@MegaManFan I remember hearing they unwrapped the shrink wrap from Wii copies of Xenoblade Chronicles so they could charge above MSRP. I have no idea if it’s true but that’s what was reported 10+ years ago.
@sdelfin I just decided to come back and read the comments and ask if anyone could recommend which version to seek out—thank you! I’ll be looking into tracking down the PSX version 😃
@wizzgamer Please explain. I enjoy all consoles, arcade, PC. I was more or less saying I’m holding off on this new one for now because I already own my original copy 👍
@SpeedRunRocks I just rediscovered Virtua Tennis and have been enjoying it. I regret not buying the fishing controller at launch. Tried it with a demo unit. Good stuff!
Lol all the hate and suspicion. Nothing can ever be true on the internet. People think up stuff all the time, but like someone else above stated, it’s the fact that Nintendo actually manufactured the Wiimote and that it was the default controller for the console that mattered. We all know that.
Yet still, many seem to think that Sega might be just making up that they had similar ideas 30 years later, just for the heck of it? I’m not seeing where the skepticism is coming from. Also, Sega was the KING of having no clear vision in the mid ‘90s. Look at their product line lol. It was all over the place!!
In my opinion, they nailed the Mega Drive and the Dreamcast, but what else?
@WhiteTrashGuy I am anxiously awaiting their IP comeback but I almost feel like it’s going to be too late to pick up any steam. The 2010s would have been a perfect time to try and bring back some of the classic franchises…(?) Maybe now is better, I’m not sure.
Either way, we know Streets of Rage and Golden Axe, among others that escape me right now, are in development. I am hoping for something good. I am not expecting anything amazing, just hoping for a fun game. Eternal Champions, while I’m curious, seems reaching. Btw I absolutely love and miss the style of cover art we got back in the ‘80s and ‘90s. I just got RE4 remake and the cover is so bland like most these days. Maybe because the dashboard tiles?
@WhiteTrashGuy although it rips off the MK idea of fatalities, there are some super ridiculous fun finishing moves in EC. Years ago I looked it up on YT and was laughing my head off hehe. I have this game but haven’t played in ages. Maybe now’s the time!
@MysticX I must say, the appeal of the old consoles to me is that each had not only their own game libraries and exclusives, but each had character. Visuals, sound, along with their limitations made them interesting, to me. Each has a completely different feel and that’s a fun part of revisiting or discovering new games I’ve never played.
Who has four wavebirds? I was under the impression that they were $$$$$. Can anyone educate me? 🙏😃 maybe it was the official receiver that was super rare and cost prohibitive, not the controllers…
Lol I want this to be real, but when is SEGA shutting this thing down? Never mind the stuff about Saturn and Dreamcast.
As mentioned above by another poster, it is strange that they didn’t have a working prototype before it was announced. In today’s online world, you really can’t express an idea of a device and not have proof. People are cynical as all hell. How joyful.
Very cool shell!! My 9.9.99 US launch day Dreamcast isn’t too bad in terms of yellowing, but a buddy of mine had a really nasty one!! I’m going to check out this company though to see what else they make. Thanks for sharing!!
Lol I played on some pretty low end consumer TV sets in the ‘80s through the late ‘90s until my family bought a Sony Trinitron. We only had RF and coaxial inputs on those. Good times!
Not surprising as the new game has much more detailed art and sprites from what I can tell. The first Volgarr reminds me very much of an expanded / updated Rastan from 1987. Heck, if I’m not mistaken the first level is basically a remake of the opening of Rastan. I enjoyed that detail when I first played it—I knew instantly the kind of challenge that was ahead of me!!!
@wiiware Lots of fun gun games on the Wii! I can recommend The House Of The Dead: Overkill, HOTD 2 & 3 Returns, Dead Space, RE. There’s some arcade ports too, I believe that were fun. I was just thinking about replaying some of these earlier today 👍 I bought some plastic Wiimote gun molds and they made the experience way better.
