Comments 475

Re: After What Feels Like A Lifetime, Amazon Is Cancelling Mighty No. 9 3DS And Vita Pre-Orders


Jeff Bezos was really keeping the dream alive there! I’m still waiting for ‘90s Arcade Racer… 😫

I must insert my obligatory recommendation of Mighty Gunvolt Burst which is like an 8-bit demake of Mighty No 9 but is actually really good. It’s also made by IntiCreates, I think they struggled with doing a 3D game as their 2D stuff is usually good. Or maybe Mighty No 9 was just taken off them before they could really polish it?

Re: You Can Now Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Sega Genesis, For Free


Gave the demo a try last night, it’s just the first section of the first level but it’s pretty impressive, especially as I think I counted 6 enemies on screen at once (albeit with some flicker caused by too many on a single scanline). It’s missing the big skull clowns on motorbikes but the rest of the enemies are there and you can smash enemies against the windows like the SNES version.

I wonder if the SNES could have displayed more enemies if they’d used a FastROM cart? I know there’s a mod for Final Fight 2 that ups the number of simultaneous enemies from 3 to 5 also with some sprite flicker.

Re: MiSTer Pi Creator Taki Udon Is Turning His Attention To The iPod


Awesome, I still use my 7th gen iPod Classic daily. There is already quite a large modding ecosystem out there with most of these things like replacement case parts, larger batteries, Bluetooth back cases and PCBs to replace the hard drive with Micro SD cards. The majority of it is pretty plug and play too, with only things like USB-C requiring soldering.

That said, IPS screens could be pretty cool, if they can just be dropped in.

Re: "Absolutely Horrid" - Is Nintendo Switch Online's Emulation Really That Bad?


@GravyThief I do that too, Nintendo mapping the buttons to A/B just sucks. I use that remapping for Mario Kart 8 too as I can't get on with A/B as accelerate/brake.

@LuigiBlood The trouble with that toggle is it disables the A button and you also need that for the mini-game. So you've got to remember to release that toggle in time to press the A button. It's just a poor implementation all around sadly.

Re: "Absolutely Horrid" - Is Nintendo Switch Online's Emulation Really That Bad?


The lag definitely catches me out when I go from playing Mario World on real hardware to the Switch. I always die on the first enemy because my timing for the jump is off. 😂 After a minute or so I normally acclimate and it's OK, but I could definitely see lag being a problem in Axelay (if we ever get it).

I've moaned about this before, but my big problem with NSO are the controls for N64 games. Some are worse than others, but games like Ocarina of Time are just horrid where the right analogue stick is used to simulate the c-buttons. It's OK in some cases, but things like the frog mini game is virtually impossible.

Not only do the control positions no longer match the layout of the frogs on screen, but even slightly pushing the right stick too close to another axis can result in the game thinking you pushed the wrong c-button thus failing the mini-game. It really is quite horrid and probably makes the N64 look a lot worse to people than it really is.

Re: We Now Have Our First Images Of M2's New 'Night Striker' Game


Even though 3D polygons are objectively better, I still love the look of Super Scaler games. They still feel like some sort of exotic future tech, probably because the home consoles never really got any Super Scaler games (outside of a few on the 32X and Saturn) so it has always felt like a technology of the arcade that never made it into the home.

Re: Interview: Meet The Man Who's Upgrading SNES Doom With The "Super FX 3" Chip


This is quite encouraging, it sounds like it basically is an overclocked SuperFX with access to more ROM space. I was concerned they might go the route of Doom on the Mega EverDrive and just have the FPGA run the game with the SNES just being a dumb passthrough.

It will be cool to see if things like StarFox and Stunt Race can be upgraded to be smoother, I’ve played them with an overclocked SuperFX and the problem is they also run faster, which isn’t ideal.

