a scam because of developmental issues & it turned it it wasn't & since then Atari has put out a few pieces of hardware.
Re: Tekken Boss Explains Why We Haven't Had A New Soulcalibur In A While
I hope a new soul calibur game gets released at some point. Pretty surprised to hear Harada say that soul edge outsold tekken in North America at one point.
Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For A Tekken Collection
I'd absolutely love a re release of the classic tekken games with online play. Namco already released them again almost 20 yeara ago as part of the arcade history mode in tekken 5 on ps2.
A good 3d fighter holds up well in terms of gameplay no problem, classic tekken ,virtua fighter & dead or alive games from 19993-2000 are still fun, even underrated games like goiken muyou 2 on ps1 (made by ex virtua fighter devs , 1st game on the saturn)holds up incredibly well 🙂
Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For A Tekken Collection
@KitsuneNight Agree SF1 is horrible & yh tekken 1 is the worst of the early tekken games but still good even today (although as a kid I didn't like it when I played it in tekken 5). As for Battle arena toshinden games they have cool character designs & great music but the 3D games are 💩 while the 2D gameboy game is one of the most underrated games ever imo
Re: Square Enix Announces Sega Genesis, Saturn And Dreamcast Die-Cast Miniatures
@845H that's cos there was no square games on any Sega console & only a few enix games.
Re: Square Enix Announces Sega Genesis, Saturn And Dreamcast Die-Cast Miniatures
This is interesting considering back in the day square did not realise a single game on any sega console & enix only released a few on the saturn I think.
Re: Review: MSX0 Stack – Handheld MSX Revival Is A Bitter Disappointment
This seems cool & innovative 💡 with the gamepad & they keyboard being able to be switched out , I would possibly consider buying one if the software was available in English & it works with English fan translations of games. The idea of being able to develop your own games & software is cool too , I was just expecting this to be an MSX emulator device & nothing more
Re: Anniversary: Tekken Is Now 30 Years Old
I've been playing tekken for the last 20 years , tekken 3 is my favourite in the franchise & my favourite game of all time. I think the storylines has hot increasing more ridiculous over the years but the gameplay is still great 😀
Re: Is It Time To Change The Narrative On The Sega Saturn?
Yes sega might have
made some money off the saturn in Japan with that larger game library & the royalties fair enough .
As for saturn backwards
compatibility it's definitely not tinfoil hat nonsense. They could have included the chips for the saturn on the dreamcast motherboard or if the dreamcast CPU supports older instructions it could have ran saturn code directly or with a move to an upgrade micro metre/nano metre semiconductor manufacturing
process many of the saturn chips could have been condensed down into ONE or TWO chips similar to later xbox 360 revisions which have the CPU/GPU on one chip where as older red ring of death models have the CPU/GPU on separate chips. Bare in mind I'm talking about direct backwards
compatibility not emulation or FPGA where a computer with a different instruction set is trying to translate instructions from a different architecture into something native
. I do apologise because if you don't understand anything about computer science or electronics you might not know what I'm on about @GhaleonUnlimited
Re: An Embarrassed Sony Had To Beg Nvidia For PS2's Sound Chip, Says Former SCEE Boss
Never heard of Nvidia designing soundchips nor of Nvidia ever manufacturing their own chips so i don't know if they had planned to at one stage
Re: Is It Time To Change The Narrative On The Sega Saturn?
@Ryohazuki224 Don't forget that sega of Europe dropped the ball too & didn't bother to localise a lot of stuff. Also the marketing seemed way off, during the megadrive era sega used to advertise heavily at football ⚽️ 🏟 matches then magically between 95-98 (saturn era) as far as I can see their marketing disappeared from football then in 1999 it returned with sega buying up shirt 👕 sponsorship deals for top European clubs with "dreamcast" & "SEGA" on team shirts of Arsenal, Sampdoria ,Sanit Etienne & deportivo la coruna. Also since 1995 sony has advertised playstation consoles at champions league matches for almost 30 years now so that definitely helps with sales in Europe & did back then too.
I've also seen an interview with Jim Ryan(former CEO of sony interactive entertainment who has worked at sony since the 90s)where he claimed one of the things that made the ps1 popular in Europe was getting up into the Eastern European market where consoles weren't officially available in a lot of cases besides stuff like NES & ZX spectrum clones.
Re: Is It Time To Change The Narrative On The Sega Saturn?