@Poodlestargenerica Thanks for the reply! Yes, I’m aware that there are an endless amount of screenless mini PC’s and other devices, but I don’t recall seeing them on this site surrounded by conversation. We tend to see FPGA boxes like MiSTer and Pocket (has a screen and dock) that have come to fruition or others like MARS that have not, and some dedicated boxes like the Super Nt and Mega Sg, but no article describing something in between (unless I missed it somehow!). These handhelds are announced and reviewed here often 👍
Any of these devices come without a screen? I’m not interested in handhelds, but I’d be intrigued if there was something more like a console I could plug into my TV.
This is not for everyone, but how (ROMs aside) is this much worse than all the handheld emulation, arcade1up etc. devices out right now and being announced ad infinitum?
Looks like a raspberry pi build / retroarch to me and a common pre-fab cabinet. The cost is high but if you bought your own pre-fab kit, assembled controller, monitor, speakers, pi (preconfigured) etc. it would probably cost the same or more.
Out of curiosity, I checked their site and looks like they’ll deliver it assembled. Did everyone here forget how expensive stuff can be? 🤔✌️ Hobbies can be as cheap or expensive as you’d like, and they’re definitely trying to cash in on the Coleco name too.
Years ago I shopped around and found even 4:3 wooden DIY kits that very closely resembled the classic cabinet dimensions and look for almost the same cost. After that, you’d have to find all the pieces that go inside, build your own custom controller board, solder it together, etc, mount it, etc. This requires the skill set and the tools to do the build. Most would throw a PC in there running retroarch, batocera, etc. I think the allure of this particular cabinet is that you’re paying for someone with the know-how to do all that for you.
That said, the legality of the included games is certainly questionable and seems like a business risk. But does this company own the ROMs? Lol Certainly there’s licensed, known, classic arcade ports on here.
I’m not arguing for one perspective or another, but I’m curious what others may think, or if I’m far off on something, I’d like to know more 👍 cabinets are BIG furniture and the bigger an item for sale when it comes to hardware, the more you’ll pay. Plus it’s a niche within a niche within a niche item. Can’t be a lot of people going for these. I would not buy one, but I do think it’s kind of cool it exists, just like the arcade 1up stuff.
@Daniel36 I also don’t know anything about these companies, but I’m certainly interested and will circle back the the related articles. I hope it can all get worked out quickly in a civil manner, but I’m equally thrilled that my money is not tied up in all this. I backed Paprium — one and done!! Lol
That is an awesome addition to the stock game. Kid Chameleon is added to the revisit list!
There has been a lot of work in the Genesis community these last few years. Thank you to all who are contributing and keeping this alive, for game improvements, hacks, and for brand new titles! I never would have dreamed there’d be this much life in the Genesis / Mega Drive.
I’m interested, but I’m more interested in a physical of Prison City, also by Retroware. Does anyone know if it’s coming? I really don’t want to double dip if it’s confirmed but I can’t find any details.
Sooo…is this like a Mega Sg with 32X support AND an online store with exclusives? I didn’t need another FPGA that plays Sega games. Just kidding 😄 waiting on how the SuperSega turns out too.
Didn’t discover Jewel Master until I was an adult, but I rushed out to find my copy right away. Will check this patch out. And yes (no pun intended), music is top notch in this arcade platformer!
@Azuris That’s a very good point. It’s also all the more difficult to (re)capture the magic when there is no longer any momentum from game to game in a series. It’s been about 23 years since DC2…maybe it’s just best to play our copies and hope for a spiritual successor of sorts from someone that enjoys the game as much as we do as opposed to a follow up created by the original dev / publisher because the original team has likely moved on anyways.
@Azuris LOVE Dino Crisis 2! Also have the original game but I think I’d prefer a new game, perhaps a true follow up, Dino Crisis 3? I just couldn’t play much of 3.
Looking forward to trying this game. I could swear that I read on here or NL that there were Steam and Switch demos available, but when I checked the eshop, nothing. Has anyone been able to try this on Switch?
@Andee yes, the FM synthesis sound palette options between the Genesis YM2612 chip and the CPS FM boards are similar, and why the newer sample-based SNES music has its own character. Love it all! 💯 I should fire up both versions tonight.
