Comments 6

Re: Best Pokémon ROM Hacks And Fan Games


Following up on @RealBroosh I also recommend Emerald Rogue, which is a fantastic experience.

I recently tried it following it being showcased on ProJared, and after many, MANY resets... I got a file where my favorite Pokémon is my starter for every run, and can enjoy a challenge any time I want.

Re: Yuzo Koshiro Explains Why Etrian Odyssey's Battle Theme Sounds So Familiar


The music for Etrian Odyssey is some of the best I've heard in any video game. While the battle themes are great listening, and instill me with a sense of dread at what's to come, it's the exploration music in the labyrinths proper that I love most.

I have a chill playlist consisting of my favorite themes from the entire series, mostly the first labyrinth from each game. It puts me in a zen-like trance every time.

Koshiro is a top tier composer and we are lucky to have his work.

Re: Best JRPGs Of All Time


I've played most of these, many of them several times over.

A good list, a great sampling of the genre. But... it could be improved upon:

Final Fantasy IV instead of Final Fantasy; a better representation of "classic" FF, and easier to play today compared to the original, regardless of the version.

Take out Secret of Mana completely; the game is not good, and exists on the list thanks to rose-tinted glasses. Same goes for Skies of Arcadia; another poor example that is propped up by being one of the few RPGs on the Dreamcast. It being the best of a bunch of mediocre games does not make it a great.

Replace Gen1 Pokemon with Gen2. Better overall experience, longer, and closer to Pokemon today than the silly mess that was the original generation.

Golden Sun The Lost Age for the original Golden Sun. Again, overall improvement to the original, better in every way, and even has a nice recap of the first game to open the adventure.

Re: Anniversary: PlayStation JRPG Classic Xenogears Is 25 Years Old Today


I doubt it'll ever happen, but a full remake, in the vein of how FF7 was done, would be required for this release. I imagine there's a mountain of untapped potential here.

Because lord knows the original game, for all that hype and praise, was such a mess of a game. Of all of Square's "golden era" catalog, this is easily the most overhyped, poorly crafted game of the bunch.

Re: Poll: So, What's Your Favourite Controller Of All Time?


I'm tied three ways:
Dualshock, specifically the PS2 version (and by extension the PS3 Sixaxis version). Something about the controller has always felt comfortable and accessible, while also being lightweight but not flimsy.
Switch Pro Controller, for similar reasons to the above, with the primary difference being it's much weightier. It a bulkier feel for when I want a tighter experience.
But not listed above and just as great: Wii Classic Controller. Whether the version with grips or without, the feel in the hands was always slightly superior to the SNES controller. Used it so much during that generation that I have tons of memories with it.

Re: Intellivision Closes Amico Fundraising Ahead Of Schedule


I mean, I get the idea. Truly I do.

But the world has mostly moved on from these kinds of experiences, or they can be had any number of other ways. Unless Amico would hit the market for $50 or less, I never saw this as being anything more than a footnote in the history books.

I'm surprised they haven't outright canned the entire project.