100% let’s see SEGA much more! They may have long since left the hardware arena but they are still a mega brand with plenty to offer gamers old and new.
Ah brilliant review and this is on my Xmas wish list. It’s amazing really how many football games there now aren’t! I used to buy them all! Even the bad ones. I guess my wallet is better for it but the lack of competition has made EA become complacent capture EAFC being good still.
Finally, a sensible and well reasoned article on the situation. It is possible of course that Phil Spencer will come out next week and say all the rumours are wrong, Xbox is already working on next gen hardware and that only certain games will go multi platform, whilst the big games will remain fully exclusive. Whilst this does seem unlikely, it would make a lot of people look very stupid.
But I do think Sega is a good place to look. Being behind in the console war is not going to do enough damage to MS to cause a huge issue but losing it two gens in a row is reputationally bad news.
Going multi platform will make them richer than ever.
And that is why they will go down the route that Sega did.
People will be angry and upset for a while. And then will play the games wherever they can play them. MS know that for short term pain, they will get much larger long term gains.
These magazines were my gaming youth. I love MM and although NMS and MMS were still great, they did lose some of the identity that had made MM so significant in gaming journalism. Jaz Rignall is a legend! I have loads of issues still in the loft at my mums house. Print media was always the best and without wanting to cause offence, online media is still nowhere near as good today.
CeX is a rip off store. Some of the prices are laughable and often disgraceful. I would rather independent stores getting featured rather than a store that doesn't need any help being promoted.
Superb article. Really enjoyed reading that and ironically, just today before I read this, I have been playing Medal of Honour 2 on the PSP and it’s still a brilliant game.
Looks amazing. Price is ridiculous. Never going to be mainstream. Accessibility is vital in gaming and handhelds at this price are only going to be affordable to the very well off. I will stick with the Switch and XCloud on my iPad.
It’s becoming very clear that NL is not independent at all. We, the gamers who click on the site are not paying them their wages. So somebody is. NL has always been great but recent reviews and repairs saddens me because they are clearly not being written from an independent point of view but rather as an advertisement.
Comments 17
Re: Team17 Co-Founder Martyn Brown Has Passed Away Aged 57
I am from Ossett originally and that’s where Team 17 began!!!
So sad to hear of this news.
Re: "You Don’t See Sega Enough" - Sega’s Transmedia Boss Wants To "Elevate" The Brand
100% let’s see SEGA much more! They may have long since left the hardware arena but they are still a mega brand with plenty to offer gamers old and new.
Re: Review: A Tale Of Two Halves: The History Of Football Video Games
Ah brilliant review and this is on my Xmas wish list. It’s amazing really how many football games there now aren’t! I used to buy them all! Even the bad ones. I guess my wallet is better for it but the lack of competition has made EA become complacent capture EAFC being good still.
Re: Raise A Glass To A Video Game Icon With This New Atari Decanter Set
Now I have to say that this is very nice indeed!! Just the job for Xmas that!!
Re: To Make Sense Of Xbox Multiplatform Rumours, We Need Only Look To The Past
Finally, a sensible and well reasoned article on the situation. It is possible of course that Phil Spencer will come out next week and say all the rumours are wrong, Xbox is already working on next gen hardware and that only certain games will go multi platform, whilst the big games will remain fully exclusive.
Whilst this does seem unlikely, it would make a lot of people look very stupid.
But I do think Sega is a good place to look. Being behind in the console war is not going to do enough damage to MS to cause a huge issue but losing it two gens in a row is reputationally bad news.
Going multi platform will make them richer than ever.
And that is why they will go down the route that Sega did.
People will be angry and upset for a while. And then will play the games wherever they can play them. MS know that for short term pain, they will get much larger long term gains.
Re: To Make Sense Of Xbox Multiplatform Rumours, We Need Only Look To The Past
@UK_Kev If you look at Sony and MS, they have both said that their consoles are sold at a loss overall. The money comes from the games and subs.
Re: Iconic Issues: Nintendo Magazine System #1 And Mean Machines Sega #1
These magazines were my gaming youth. I love MM and although NMS and MMS were still great, they did lose some of the identity that had made MM so significant in gaming journalism. Jaz Rignall is a legend!
I have loads of issues still in the loft at my mums house.
Print media was always the best and without wanting to cause offence, online media is still nowhere near as good today.
Re: The Making Of: Nintendo Magazine System's Street Fighter II VHS - The Ultimate Cover Gift?
Getting a VHS was so cool. I still have my Mega CD VHS which came, I think, with Mean Machines Sega. How times change.
Re: CeX Retro Watch: November 2023
CeX is a rip off store. Some of the prices are laughable and often disgraceful. I would rather independent stores getting featured rather than a store that doesn't need any help being promoted.
Re: The Making Of: Gunstar Heroes, Treasure's Mega Drive Masterpiece
One of the greatest games I have ever played. Superb in every way. Graphics, animation, gameplay, sound.
So close to perfection.
Re: Playing The CeX Retro Lottery
I don’t care for CEX at all. I think the prices are vastly overinflated and often a rip off. I steer well clear.
Re: Random: Gaming Fans Spot Ultra Rare White Mega Drive/Genesis Inside New Sports Doc
If they ever get found the price would be staggering! CEX would ask for a million at least! 😂
Re: Flashback: How Medal Of Honor Spawned Call Of Duty, The Series That Killed It
Superb article. Really enjoyed reading that and ironically, just today before I read this, I have been playing Medal of Honour 2 on the PSP and it’s still a brilliant game.
Re: Review: Aya Neo Air Plus - 2022's Best Steam Deck Rival Is Back
Looks amazing. Price is ridiculous. Never going to be mainstream.
Accessibility is vital in gaming and handhelds at this price are only going to be affordable to the very well off.
I will stick with the Switch and XCloud on my iPad.
Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions
Speedball. I would love Speedball on the Switch
Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight
Trevor McDonald is a legend. And a Spurs fan. Love it.
Re: The Evercade Handheld's First Collection Of Retro-Style Indie Games Has Been Revealed
It’s becoming very clear that NL is not independent at all. We, the gamers who click on the site are not paying them their wages. So somebody is.
NL has always been great but recent reviews and repairs saddens me because they are clearly not being written from an independent point of view but rather as an advertisement.