I grew up with SFII: Special Champion Edition, and it’s my favorite console version right in front of SNES SFII Turbo. Such a magical and revolutionary game at the time. I prefer the Genesis drawbacks because the FM sound is closer to the arcade and it has a grit that I like even though the SNES port is stellar.
Many years later I bought Super SFII for Genesis and it was very drab in comparison and the SFX and music are terrible. The SNES port is awesome! So I like Genesis for Hyper Fighting and SNES for new characters in Super.
I’m very much a casual fighting game player / fan but those are my favorite ports. Then I got a Saturn… 😜
I spent countless hours on this Dreamcast game, its sequel, and the port to PS2. If I’m remembering, TER2 on Dreamcast had some bug or glitch and I could no longer make progress in the game. That first one…some of my favorite racing game memories ever! Very cool atmosphere, music, gameplay, upgrades 😍
Comments 259
Re: GameStop Announces Launch Of New "Retro GameStop" Stores
@MegaManFan I remember hearing they unwrapped the shrink wrap from Wii copies of Xenoblade Chronicles so they could charge above MSRP. I have no idea if it’s true but that’s what was reported 10+ years ago.
Re: Star Fox Studio Argonaut Is Back, And It's Remastering Croc
@sdelfin I just decided to come back and read the comments and ask if anyone could recommend which version to seek out—thank you! I’ll be looking into tracking down the PSX version 😃
Re: Bubble Bobble's Definitive Console Port 'Final Bubble Bobble' Gets Japanese Reissue
@wizzgamer Please explain. I enjoy all consoles, arcade, PC. I was more or less saying I’m holding off on this new one for now because I already own my original copy 👍
Re: Sega Almost Created A Wii Remote-Style Controller For Dreamcast And VR Headset For Saturn
@SpeedRunRocks I just rediscovered Virtua Tennis and have been enjoying it. I regret not buying the fishing controller at launch. Tried it with a demo unit. Good stuff!
Re: Sega Almost Created A Wii Remote-Style Controller For Dreamcast And VR Headset For Saturn
@Poodlestargenerica Hehe probably true right there 😃
Re: Sega Almost Created A Wii Remote-Style Controller For Dreamcast And VR Headset For Saturn
Lol all the hate and suspicion. Nothing can ever be true on the internet. People think up stuff all the time, but like someone else above stated, it’s the fact that Nintendo actually manufactured the Wiimote and that it was the default controller for the console that mattered. We all know that.
Yet still, many seem to think that Sega might be just making up that they had similar ideas 30 years later, just for the heck of it? I’m not seeing where the skepticism is coming from. Also, Sega was the KING of having no clear vision in the mid ‘90s. Look at their product line lol. It was all over the place!!
In my opinion, they nailed the Mega Drive and the Dreamcast, but what else?
Re: Bubble Bobble's Definitive Console Port 'Final Bubble Bobble' Gets Japanese Reissue
Sounds cool, but I’ll stick with my NES copy.
Re: Zelda Movie Screenwriter Is Working On A Live-Action Eternal Champions Film
@WhiteTrashGuy I am anxiously awaiting their IP comeback but I almost feel like it’s going to be too late to pick up any steam. The 2010s would have been a perfect time to try and bring back some of the classic franchises…(?) Maybe now is better, I’m not sure.
Either way, we know Streets of Rage and Golden Axe, among others that escape me right now, are in development. I am hoping for something good. I am not expecting anything amazing, just hoping for a fun game. Eternal Champions, while I’m curious, seems reaching. Btw I absolutely love and miss the style of cover art we got back in the ‘80s and ‘90s. I just got RE4 remake and the cover is so bland like most these days. Maybe because the dashboard tiles?
Re: Zelda Movie Screenwriter Is Working On A Live-Action Eternal Champions Film
@WhiteTrashGuy although it rips off the MK idea of fatalities, there are some super ridiculous fun finishing moves in EC. Years ago I looked it up on YT and was laughing my head off hehe. I have this game but haven’t played in ages. Maybe now’s the time!
Edit: why a movie adaptation, and why now?