Re: Want Your Very Own Sega Neptune? You'll Need A Spare $2,600


@obijuankanoobie I got a 32X a few years back because my brother had one back in the day and I enjoyed Virtua Racing and Star Wars Arcade. It was quite impressive when StarFox was the best 3D I'd seen! 😅

It's not an essential bit of kit at all but it's unbelievable how the prices for them have skyrocketed lately. I remember when you couldn't give them away on eBay but nowadays you'd be lucky to get one for under £250.

Re: PSA: Check Your PSP Battery Right Now


I've no idea where my old PSPs are in the garage, I use a PSP Go as my daily driver and so far, the battery seems OK. Hopefully it doesn't expand as there's no easy hatch on the back like on the larger models!

Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250


I recently retired my HDMI modded N64 and went back to an RGB modded one to use on a CRT. It looks so much better over a CRT, there really is no comparison.

I’d consider one of these as a spare if my N64 ever dies but knowing Analogue they won’t make enough and then they’ll dole out limited amounts of new colours which will also sell out immediately. When they stop doing that I’ll buy from them again.

Re: Review: PlayCase Turns Your iPhone Into A Game Console, With A Few Catches


It's a good idea, definitely better than carting around those bulky controllers that fit round the ends of your phone. I think if it was made from stronger plastics and not 3D printed it would be better.

I would also prefer something that just has all the controls on-screen at once, rather than needing to swap to different layouts for different consoles.

Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For A Tekken Collection


I love Tekken 3, Namco managed to squeeze a huge amount into the regular PS1 compared to the upgraded PS1 hardware they used in the arcade version. I still enjoy playing it today.

The one weak spot of Tekken 3 was the Tekken Force mode, it just wasn’t very good. So Michael Murray citing that as the thing he’d want to play from Tekken 3 doesn’t inspire much confidence in his ideas of what makes a good Tekken game.

It sort of reminds me of Jim Ryan’s infamous “why would anybody play this?” quote.

Re: Anniversary: The Best Burnout Turns 20 This Month


@Poodlestargenerica Dominator is actually my favourite I think. While it does tend towards the brown/bloom look of the era, I really enjoyed the way you could recharge your nitrous bar while using it. It was possible (but not very easy) to boost for an entire race as long as you kept taking risks to recharge the nitrous.

I think it tends to get overlooked because it doesn't have a crash mode and it was released after the 360 launched so people had moved on by then.

Re: "Star Fox CD" To Take Advantage Of Super FX 3 Chip, Will Feature Rumble Support


That's weird, doing SuperFX AND MSU-1 at the same time? I always thought you could only have one enhancement chip per game, and I think on the SD2SNES it's actually a memory limitation that you can't do both. Maybe it will be an FXPAK Pro only feature? If you can use as many enhancements chips as you like, why not throw an SA-1 in there too to speed up processing! 😂

Re: Time Crisis Is Coming To Modern TVs Thanks To A Plug-And-Play, AI-Powered Light Gun


I own the arcade machine so technically I don’t need this, but the gun does intrigue me. The OG light gun worked by drawing a fully white frame when the trigger is pulled and because it’s scanning the screen at such a high rate it can tell where it’s pointing.

This AI gun could look for a 16:9 rectangle with a bright white 4:3 square, but there’s the issue of input lag, the gun would see the white frame several frames after the game has processed the collision. So maybe the AI just recognises TVs and infers where you’re aiming based on that?

Re: Review: MiSTer Pi - A $99 Gateway To FPGA Retro Gaming


I'm confused by the name. It says "Pi" which suggests it's using a Raspberry Pi but as far as I can tell it's entirely FPGA based. It seems odd to pick a name that suggests it's yet another Pi based emulation system and not an FPGA when that's the key selling point. 😵‍💫

Re: Anniversary: Tekken Is Now 30 Years Old


That’s hilarious seeing how many times the Mishimas have thrown each other from a great altitude. You’d think they’d learn by now it doesn’t stop them coming back!

I never really got into any of the Tekken games after the third, although I quite enjoyed the JAMMA version of Tag Tournament. After that the games just felt a bit uninspired and I missed the unique CGI endings you’d get for each character.

