Comments 19

Re: New Storefront Law Tells Us What We All Should Know: We Don't Own Digital Games


"How does a Switch cart not count as Physical Media?"

Because the question was literally
"How many games can you name that weren't a complete product on the disc at launch?"

Switch games aren't on discs buddy. And even then, the VAST majority of Switch games ARE complete on cart at launch.

I guess the "at launch" part was a bit hard to understand though. Instead you changed it to GOTY versions or finished products with DLC included, which was NOT the discussion.....

But since I'm such a nice guy i'll help you out with a starter.

Spyro Reignited & Crash N.Sane Trilogy both were not fully on disc at launch. Both have since had revised versions that include the full game released.

It's probably for the best if you block me though as you're obviously incapable of holding conversation without shifting topic or goalposts....

Re: Ridge Racer Night 2024 Celebrated 30 Years Of Namco's Arcade Classic


@Gs69 The closest we can get at the moment is the PSP classics Ridge Racer 2 on PS5. Pretty much a collection of tracks and songs from across the series.

Disappointing that the series has all but been abandoned and there hasn't been a decent RR title in almost 20 years. The entire reason I bought into the PlayStation day1.