In classic Sega scream voice: SEGA??
Re: Sega Genesis Is Finally Capable Of SNES-Style Transparency Effects Thanks To Clever Modders
@MysticX I must say, the appeal of the old consoles to me is that each had not only their own game libraries and exclusives, but each had character. Visuals, sound, along with their limitations made them interesting, to me. Each has a completely different feel and that’s a fun part of revisiting or discovering new games I’ve never played.
Re: FlippyBird Connects Four WaveBirds To Your GameCube At Once
@RadKlobba34 ah, I see. Thanks for confirming!
Re: New Book Dives Into The History Of Classic '80s Arcade Games
Excellent games list, though I’m surprised Final Fight is missing. Limiting to 100 must’ve been tricky!
Re: FlippyBird Connects Four WaveBirds To Your GameCube At Once
Who has four wavebirds? I was under the impression that they were $$$$$. Can anyone educate me? 🙏😃 maybe it was the official receiver that was super rare and cost prohibitive, not the controllers…
Re: SuperSega FPGA Team Understands Why You Think Its Console Is "Vapourware"
Lol I want this to be real, but when is SEGA shutting this thing down? Never mind the stuff about Saturn and Dreamcast.
As mentioned above by another poster, it is strange that they didn’t have a working prototype before it was announced. In today’s online world, you really can’t express an idea of a device and not have proof. People are cynical as all hell. How joyful.
Re: New Genesis Patch Brings A Bunch Of Improvements To Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition
Love Rampage Edition. I got this for Christmas the year it came out, and I was so excited I barfed lmao 😂
Re: I Just Reshelled My Dreamcast, And You Should Too
Very cool shell!! My 9.9.99 US launch day Dreamcast isn’t too bad in terms of yellowing, but a buddy of mine had a really nasty one!! I’m going to check out this company though to see what else they make. Thanks for sharing!!
Re: This RetroArch Audio Filter Makes Your Games Sound Crappy, Just Like You Remember Them
Lol I played on some pretty low end consumer TV sets in the ‘80s through the late ‘90s until my family bought a Sony Trinitron. We only had RF and coaxial inputs on those. Good times!
Re: Adidas And Nice Kicks Have Revived The 16-Bit Console War, But With Sneakers
@Scollurio Yes! That is much more fitting than what I said 👍😂
Re: Adidas And Nice Kicks Have Revived The 16-Bit Console War, But With Sneakers
I’m not buying these without a pack-in game 😃
Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For A Volgarr The Viking II Dreamcast Port
Not surprising as the new game has much more detailed art and sprites from what I can tell. The first Volgarr reminds me very much of an expanded / updated Rastan from 1987. Heck, if I’m not mistaken the first level is basically a remake of the opening of Rastan. I enjoyed that detail when I first played it—I knew instantly the kind of challenge that was ahead of me!!!
Re: Centipede And The Lords Of Midnight Join Antstream's Library
Anyone using this service? I’ve never heard of it before today.
Re: Did You Know You Can Play Time Crisis 5 On Your PC?
@BoomBasti Interesting, I didn’t know that. I haven’t used Dolphin before, but I’ll keep in mind. Thanks!
Re: Did You Know You Can Play Time Crisis 5 On Your PC?
@NicolausCamp I couldn’t think of the names off the top of my head, but that’s what I was talking about!! 😃
Re: Did You Know You Can Play Time Crisis 5 On Your PC?
@wiiware Lots of fun gun games on the Wii! I can recommend The House Of The Dead: Overkill, HOTD 2 & 3 Returns, Dead Space, RE. There’s some arcade ports too, I believe that were fun. I was just thinking about replaying some of these earlier today 👍 I bought some plastic Wiimote gun molds and they made the experience way better.
