@Azuris Yes, under the resolution you can select integer-scaled resoluions which will be highlighted as such. There are also separate filters you can use like bilinear (default) and nearest (sharpest pixels).
@mattesdude and @wargoose, the name of the article is a bit misleading but the intro states that this is a list of 'retro' jrpgs, by which they mean 8-bit to PS2/GC. This is why YSVIII and DQ11 wouldn't fit in.
These lists will always be subjective so my personal list would've been different in places. I'd also acknowledge how Final Fantasy was directly inspired by Dragon Quest and not just "Ultima".
It's a bit unclear what classifies as a JRPG in this list. There are mostly turn-based RPGs here, though also a couple of action RPGs (Secret of Mana and Tales of Symphonia).
Since the opening statement says that it allows games from the 8-bit to the PS2/GC generation, I'm curious about what makes a game like Secret of Mana different from Kingdom Hearts? I would argue Kingdom Hearts was a great change for the whole action JRPG genre - A lot more than e.g. Tales of Symphonia. As argued by someone else ToS is also propped up by arriving on a console with almost no Square Enix support.
Coming from FPSs like Unreal on PC, I remember feeling very underwhelmed by Metroid Prime's GC controls. I did play through it on the Wii sometime the past 6 years and aside from tedium kicking in from backtracking and scanning everything, it was enjoyable enough.
To have a better comparison I'd like to look at what other games did the 2d to 3d leap succesfully:
Donkey Kong 64
F-Zero X
Fall Out 3
Grand Theft Auto III
Mario Kart 64
Metal Gear Solid
Ninja Gaiden
Rayman 2
The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
Wolfenstein 3D
I see many people comment about RPGs like Final Fantasy that went 3D. Personally I think their transitions to 3D had very little impact on their actual gameplay, much like 2D figthers (Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat) and real-time strategy games (Warcraft, StarCraft, C&Q).
So the greatest transition IMO is tied between Mario 64 and Wolfenstein 3D because they really polished and popularized those new genres, even if they weren't technically the first of their kind.
I don't know what's going on with the history lessons above, but as a fan of the franchise and someone who's been playing the first game again on my mega drive recently, I can say that this game looks pretty cool.
I'm hoping it will come to other consoles, if it turns out to be good ofc.
I'll forget about the Mega Drive mini until sega announces that some epic unreleased game will come with it (like Star Fox 2 for Snes classic). And it has to be better than the packed in Hardcore from Dice obviously
I'm more interested in the bluetooth version, however this review bodes well for it. Now the only thing that can go bad is the battery life and the response lag. I'm crossing my fingers.
Comments 9
Re: How Fans Are Resurrecting Heroes Of Might And Magic II
@Azuris Yes, under the resolution you can select integer-scaled resoluions which will be highlighted as such. There are also separate filters you can use like bilinear (default) and nearest (sharpest pixels).
Re: How Fans Are Resurrecting Heroes Of Might And Magic II
@foodmetaphors there is a download for Mac on the site linked to above.
Re: Best JRPGs Of All Time
@mattesdude and @wargoose, the name of the article is a bit misleading but the intro states that this is a list of 'retro' jrpgs, by which they mean 8-bit to PS2/GC. This is why YSVIII and DQ11 wouldn't fit in.
Re: Best JRPGs Of All Time
These lists will always be subjective so my personal list would've been different in places. I'd also acknowledge how Final Fantasy was directly inspired by Dragon Quest and not just "Ultima".
It's a bit unclear what classifies as a JRPG in this list. There are mostly turn-based RPGs here, though also a couple of action RPGs (Secret of Mana and Tales of Symphonia).
Since the opening statement says that it allows games from the 8-bit to the PS2/GC generation, I'm curious about what makes a game like Secret of Mana different from Kingdom Hearts? I would argue Kingdom Hearts was a great change for the whole action JRPG genre - A lot more than e.g. Tales of Symphonia. As argued by someone else ToS is also propped up by arriving on a console with almost no Square Enix support.
Re: Poll: Is Metroid Prime The Best 2D To 3D Transition Of Any Game Series, Ever?
Coming from FPSs like Unreal on PC, I remember feeling very underwhelmed by Metroid Prime's GC controls. I did play through it on the Wii sometime the past 6 years and aside from tedium kicking in from backtracking and scanning everything, it was enjoyable enough.
To have a better comparison I'd like to look at what other games did the 2d to 3d leap succesfully:
Donkey Kong 64
F-Zero X
Fall Out 3
Grand Theft Auto III
Mario Kart 64
Metal Gear Solid
Ninja Gaiden
Rayman 2
The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
Wolfenstein 3D
I see many people comment about RPGs like Final Fantasy that went 3D. Personally I think their transitions to 3D had very little impact on their actual gameplay, much like 2D figthers (Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat) and real-time strategy games (Warcraft, StarCraft, C&Q).
So the greatest transition IMO is tied between Mario 64 and Wolfenstein 3D because they really polished and popularized those new genres, even if they weren't technically the first of their kind.
Re: We're Getting A New Shining Force Game, But Of Course There's A Catch
I don't know what's going on with the history lessons above, but as a fan of the franchise and someone who's been playing the first game again on my mega drive recently, I can say that this game looks pretty cool.
I'm hoping it will come to other consoles, if it turns out to be good ofc.
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Mega Sg: Forget The Mega Drive Mini, This Is The Real Deal
I'll forget about the Mega Drive mini until sega announces that some epic unreleased game will come with it (like Star Fox 2 for Snes classic). And it has to be better than the packed in Hardcore from Dice obviously
Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit's Sega Genesis And Saturn Pads (Mostly) Hit The Right Spot
@Jokerwolf yeah I'm keeping an eye on both of them
Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit's Sega Genesis And Saturn Pads (Mostly) Hit The Right Spot
I'm more interested in the bluetooth version, however this review bodes well for it. Now the only thing that can go bad is the battery life and the response lag. I'm crossing my fingers.