@GhaleonUnlimited the saturn wasn't a success in Japan that's another lie that ppl keep promoting especially when they say that the n64 is a failure in Japan when both consoles sold roughly 5 million units in 6 years on the market there (similar sales numbers to the vita in Japan). The saturn was just more successful in Japan than anywhere else. The failure of the saturn reduced the sales in Japan because they released the dreamcast in 1998 & didn't discontinue the saturn until 2000 so it remained officially available in a dead market, the saturn & dreamcast also use the same CPU architecture (Hitachi SH family of CPUs)so they could have made it backwards compatible like Sony did with the ps2 but chose not to , that might have helped sales in Japan a bit if ppl weren't ready to upgrade to a dreamcast yet.
Re: Is It Time To Change The Narrative On The Sega Saturn?
@Geosword the idea that the saturn was NEVER originally designed to do 3D doesn't even make sense yet ppl keep promoting that nonsense. Of course the saturn was designed to be the ultimate 2D machine (former Sega employees like Naka & members of upper management have said so) but it was always meant to do 3D as well.
If it wasn't originally supposed to do 3D then why make the 3D chips for virtua racing on the Megadrive & 32x, plus sega was doing 3D arcade hardware before almost anyone else besides maybe Atari Games Corporation ? The ps1 wasn't originally designed for 3D then Sony seeing virtua fighter changed that & Sega seeing how good the ps1 was at 3D is what made them panic & throw in extra chips to do better 3D making the hardware more complicated & hard to program for than it needed to be & it still ended up being worse at 3D than the ps1 when all was said n done.
Re: Is It Time To Change The Narrative On The Sega Saturn?
Saturn had Tomb raider 1 as well but I don't believe it sold well while tomb raider on the ps1 sold 7 million copies@wiiware
Re: The PC Version Of OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast Just Got A Welcome Update
I love this game, I play it on my laptop & on a psp emulator. I had no idea that there's fan patches available for it.
Re: "We Are Waiting For A Reply From Sega" - SuperSega FPGA Console Team Talk Price, Release Date And More
The sega saturn & 32x hardware are very similar , both using Hitachi SH-2 CPUs so it would make more sense for the saturn & 32x to be emulated on the same system. Doing controller compatibility would I imagine be more simple than recreating the CPU/GPU functions of entire systems@Daze_of_Reality
Re: Modern Vintage Gamer Digs Into The PS2's Much-Hyped "Emotion Engine"
I'm not old enough to remember when the ps2 launched (I was only 2 at the time) , I have to admit SEGA did a wonderful job of screwing up & leaving kids of my generation without the knowledge that sega consoles even existed (SEGA was that company that made 3rd party games on ps2 , xbox
& gamecube while dreamcast was that company logo that appeared on old Arsenal shirts from a few years ago at the time , I had no idea dreamcast was a console) while Ps2 built my nostalgia in the 2000s.
Years later I became a student of computer science & electronics engineering & while studying a bit of CPU/GPU design I finally learned exactly what the hype for those early 6th console marketing was about with regards to the emotion engine & supposed 128bit gaming. The questionable marketing is referring to the machine's ability to process 2**128 arrays & vectors at once for improved 3d performance over 5th generation consoles but most elements of the machine are still 32bit meaning that in one go they only handle 4billion bits of data for processing at once & even this is true for the n64 with the 64bit elements of the machine not actually being usable in an practical way due to RAM size & speed plus the processor speed. So questionable & dodgy marketing in orde to over hype these consoles knowing full well most gamers don't understand how they work.
Re: This $30 PS2 HDMI Module Is Mod-Free And Lag-Free
@Yousef- I agree as the 7th console generation went on many games became less & less compatabile with CRTs. I didn't get a HDTV for gaming unil the late & I remember playing stuff like dishonoured & darksiders & I had to quit because they because unplayable due to the small unreadable text on screen. I'll have to get back into those games at some point as I own them on xbox 360
Re: Sega Just Showed Off A Prototype Handheld For The First Time Ever
The nomad was such a mistake, sega should have used actual portable cartridges with its own library of games then also allowed it to play megadrive games just like they did with master system games on the game gear. Such a dumb decision & an overlooked reason as to why they ended up leaving the console market, they just gave up on handhelds like that without properly trying
Re: Sega Just Showed Off A Prototype Handheld For The First Time Ever
@kennybobenny game gear versions of streets of rage & gunstar heroes are pretty good 8bit conversions