Re: AYANEO Announces Price & Release Date For Pocket DMG And Micro Handhelds
@Poodlestargenerica Thanks for the reply! Yes, I’m aware that there are an endless amount of screenless mini PC’s and other devices, but I don’t recall seeing them on this site surrounded by conversation. We tend to see FPGA boxes like MiSTer and Pocket (has a screen and dock) that have come to fruition or others like MARS that have not, and some dedicated boxes like the Super Nt and Mega Sg, but no article describing something in between (unless I missed it somehow!). These handhelds are announced and reviewed here often 👍
Re: AYANEO Announces Price & Release Date For Pocket DMG And Micro Handhelds
Any of these devices come without a screen? I’m not interested in handhelds, but I’d be intrigued if there was something more like a console I could plug into my TV.
Re: 42 Years Later, The ColecoVision Is Back As A $2,300 MAME Cabinet
Thinking out loud here:
This is not for everyone, but how (ROMs aside) is this much worse than all the handheld emulation, arcade1up etc. devices out right now and being announced ad infinitum?
Looks like a raspberry pi build / retroarch to me and a common pre-fab cabinet. The cost is high but if you bought your own pre-fab kit, assembled controller, monitor, speakers, pi (preconfigured) etc. it would probably cost the same or more.
Out of curiosity, I checked their site and looks like they’ll deliver it assembled. Did everyone here forget how expensive stuff can be? 🤔✌️ Hobbies can be as cheap or expensive as you’d like, and they’re definitely trying to cash in on the Coleco name too.
Years ago I shopped around and found even 4:3 wooden DIY kits that very closely resembled the classic cabinet dimensions and look for almost the same cost. After that, you’d have to find all the pieces that go inside, build your own custom controller board, solder it together, etc, mount it, etc. This requires the skill set and the tools to do the build. Most would throw a PC in there running retroarch, batocera, etc. I think the allure of this particular cabinet is that you’re paying for someone with the know-how to do all that for you.
That said, the legality of the included games is certainly questionable and seems like a business risk. But does this company own the ROMs? Lol Certainly there’s licensed, known, classic arcade ports on here.
I’m not arguing for one perspective or another, but I’m curious what others may think, or if I’m far off on something, I’d like to know more 👍 cabinets are BIG furniture and the bigger an item for sale when it comes to hardware, the more you’ll pay. Plus it’s a niche within a niche within a niche item. Can’t be a lot of people going for these. I would not buy one, but I do think it’s kind of cool it exists, just like the arcade 1up stuff.
Re: Kid Chameleon Is Getting A Cool Fan-Made Upgrade
@BillyTime Thank you for all your talent and hard work!
Re: Cyber Mission's Sega Genesis / Mega Drive Port Is In Trouble
@Daniel36 I also don’t know anything about these companies, but I’m certainly interested and will circle back the the related articles. I hope it can all get worked out quickly in a civil manner, but I’m equally thrilled that my money is not tied up in all this. I backed Paprium — one and done!! Lol
Re: Kid Chameleon Is Getting A Cool Fan-Made Upgrade
That is an awesome addition to the stock game. Kid Chameleon is added to the revisit list!
There has been a lot of work in the Genesis community these last few years. Thank you to all who are contributing and keeping this alive, for game improvements, hacks, and for brand new titles! I never would have dreamed there’d be this much life in the Genesis / Mega Drive.
Re: Soul Reaver I & II Could Be Getting Remastered For Modern Platforms
@NicolausCamp Good to hear. I ordered a copy that I’ve not yet received. Looking forward to replaying these!
Re: BurgerTime Is The Latest Classic To Join The Quarter Arcades Range
With that tiny screen this is more like SliderTime than BurgerTime 😊
Re: Soul Reaver I & II Could Be Getting Remastered For Modern Platforms
@KitsuneNight That’s about what happened with me too back on the DC lol
Re: Battle An Iron-Ravenous Mass In The Contra-Like 'Iron Meat'
I’m interested, but I’m more interested in a physical of Prison City, also by Retroware. Does anyone know if it’s coming? I really don’t want to double dip if it’s confirmed but I can’t find any details.
Re: Unofficial Sega Neptune FPGA Prototype Shown In Action
Sooo…is this like a Mega Sg with 32X support AND an online store with exclusives? I didn’t need another FPGA that plays Sega games. Just kidding 😄 waiting on how the SuperSega turns out too.