Re: FPGA PS1 Teased Ahead Of PlayStation's 30th Anniversary


I thought this was going to be official at first, I thought Sony were finally going to make amends for the mess they made of their PS1 mini last time. I should have known better! 😅

I am very tempted by that PS1 themed PS5 Pro, but as it’s only limited numbers I’m most likely going to miss out to all the scalpers who will have them on eBay for twice the price.

Re: Think PS5 Pro Is Too Much At $700? The 3DO Would Like A Word


@Razieluigi I’m in the same boat, this is the first console generation since I’ve been earning my own money where I’ve not bought at least one system at launch.

I was hoping the Pro would be a bit cheaper, I need to decide if I really want to pay that much. I might wait for some reviews to see how well it performs. I mostly want it for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and Stellar Blade. There just aren’t many games this gen that actually excite me. 😢

Re: This Computer Is Learning To Play Mario Kart On A Real SNES


I watched for a few minutes, it managed to get as far as the second corner a couple of times. It seems it's designed to fail and reset as soon as it touches the edges of the road.

I wonder if they could speed things up by disabling the emulator's frame limiter? It seems it will take forever for it to learn and it might just end up learning how to beat one track. Or it might learn that not accelerating at all allows it to avoid the edges of the road forever! 😂

Re: Sega Almost Created A Wii Remote-Style Controller For Dreamcast And VR Headset For Saturn


Seems very plausible. House of the Dead 2 in the arcades used an array of infrared emitters around the edge of the screen which the gun could "see" so it would know where it was aiming, which basically is how the Wii pointer works. The fishing rod controller had basic motion control sensors.

I could easily see Sega looking into these technologies, especially when the approach of LCD screens meant alternative methods to the old light guns would be needed.

Re: Interview: How Retroware's Castlevania Parody 'The Translyvania Adventure of Simon Quest' Pokes Fun At Konami's Series


I’m really looking forward to this one, the expanded moveset like the slide move allows for all sorts of cool actions like kicking an enemy’s projectile back at them.

The funniest thing I saw was a video of Simon beating a boss and pulling off some cool moves to collect the sphere and the game rates you on how cool your finish move is. 😂

Re: Star Fox Will Take Advantage Of The New Super FX 3 Chip, Will Feature Rumble Support


StarFox, Doom and Stunt Race are the ones I'd most like to see get enhanced frame rates. I'm genuinely curious as to how this FX3 can improve performance. We know you can overclock the SuperFX 1 & 2 which makes the games run faster but until now no-one had cracked getting more frames per second without the game also running too fast.

I kind of hope the new chip isn't doing too much work and is authentic to what would have been possible back in 199X. You can run the full version of Doom on a Megadrive using a Mega Everdrive Pro, but it's basically running the whole game on the cartridge and just using the Megadrive for controller inputs and image output which feels like cheating to me! 😂

Re: Is Winding Down After Almost 20 Years


@RetroGames I don't know if what I'm referencing is related to the people who were being unpleasant. I remember there was a Mega-Man fan game uploaded which caused concerns about copyright and resulted in the full games section being closed to new submissions.

Someone uploaded one or more patches made by someone else who didn't want them posted on RHDN and there was quite a lot of disagreement over whether they should be kept or taken down. I think there was something to do with a Pokemon patch too. I think the whole moderation process was in upheaval at the time.

In all cases there were people who were adamant that the item in question be kept/deleted, which polarised things quite a bit. Although from the sounds of things there was a whole other thing going on in Discord totally separate from the website, so possibly none of the above is related.

Re: Is Winding Down After Almost 20 Years


I just saw that earlier, it's a real shame as the site is one of the ones I usually check every day to see what new hacks are out. I noticed something going on last year when there was some sort of controversy over certain hacks submitted to the site, so I suppose this isn't entirely out of the blue. Hopefully will be able to fill the gap they're leaving behind.