Comments 203

Re: Bitmap Books Celebrates 10th Anniversary, And We Were There


I own far more of their wonderful books than I don't own. The Mega Drive cancellation was a real shame, although part of me feels like a Master System book without any mention of Wonder Boy is perhaps worse than no book at all.

Would love a PC Engine Visual Compendium, for someone to write a book about the Acorn Archimedes series (and the fabulous output of the Fourth Dimension) and maybe an in-depth book about Falcom and their wonderful action RPG series like Ys and Dragon Slayer.

Anyway, happy 10th birthday Bitmap Books! Keep up the wonderful work and don't let any legal issues or cancellations get you down too much. You deliver beautiful work that I am proud to own most of.

Re: Hands On: This $20 JSAUX Transparent Back Plate Fixed My Biggest Gripe With The Steam Deck OLED


My original Steam Deck doesn't creak but the B button does get momentarily stuck at times. It's rarely an issue in 3D games - where I use the shoulder and rear buttons more than the four face ones - but in things like fighting games it can be a pain. I should have reported it when the machine was new but I was having so much fun with the thing that I didn't want to send it back off for repair. May take it apart and see if I can fix it myself at some point. Otherwise my only complaint is that it isn't the OLED model!

Re: EmuDeck 2.2 Is Live, Offers Sega Model 2 And 3 Arcade Support


@MARl0 I'm having the same issue with Model 2. Can't get that working at all. Oddly Steam Rom Manager recognised my Model 3 games at first and I added them but now it can't see them anymore. The Model 3 games are all running fine in EmulationStation in gaming mode though. Model 2 I've had no luck at all with.

Re: This Game Boy-Style 'RoboCop Vs Predator' Game Is Totally Free


I find it amazing that anyone would describe RoboCop Versus The Terminator as risible. I also remember the MD version getting good reviews here in the UK when it came out. Mean Machines and CVG both scored it over 90%. I have the game for both Mega Drive and Master System and enjoy both versions. Even if you find it a bit generic or dislike the level design or whatever, I can't see what would make it risible.

This game looks like good fun and I will definitely give it a try at some point.

Re: The Making Of: Virtuality, The 1990s Pioneer That Sold The World On VR


I'm going to be honest, I read the opening paragraph of this article, stopped reading and ordered the book!

They had one of these in a small independent games shop in the place where I grew up. I always wanted to try it but I think it was something like £5 a go back then, which seemed like madness to a school kid like me. Look forward to reading the chapter in the book.

Re: Read Only Memory's WipEout Book Is Finally Coming Out


I love the Wipeout series and it has such iconic design that it is well suited to a nice hardback book. I really want to like Read Only Memory, as I love books about classic games and buy basically every Bitmap Books release, but I have always been put off by their fondness for blank space. Every one of their books I have ever looked at has loads of pages with a single image at the top and then half a page of blank white space beneath it. The Street Fighter II book has pages that are mostly text (with a small cartoon of the person speaking) where the top half of the page is just empty white space. I've always found it quite jarring and it has put me off picking their stuff up.

Re: Poll: What's The Best Ultima Game?


I had to vote for Ultima IV as the Master System version had a huge impact on me as a small child. My brother bought it (and boy was it pricey!) and the different classes and terrain and general size and complexity of it blew me away. Not to mention the books and maps that came with it! I bought Ultima Underworld 1&2 CD collection in the EA budget range for PC years later but they already felt a little old fashioned by then so were harder for me to really get attached to as an impatient teen. I also played some Pagan at that time but I mostly took the GTA approach and just messed about in the world, blocking people into rooms with items and getting in trouble. It was fun but never gripping or awe inspiring like Ultima IV was.

Re: Review: 8BitDo Neo Geo Wireless Controller - It Just 'Clicks'


I am loving mine so far. Have loved little clicky sticks since I first bought a NEOGEO Pocket Color way back when. Lovely.

I just wish someone would make a left Joycon with a clicky stick and built in battery/wireless, so I could play shmups on the FlipGrip with it. I would then be in shmup heaven. I guess the arrival of this means there's some scope for DIY projects...

Re: Talking Point: Will Hand-Drawn Pixel Art Still Be Viable In Ten Years Time?


2D hand drawn artwork and pixel art are not the same thing. I do expect that pixel art will start to disappear as fewer developers (and gamers!) have nostalgia for it, but a beautiful hand drawn 2D image will always be beautiful and someone will continue to make them. It is however a much more expensive and time consuming way to work than using 3D models on a 2D plane, so I doubt we'll see a lot of it.

Re: Best Cheat Codes Of All Time


Two that still stick in my mind are...

Cheat mode in James Pond on the Acorn Archimedes: YNGWIE J MALMSTEEN (name of a Swedish guitarist)

Wonder Boy in Monster Land on the Master System: Pause the game 45 times to gain 45 gold. As the buttons in controller 2 could be used to pause/u pause the game, we used a Quikshot Python joystick in controller 2 with the auto fire switch on and a rubber band around the trigger. Wander off for a bit and come back to endless riches!