Re: This Amazing Sega Genesis Port Of Real Bout Fatal Fury Special Is Available For Free
Interesting, as I’m a big fan of Fatal Fury 2 on Genesis. Had a lot of fun with it in the ‘90s.
Re: Game-Changing Patch Incoming For Underrated Genesis Action Platformer Jewel Master
Didn’t discover Jewel Master until I was an adult, but I rushed out to find my copy right away. Will check this patch out. And yes (no pun intended), music is top notch in this arcade platformer!
Re: Interview: The Company That Brought Resident Evil Back To PC Wants To Resurrect More Capcom Classics
@Azuris That’s a very good point. It’s also all the more difficult to (re)capture the magic when there is no longer any momentum from game to game in a series. It’s been about 23 years since DC2…maybe it’s just best to play our copies and hope for a spiritual successor of sorts from someone that enjoys the game as much as we do as opposed to a follow up created by the original dev / publisher because the original team has likely moved on anyways.
Re: Abathor Features A New Track By Mario Kart And Pilotwings Composer, Soyo Oka
@Ristar24 That makes sense as to why it was included in the article; I’m in a different region. For some reason I never thought of that haha.
Re: Abathor Features A New Track By Mario Kart And Pilotwings Composer, Soyo Oka
@Steel76 Luuucky!! 👍😎
Re: Interview: The Company That Brought Resident Evil Back To PC Wants To Resurrect More Capcom Classics
@Azuris LOVE Dino Crisis 2! Also have the original game but I think I’d prefer a new game, perhaps a true follow up, Dino Crisis 3? I just couldn’t play much of 3.
Re: Abathor Features A New Track By Mario Kart And Pilotwings Composer, Soyo Oka
Looking forward to trying this game. I could swear that I read on here or NL that there were Steam and Switch demos available, but when I checked the eshop, nothing. Has anyone been able to try this on Switch?
Re: Fans Have "Fixed" Super Street Fighter II For The Sega Genesis
@Andee yes, the FM synthesis sound palette options between the Genesis YM2612 chip and the CPS FM boards are similar, and why the newer sample-based SNES music has its own character. Love it all! 💯 I should fire up both versions tonight.
Re: Fans Have "Fixed" Super Street Fighter II For The Sega Genesis
I grew up with SFII: Special Champion Edition, and it’s my favorite console version right in front of SNES SFII Turbo. Such a magical and revolutionary game at the time. I prefer the Genesis drawbacks because the FM sound is closer to the arcade and it has a grit that I like even though the SNES port is stellar.
Many years later I bought Super SFII for Genesis and it was very drab in comparison and the SFX and music are terrible. The SNES port is awesome! So I like Genesis for Hyper Fighting and SNES for new characters in Super.
I’m very much a casual fighting game player / fan but those are my favorite ports. Then I got a Saturn… 😜
Re: Fresh 'Tokyo Xtreme Racer' Trademark Appears In Japan
I spent countless hours on this Dreamcast game, its sequel, and the port to PS2. If I’m remembering, TER2 on Dreamcast had some bug or glitch and I could no longer make progress in the game. That first one…some of my favorite racing game memories ever! Very cool atmosphere, music, gameplay, upgrades 😍
Re: 'Abathor' Is A New Retro Hack 'N' Slash For 'Rastan Saga' & 'Golden Axe' Fans
I like what I’m seeing! I’ll have to try the Switch demo soon. I hope it runs well. If so, I’ll probably buy it.
Re: A New Metal Slug Game Is Out Today, But Don't Get Too Excited
I wonder who this game is for. Can’t imagine any fan of the originals playing this.
Re: The Crazy Taxi Team Almost Made A Resident Evil-Style Survival Horror For The PS2
Let’s kill some CA-RAAAZY zombies!!!
Re: Final Fight MD Dev "Tired Of Apologizing" Following Publisher Woes
Looking forward to this game! Cheers to the developer.
Re: Final Fight MD Dev Working On 'Driftin' Rage', A New 16-Bit Racer For Mega Drive/Genesis
@RootsGenoa yeah, I’ll watch it on YouTube instead. X is meh.